Here we visualize the processed data to illustrate the
connection of harvested area and food calories via supply utilization
* We focus on the 2013 - 2017 mean as they are the base calibration
years of GCAM. * A user can change the years and mappings as desired. *
All the data used are from gcamfaostat
* Code for generating the figures are provided in the bottom.
* The visualization here will be continuously updates (suggestions and
pull requests welcome).
* Chord diagram for trade and food processing nests will be added
* We will also try using shiny apps to make them interactive.
World area harvested (shares) grouped by GCAM crops based on the 2013 – 2017 mean values. The total harvested area is 1509 million hectares (Mha).
Food calories availability per capita per day grouped by GCAM regions and commodities based on the 2013 – 2017 mean values. The world average value is 2902 Kcal per capita per day (Kcal/ca/d).
World supply utilization accounts for key commodities based on the 2013 – 2017 mean values. Note that negative values are used for demand categories and positive values are used for supply categories. Other uses include seed use, losses, and industrial use; residuals (mostly small) indicate the imbalance in the data, mainly implying the quality of the source data. The total supply is equal to the total demand.
# Load other libraries
## Define input data needed ----
c(FILE = "aglu/FAO/FAO_ag_items_PRODSTAT",
FILE = "common/GCAM_region_names",
FILE = "common/iso_GCAM_regID",
FILE = "aglu/AGLU_ctry",
or dstrace
function. They
are functions inherited from gcamdata
for tracing data
processing flows.MODULE_INPUTS
from drake
# Load the data to all_data as a list
MODULE_INPUTS %>% load_from_cache() -> all_data
# Assign the data items to their names as data frames
get_data_list(all_data, MODULE_INPUTS, strip_attributes = TRUE)
BaseYear <- c(2013:2017)
# simplify population data
OA %>% filter(element_code == 511, item_code == 3010) %>%
transmute(area, area_code, year, value = value / length(BaseYear)) %>%
filter(year %in% BaseYear) %>%
gcamdata::left_join_error_no_match(AGLU_ctry %>% select(area = FAO_country, iso), by = "area") %>%
gcamdata::left_join_error_no_match(iso_GCAM_regID %>% select(iso, GCAM_region_ID), by = "iso") %>%
left_join(GCAM_region_names, by = "GCAM_region_ID") ->
POP #1000 persons
# Figure title
paste0("World population grouped by GCAM 32 regions, ", min(BaseYear), "-", max(BaseYear), " mean (",
round(POP %>% summarize(value = sum(value) / 1000000),1), " Billion)") -> title
.DF = POP %>% select(region, area, value),
.Depth = 2,
.Palette = "YlOrRd", .LastLabelCol = "blue",
.FigTitle = title, .FigTitleSize = 16,
.SaveName = "Fig_WorldPopulation",
.SaveScaler = 1.2
bind_rows(QCL_FODDERCROP) %>%
filter(year %in% BaseYear) %>%
filter(element == "Area harvested") %>%
# Change to Mha
mutate(value = value / 1000000) %>% select(-unit) %>%
# the iso mapping in AGLU_ctry works good now
gcamdata::left_join_error_no_match(AGLU_ctry %>% select(area = FAO_country, iso), by = "area") %>%
gcamdata::left_join_error_no_match(iso_GCAM_regID %>% select(iso, GCAM_region_ID), by = "iso") %>%
left_join(GCAM_region_names, by = "GCAM_region_ID") %>%
group_by(region, item_code, item) %>%
# 5-year average
summarize(value = sum(value) / length(BaseYear), .groups = "drop") %>%
