Data processing

Module structure

The architecture of gcamfaostat processing modules is depicted in the Figure 1 below. This framework currently comprises eight preprocessing modules and nine processing and synthesizing modules, generating twelve output files tailored for GCAM v7. Each module is essentially an R function with well-defined inputs and outputs. To showcase the flexibility and expandability of our package, we also incorporated two AgLU modules (from gcamdata) that exemplify the data aggregation processes, e.g., across regions, sectors, and time. Moreover, the driver_drake function plays a pivotal role by executing all available data processing modules, thereby generating both intermediate and final outputs, which are vital components of our comprehensive data processing pipeline.

Figure 1. The architecture of data processing modules in gcamfaostat

Data synthesizing in a key module

Of particular significance is the module_xfaostat_L105_DataConnectionToSUA, which plays a pivotal role in harmonizing various FAOSTAT datasets to generate a cohesive set of agricultural supply and utilization accounts (SUA) data. This complex process is elucidated in the following Figure 2. This endeavor entails working through nine tiers of data, each sourced differently, with the aim of producing an harmonized agricultural SUA dataset for over 500 agricultural commodities. Compared to the FAO’s FBS, which report food and nutritional information for about 100 composite categories, in many cases combining primary and processed commodities (e.g., wheat and flour) within a single category (e.g., wheat and products), the constructed SUA explicitly trace the transformations between primary and processed commodities, while reporting nutritional details at a highly disaggregated level (over 500 commodities). In doing so, the constructed dataset substantially simplifies the FAOSTAT data processing steps by explicitly distinguishing food and nutritional supply at the individual commodity level and facilitating a straightforward mapping of the corresponding data to the global agroeconomic models.

As an illustrative example, the first tier comprises 168 commodities, generated by combining production data from QCL, trade data from TM, and other essential balancing elements (such as opening and closing stocks, food and feed uses, and other industrial uses) from SCL. For a more comprehensive understanding of these procedures, we encourage an interested user to explore the mapping file, FAO_items. It is crucial to underscore the importance of these processing procedures, as raw FAOSTAT data often contains duplicated elements and inconsistencies among different datasets. For instance, trade data can be found in TCL, TM, SCL, and FBS, while production data exists in QCL and SCL.

Figure 2. FAOSTAT agricultural supply utilization data synthesis in module_xfaostat_L105_DataConnectionToSUA. Note that the nine tiers of data, distinguished by commodities (or items in FAOSTAT terms) included, have different sources for generating agricultural supply utilization accounts.



  • The function runs data processing modules sequentially to generate intermediate data outputs and final output (e.g., csv or other files) for GCAM (gcamdata) or other models.
  • The function is inherited from gcamdata and it uses the drake (Landau 2018) pipeline framework, which simplifies module updates, data tracing, and results visualization process.
  • It stores the outputs in a drake cache so that when the function is run again, it skips the steps that are up-to-date.
  • In constants.R, users can set OUTPUT_Export_CSV = TRUE and specify the output directory (DIR_OUTPUT_CSV) to export and store the output csv files (currently the default option for GCAM v7).

Data tracing

Key functions

As gcamfaostat is built upon the foundation of gcamdata and leverages the powerful drake framework, inheriting functions designed for tracking data flows. In the following, we will delve into several key features that exemplify the strengths of this integration.


  • The function returns information of an object, including name, metadata information, precursors and dependents.


  • The function is able to trace data flows by providing precursors and dependents of an object recursively.


  • If a drake cache is available, e.g., when driver_drake() had been run, this function, if given a list of object names, loads the objects from the cache into a list of data frames.
  • The function get_data_list can be used to assign each object in the list to a data frame.


# Load gcamfaostat
# devtools::load_all() 
# package data, GCAM_DATA_MAP, will be loaded

# Get information for an intermediate data frame L102.QCL_CROP_PRIMARY
#> L102.QCL_CROP_PRIMARY - produced by module_xfaostat_L102_ProductionArea 
#>  FAO primary crop area and production (various)
#>  Detailed FAO QCL data processing for crop area and production
#>  Dependent: yfaostat_GCAM_GCAMFAOSTAT_CSV
#>  Precursor: QCL_wide
#>  Precursor: FBS_wide
#>  Precursor: FBSH_CBH_wide

