Running gcamfaostat |
gcamfaostat_metadata: generate metadata information of the input data |
driver_drake |
driver |
A tracing utility for the GCAM Data System. |
info |
inputs_of |
load_from_cache |
outputs_of |
create_datamap_from_cache |
gcamfaostat modules |
module_xfaostat_L101_RawDataPreProc1_QCL |
module_xfaostat_L101_RawDataPreProc2_PP_PD_OA |
module_xfaostat_L101_RawDataPreProc3_SCL_FBS |
module_xfaostat_L101_RawDataPreProc4_FBSH_CBH |
module_xfaostat_L101_RawDataPreProc5_TCL |
module_xfaostat_L101_RawDataPreProc6_TM |
module_xfaostat_L101_RawDataPreProc7_FO |
module_xfaostat_L101_RawDataPreProc8_RL_RFN |
module_xfaostat_L102_ProductionArea |
module_xfaostat_L103_ProducerPrices |
module_xfaostat_L104_ProductionAreaAddFodder |
module_xfaostat_L105_DataConnectionToSUA |
module_xfaostat_L106_FoodMacroNutrient |
module_xfaostat_L107_FoodBalanceSheet |
module_xfaostat_L201_Forestry |
module_xfaostat_L301_LandCover |
module_xfaostat_L401_Fertilizer |
module_yfaostat_GCAM_DataExport |
module_yfaostat_Traceable_FBS_DataExport |
gcamdata AgLU modules |
module_aglu_L100.FAO_preprocessing_OtherData |
module_aglu_L100.FAO_SUA_connection |
module_aglu_L100.FAO_SUA_PrimaryEquivalent |
module_aglu_L110.For_FAO_R_Y |
gcamfaostat Chunk Helper Functions |
FAOSTAT_metadata: get the most recent metadata from FAOSTAT API and return a summary data frame |
FF_rawdata_info: extract meta info of data (e.g., zip files) in a folder |
FF_download_FAOSTAT: Bulk download raw data from FAOSTAT API by dataset code |
FF_download_RemoteArchive: Download raw data from remote archive (Zenodo) |
FAOSTAT_load_raw_data: load raw csv data |
FAOSTAT_AREA_RM_NONEXIST: remove nonexistent FAO region using area_code, e.g., USSR after 1991 |
FF_FILL_NUMERATOR_DENOMINATOR Fill in missing values considering relationship between two variables |
FF_summary summarize a loaded FAO dataset |
FF_join_checkmap: full-join data frames by a common COL_by variable to checking mapping |
FF_check_count_plot: count item_code and area_code by year |
rm_accent: Remove accent and prime in selected columns of a data frame |
Balance gross trade |
Balance Supply Utilization Accounting data |
assert processed food balance sheet or supply utilization account is balanced |
Function saving dataset to csv file with headers |
Moving average |
downscale_FAO_country |
treemap_wrapper: a warpper function of the treemap function |
chord_wrapper: a wrapper function of the chordDiagram function Title |
Prebuilt data |
A list of prebuilt data objects. FAOSTAT raw data, those generated in modules xfaostat_L101_RawDataPreProc*, are included to facilitate the processing. Its immediate downstream dependencies then used the prebuilt versions of their outputs stored in this object. |
extract_prebuilt_data |
verify_identical_prebuilt |
gcamdata internal functions (data processing) |
approx_fun |
approx_fun_constant |
Fast left join for large tables |
Helper function: call |
Calculate a gross domestic product (GDP) implicit price deflator between two years. |
graph_chunks |
left_join_error_no_match |
Compute a left join, taking only the first match. |
repeat_add_columns |
Standardize the ISO column by converting to lower case and renaming to 'iso' |
Change a particular ISO code in a table to another code. |
gcamdata internal functions (data tracing) |
add_column_types_header_line |
add_data |
add_comments |
add_flags |
add_legacy_name |
add_precursors |
add_reference |
add_title |
add_units |
same_attributes_as |
same_precursors_as |
get_comments |
getdata |
get_data_list |
get_flags |
Normalize file path to the working directory |
return_data |
Write data produced by chunks to csv files. |
A simplified dstrace which simply finds the chunks which are precursors recursively. |
Plot a trace |
check_chunk_outputs |
chunk_inputs |
chunk_outputs |
chunk_readylist |
empty_data |
extract_header_info |
find_chunks |
find_csv_file |
find_header |
is_data_list |
load_csv_files |
missing_data |
normalize_files |
parse_csv_header |
remove_data |
run_chunk |
screen_forbidden |
tibbelize_outputs |
warn_data_injects |
warn_datachunk_bypass |
warn_mismarked_fileinputs |
Protect column names that are bare integers from being interpreted as integers |