ungroup() %>%
FAO_ag_items_PRODSTAT %>%
filter(!, ! %>%
select(item_code, GCAM_subsector), by = "item_code") ->
paste0("World area harvested grouped by GCAM crops, ", min(BaseYear), "-", max(BaseYear), " mean (",
round(Tree_Area_Reg_Sector %>% summarize(value = sum(value) ),0), " Mha)") -> title
.DF = Tree_Area_Reg_Sector %>% select(GCAM_subsector, item, value),
.Depth = 2,
.Palette = "Set2",
.FigTitle = title, .FigTitleSize = 16,
.SaveName = "Fig_WorldAreaHarvested",
.SaveScaler = 1.1
paste0("World area harvested grouped by GCAM crops and regions, ", min(BaseYear), "-", max(BaseYear), " mean (",
round(Tree_Area_Reg_Sector %>% summarize(value = sum(value) ),0), " Mha)") -> title
.DF = Tree_Area_Reg_Sector %>% select(region, GCAM_subsector, item, value),
.Depth = 3,
.Palette = "Set2",
.FigTitle = title, .FigTitleSize = 20,
.SaveName = "Fig_WorldAreaHarvestedReg",
.SaveScaler = 1.6
YieldBaseYear = 1990
# disaggregate dissolved regions in history
# the iso mapping in AGLU_ctry works good now
left_join_error_no_match(AGLU_ctry %>% select(area = FAO_country, iso), by = "area") %>%
left_join_error_no_match(iso_GCAM_regID %>% select(iso, GCAM_region_ID), by = "iso") %>%
left_join(GCAM_region_names, by = "GCAM_region_ID") %>%
group_by(GCAM_region_ID, region, element, unit, year, item_code) %>%
# aggregate to 32 GCAM regions
summarize(value = sum(value), .groups = "drop") %>%
FAO_ag_items_PRODSTAT %>%
filter(!, ! %>%
select(item_code, GCAM_subsector), by = "item_code") %>%
group_by_at(vars(GCAM_region_ID, region, GCAM_subsector, year, element)) %>%
# Aggregate to GCAM sectors
summarize(value = sum(value), .groups = "drop") %>%
filter(year %in% c(YieldBaseYear, 2020)) %>%
spread(element, value) %>%
filter(`Area harvested` > 0) %>%
# Calculate regio-sector yield
mutate(Yield = Production / `Area harvested`) %>%
gather(element, value, `Area harvested`, Production, Yield) ->
Yield_1990_2020_GCAMRegSector %>%
filter(element == "Yield") %>%
group_by_at(vars(-year, -value)) %>%
# Calculate growth rate
mutate(value = value / first(value)) %>%
filter(! %>% filter(year != YieldBaseYear) ->
Yield_1990_2020_GCAMRegSector_Growth %>%
# Join area to get weight
left_join_error_no_match(Yield_1990_2020_GCAMRegSector %>%
filter(element == "Area harvested") %>% spread(element, value),
by = c("GCAM_region_ID", "region", "GCAM_subsector", "year")) %>%
group_by_at(vars(GCAM_subsector, year)) %>%
summarize(value = weighted.mean(value, w = `Area harvested`), .groups = "drop")->
Yield_1990_2020_GCAMRegSector %>%
spread(element, value) %>%
group_by_at(vars(GCAM_subsector, year)) %>%
summarize(Production = sum(Production),
`Area harvested` = sum(`Area harvested`), .groups = "drop") %>%
mutate(Yield = Production / `Area harvested`) %>%
gather(element, value, `Area harvested`, Production, Yield) %>%
filter(element == "Yield") %>%
group_by_at(vars(-year, -value)) %>%
mutate(value = value / first(value)) %>%
filter(! %>% filter(year != YieldBaseYear) ->
# Order sectors
arrange(-value) %>% pull(GCAM_subsector) -> SectorRank
Yield_1990_2020_GCAMRegSector_Growth %>%
mutate(GCAM_subsector = factor(GCAM_subsector, levels = SectorRank)) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_boxplot(aes(x = GCAM_subsector, y = value, fill = GCAM_subsector), outlier.size = -1) +