# Trace all downstream data flows for SCL_wide
dstrace("SCL_wide", direction = "downstream", recurse = T) 
#> 1 - SCL_wide - produced by module_xfaostat_L101_RawDataPreProc3_SCL_FBS 
#>  FAO supply utilization account dataset, 2010+, wide (tonne)
#>  Preprocessed FAOSTAT SCL; ** PRE-BUILT **
#>  Dependent: L105.Bal_new_all (#2 below)
#>  Dependent: L106.SUA_food_macronutrient_rate (#3 below)
#> 2 - L105.Bal_new_all - produced by module_xfaostat_L105_DataConnectionToSUA 
#>  L105.Bal_new_all (Ktonne)
#>  Preprocessed FAO SUA 2010 - 2021
#>  Dependent: yfaostat_GCAM_GCAMFAOSTAT_CSV (#4 below)
#>  Dependent: L107.Traceable_FBS_PCe_2010Plus (#5 below)
#>  Dependent: Metadata_GCAMFAOSTAT_Traceable_FBS (#6 below)
#>  Dependent: SUA_2010_2022 (#7 below)
#> 4 - yfaostat_GCAM_GCAMFAOSTAT_CSV - produced by module_yfaostat_GCAM_DataExport 
#>  Export CSV to DIR_OUTPUT_CSV (NA)
#>  Export CSV
#>  No dependents
#> 5 - L107.Traceable_FBS_PCe_2010Plus - produced by module_xfaostat_L107_FoodBalanceSheet 
#>  L107.Traceable_FBS_PCe_2010Plus (kton)
#>  Updated FBS: Supply utilization balance in primary equivalent, FAO
#>  countries, APE commoditeis, for 2010 +
#>  Dependent: Metadata_GCAMFAOSTAT_Traceable_FBS (#6 above)
#>  Dependent: Traceable_FBS_PCe_2010_2022 (#8 below)
#> 8 - Traceable_FBS_PCe_2010_2022 - produced by module_yfaostat_Traceable_FBS_DataExport 
#>  Traceable_FBS_PCe_2010_2022 (1000 tonnes)
#>  gcamfaostat Export CSV
#>  No dependents
#> 6 - Metadata_GCAMFAOSTAT_Traceable_FBS - produced by module_yfaostat_Traceable_FBS_DataExport 
#>  Export CSV to DIR_OUTPUT_CSV (NA)
#>  Export CSV
#>  No dependents
#> 7 - SUA_2010_2022 - produced by module_yfaostat_Traceable_FBS_DataExport 
#>  SUA_2010_2022 (1000 tonnes)
#>  gcamfaostat Export CSV
#>  No dependents
#> 3 - L106.SUA_food_macronutrient_rate - produced by module_xfaostat_L106_FoodMacroNutrient 
#>  FAO food calories and macronutrient rate (rates)
#>  Detailed FAO food calories and macrotunitent info for 414 SUA items +
#>  12 fish items
#>  Dependent: yfaostat_GCAM_GCAMFAOSTAT_CSV (#4 above)
#>  Dependent: L107.Traceable_FBS_Food_Calorie_Macronutrient_2010Plus (#9 below)
#> 9 - L107.Traceable_FBS_Food_Calorie_Macronutrient_2010Plus - produced by module_xfaostat_L107_FoodBalanceSheet 
#>  L107.Traceable_FBS_Food_Calorie_Macronutrient_2010Plus (MKcal, MtFat, MtProtein)
#>  Dietary energy and macronutrients for food supply in PCe, FAO
#>  countries, APE commoditeis, for 2010 +
#>  Dependent: Metadata_GCAMFAOSTAT_Traceable_FBS (#6 above)
#>  Dependent: SUA_Food_Calorie_Macronutrient_2010_2022 (#10 below)
#>  Dependent: Traceable_FBS_Food_Calorie_Macronutrient_2010_2022 (#11 below)
#> 10 - SUA_Food_Calorie_Macronutrient_2010_2022 - produced by module_yfaostat_Traceable_FBS_DataExport 
#>  SUA_Food_Calorie_Macronutrient_2010_2022 (Mt or Mkcal)
#>  gcamfaostat Export CSV
#>  No dependents
#> 11 - Traceable_FBS_Food_Calorie_Macronutrient_2010_2022 - produced by module_yfaostat_Traceable_FBS_DataExport 
#>  Traceable_FBS_Food_Calorie_Macronutrient_2010_2022 (Mt or Mkcal)
#>  gcamfaostat Export CSV
#>  No dependents

# Get input of a module
#> [1] "FAOSTAT/Mapping_gcamdata_FAO_items" "L102.QCL_PROD"                     
#> [3] "L102.QCL_AN_LIVEANIMAL_MEATEQ"      "TCL_wide"                          
#> [5] "TM_bilateral_wide"                  "FBSH_CBH_wide"                     
#> [7] "FBS_wide"                           "SCL_wide"

# Get output of a module
#> [1] "L106.SUA_food_macronutrient_rate"
# Not evaluated for convenience 
# Load gcamfaostat

# Load FAO_items from cache
load_from_cache("aglu/FAO/FAO_items") %>% first() -> FAO_items
# Print

# Define a list of input data
MODULE_INPUTS <- c("L105.Bal_new_all")
# Load a list of MODULE_INPUTS from cache and assign to their name
get_data_list(all_data = load_from_cache(MODULE_INPUTS), data_list = MODULE_INPUTS)
# Print


Landau, William Michael. 2018. “The Drake R Package: A Pipeline Toolkit for Reproducibility and High-Performance Computing.” Journal of Open Source Software 3 (21): 550.