See for the details of the treemap function

  .Depth = 2,
  .Palette = "Set2",
  .FigTitleSize = 12,
  .LastLabelCol = "orange",
  .SaveDir = "../man/figures",
  .SaveScaler = 1,
  .SVG = F,
  .SVG_w = 6,
  .SVG_h = 8



Input data frame. The data frame needs to include index columns (need to be first columns) and a value column.


Grouping depth of the tree; the columns will be used. The first 2 columns in .DF will be index in treemap


Color palette (RColorBrewer is used)


Figure title


Size of title font


Color of the last label


The directory for saving the plot; the default is man/figures.


Name of the saved png file in .SaveDir


A scaler controling the size (dpi = 300)


logical if true export SVG otherwise export PNG


A saved plot in .SaveDir