geom_line(data = Yield_1990_2020_WorldGCAMSector_Growth_ChangingArea %>%
mutate(GCAM_subsector = factor(GCAM_subsector, levels = SectorRank)),
aes(x = GCAM_subsector, y = value, group = year), color = "blue", size = 1.6, alpha = 0.9 ) +
geom_point(data = Yield_1990_2020_WorldGCAMSector_Growth_FixdArea,
aes(x = GCAM_subsector, y = value), fill = "red", size = 2.5, shape = 21, color = "black" ) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 3.3)) +
labs(y = "1990 = 1", x = "GCAM Crop Sector",
title = "Yield change in 1990 - 2020, distribution (Tukey style) across GCAM regions.",
subtitle = "World mean growth (blue line) vs. weighted mean of regional growth (red dots)",
caption = "Data: FAOSTAT \n Package: JGCRI/gcamfaostat") +
theme_bw() +
theme(text = element_text(size = 16),
axis.text = element_text(colour = "black", size = 16),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 40, hjust = 1, vjust = 1),
strip.background = element_rect(fill = "grey90"),
legend.position = "none") -> p
ggsave(file.path("../man/figures", "WorldYield.png"), p, width = 15, height = 10)
# Define elements and items
c("Opening stocks", "Import", "Production") -> ElEMSupply
c("Food", "Feed", "Processed", "Other uses", "Export", "Closing stocks", "Residuals") -> ELEMDemand
c(ElEMSupply, ELEMDemand) -> ELEMAll
c(ElEMSupply, ELEMDemand %>% rev) -> ELEMLevel
c(paste0("Supply: ", ElEMSupply), paste0("Demand: ", ELEMDemand) %>% rev ) -> ELEMLabel
c("Maize", "Wheat", "Rice, paddy", "Soybeans", "Potatoes", "Oil palm fruit", "Bananas", "Avocados") -> KeySectorCrops
# These are items from FAO
c("Meat, pig", "Meat, chicken", "Eggs, hen, in shell", "Meat, cattle",
"Pelagic Fish", "Freshwater Fish" , "Meat, sheep", "Meat, goat") -> KeySectorMeat
c(KeySectorCrops, KeySectorMeat) -> SECLevel
# Define color pal.
c(brewer.pal(n = length(ELEMAll), name = "Spectral")[1:length(ElEMSupply)],
brewer.pal(n = length(ELEMAll), name = "Spectral")[length(ElEMSupply)+1:length(ELEMDemand)]
) -> ColUpdate
Bal_new_all %>%
filter(year %in% BaseYear) %>%
# Aggregate seed and loss into others
mutate(element = replace(element, element %in% c("Seed", "Loss"), "Other uses")) %>%
group_by_at(vars(-value, -area_code, -area)) %>%
summarize(value = sum(value) / 1000, .groups = "drop") %>%
filter(element %in% ELEMAll, item %in% SECLevel) %>%
# year-average
group_by_at(vars(-value, -year)) %>%
summarize(value = mean(value), .groups = "drop") %>%
mutate(value = if_else(!element %in% ElEMSupply, -value, value)) %>%
mutate(element = factor(element, levels = ELEMLevel, labels = ELEMLabel),
item = factor(item, levels = SECLevel, labels = SECLevel)) %>%
mutate(CropMeat = if_else(item %in% KeySectorCrops, "Crop", "Meat")) ->
DF_SUA %>%
ggplot() + facet_wrap(~CropMeat, scales = "free") +
geom_bar(aes(x = item, y = value, fill = element),
stat = "identity", color = "black", position="stack") +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0)+
scale_fill_manual(values = c("Supply: Opening stocks" = ColUpdate[1],
"Supply: Import" = ColUpdate[2],
"Supply: Production" = ColUpdate[3],
"Demand: Food" = ColUpdate[4],
"Demand: Feed" = ColUpdate[5],
"Demand: Processed" = ColUpdate[6],
"Demand: Other uses" = ColUpdate[7],
"Demand: Residuals" = ColUpdate[8],
"Demand: Export" = ColUpdate[9],
"Demand: Closing stocks" = ColUpdate[10] ) ) +
labs(x = "Key agriculture Commodities",
y = "Million tonnes", fill = "Element",
title = "World supply utilization for key commodities, 2013 - 2017 mean",
subtitle = "Other uses include seed use, losses, and industrial use",
caption = "Data: FAOSTAT \n Package: JGCRI/gcamfaostat") +
theme_bw() +
theme(text = element_text(size = 16),
axis.text = element_text(colour = "black", size = 16),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 35, hjust = 1, vjust = 1),
strip.background = element_rect(fill = "grey100"),
strip.text = element_text(size = 16)) -> p;p
ggsave(file.path("../man/figures", "Fig_WorldSUA.png"), p, width = 16, height = 10)
FAO_Food_Macronutrient_All_2010_2019 %>%
filter(year %in% BaseYear) %>%
# Aggregate to region and GCAM commodity
dplyr::group_by_at(vars(GCAM_region_ID, GCAM_commodity, year, macronutrient)) %>%
summarise(value = sum(value), .groups = "drop") %>%
dplyr::group_by_at(vars(-year, -value)) %>%
summarise(value = mean(value), .groups = "drop") %>%
spread(macronutrient, value) %>%
POP %>% group_by(GCAM_region_ID, region) %>%
summarize(POP = sum(value)/1000, .groups = "drop"), # Million
by = "GCAM_region_ID"
) %>%
# Grouping
mutate(MeatCrop = if_else(GCAM_commodity %in%
c("Beef", "SheepGoat", "Dairy", "OtherMeat_Fish", "Pork", "Poultry"), "Meat", "Crop")) %>%
mutate(Food = if_else(GCAM_commodity %in%
c("Beef", "SheepGoat"), "Ruminant", "Crops"),
Food = if_else(GCAM_commodity %in% c("OtherMeat_Fish", "Pork", "Poultry"),
"Non-ruminant", Food),
Food = if_else(GCAM_commodity %in% c("Dairy"),
"Dairy", Food),
Food = if_else(GCAM_commodity %in% "NEC", "Other processed", Food),
Food = if_else(GCAM_commodity %in% c("OilCrop", "Soybean", "OilPalm", "FiberCrop"), "Oilseed", Food),
Food = if_else(GCAM_commodity %in% c("Corn", "Wheat", "Rice", "OtherGrain"), "Cereal grains", Food)) %>%
mutate(PcPdKcal = MKcal / POP / 365) ->
DF_Macronutrient_FoodItem %>%
summarize(PKcal = sum(MKcal)/10^9) %>%
left_join(POP %>% summarize(BPOP = sum(value) / 1000000), by = character()) %>%
mutate(PcPdKcal = PKcal / BPOP / 365 * 1000000) -> WorldSTAT
# World level by commodity
paste0("World food calories availability, ", min(BaseYear), "-", max(BaseYear), " mean (",
round(WorldSTAT$PKcal,2), " Peta-Kcal or ", round(WorldSTAT$PcPdKcal, 0)," Kcal/ca/d)") ->
.DF = DF_Macronutrient_FoodItem %>% select(Food, GCAM_commodity, value = MKcal),
.Depth = 2,
.FigTitle = title, .FigTitleSize = 14,
.SaveName = "Fig_WorldFoodCalories",
.SaveScaler = 1
# By commodity and region
paste0("World food calories availability by region and commodity, ", min(BaseYear), "-", max(BaseYear), " mean (",
round(WorldSTAT$PKcal,2), " Peta-Kcal)") ->
.DF = DF_Macronutrient_FoodItem %>% select(region, Food, GCAM_commodity, value = MKcal),
.Depth = 3,
.FigTitle = title, .FigTitleSize = 18,
.SaveName = "Fig_WorldFoodCaloriesReg",
.SaveScaler = 1.6
# By commodity and region per ca per day
paste0("Per ca. per day food calories availability by region and commodity, ",
min(BaseYear), "-", max(BaseYear), " mean (world: ", round(WorldSTAT$PcPdKcal, 0)," Kcal/ca/d)") ->
.DF = DF_Macronutrient_FoodItem %>% select(region, Food, GCAM_commodity, value = PcPdKcal),
.Depth = 3,
.FigTitle = title, .FigTitleSize = 20,
.SaveName = "Fig_WorldFoodCaloriesRegPcPerDay",
.SaveScaler = 1.8
See Cast Study for details.