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This vignette provides a basic introduction for running Hector with R, assuming that Hector is already installed. First, it shows how to do a simple Hector run with a built-in scenario. It then demonstrates how to modify Hector parameters from within R to perform a simple sensitivity analysis of how the CO2_2 fertilization parameter β\beta affects several Hector output variables.

Basic run

First, load the hector package.

Hector is configured via an INI file, which defines run metadata, inputs (e.g., emissions scenarios), and parameters. For details on this file, see InputFiles.

These files ship with the Hector R package in the input/ subdirectory, which allows them to be accessed via system.file. First, determine the path of the input file (ini) corresponding to the scenario SPP245.

ini_file <- system.file("input/hector_ssp245.ini", package = "hector")

Alternatively, users may provide a path to an ini file external to the Hector package on their local machine. This file must comply with the Hector ini requirements.

external_ini_file <- "/path/to/ini/on/local/machine/my_ini.ini"

Next, we initialize a Hector instance, or “core”, using this configuration. This core is a self-contained object that contains information about all of Hector’s inputs and outputs. The core is initialized via the newcore function:

core <- newcore(ini_file)
## Hector core: Unnamed Hector core
## Start date:  1745
## End date:    2300
## Current date:    1745
## Input file:  /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/hector/input/hector_ssp245.ini

Now that we have configured a Hector core, we can run it with the run function.

## Hector core: Unnamed Hector core
## Start date:  1745
## End date:    2300
## Current date:    2300
## Input file:  /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/hector/input/hector_ssp245.ini

Notice that this itself returns no output. Instead, the output is stored inside the core object. To retrieve it, we use the fetchvars() function. Below, we also specify that we want to retrieve results from 2000 to 2300.

results <- fetchvars(core, 2000:2300)
##              scenario year          variable    value    units
## 1 Unnamed Hector core 2000 CO2_concentration 369.5062 ppmv CO2
## 2 Unnamed Hector core 2001 CO2_concentration 371.1754 ppmv CO2
## 3 Unnamed Hector core 2002 CO2_concentration 372.7740 ppmv CO2
## 4 Unnamed Hector core 2003 CO2_concentration 374.4827 ppmv CO2
## 5 Unnamed Hector core 2004 CO2_concentration 376.2529 ppmv CO2
## 6 Unnamed Hector core 2005 CO2_concentration 378.2501 ppmv CO2

The results are returned as a long data.frame. This makes it easy to plot them using ggplot2.


ggplot(results) +
  aes(x = year, y = value) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~variable, scales = "free_y")

By default, fetchvars() returns the four outputs shown above – atmospheric CO2_2 concentration, CO2_2 radiative forcing, total radiative forcing, and temperature change – but any model output(s) can be specified.

Setting parameters

The Hector R interface interacts with parameters and variables in the same way. Therefore, the variables can be set and checked via setvar() and fetchvars().

First, let’s get the current value of β\beta (beta), the CO2_2 fertilization factor. Because variables and parameter names have to be retrieved from the Hector core, they are stored as R functions (e.g. BETA()). However, these functions return a string corresponding to the variable name.

## [1] "beta"

Just as we did to load results, we use fetchvars() to query parameter values.

beta <- fetchvars(core, NA, BETA())
##              scenario year variable value      units
## 1 Unnamed Hector core   NA     beta  0.53 (unitless)

The result of fetchvars() is always a data.frame with the same columns, even when returning a parameter value. Note also the use of NA in the second argument (dates).

The current value is set to 0.36 (note that it is a unitless quantity, hence the (unitless) unit). Let’s bump it up a little to 0.40.

setvar(core, NA, BETA(), 0.40, "(unitless)")

Similarly to run, this returns no output. Rather, the change is stored inside the Hector “core” object. We can confirm that our change took effect with another call to fetchvars().

fetchvars(core, NA, BETA())
##              scenario year variable value      units
## 1 Unnamed Hector core   NA     beta   0.4 (unitless)

Now, let’s run the simulation again with a higher value for CO2_2 fertilization. But, before we do, let’s look once again at the Hector core object.

## Hector core: Unnamed Hector core
## Start date:  1745
## End date:    2300
## Current date:    2300
## Input file:  /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/hector/input/hector_ssp245.ini

Notice that Current date is set to 2300. This is because we have already run this core to its end date. The ability to stop and resume Hector runs with the same configuration, possibly with adjusting values of certain variables while stopped, is an essential part of the model’s functionality. But, it’s not something we’re interested in here. We have already stored the previous run’s output in results above, so we can safely reset the core:

## Hector core: Unnamed Hector core
## Start date:  1745
## End date:    2300
## Current date:    1745
## Input file:  /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/hector/input/hector_ssp245.ini

This effectively ‘rewinds’ the core back to either the provided date (defaults to 0 if missing) or the model start date (set in the INI file; default is 1745), whichever is greater. In addition, if the date argument is less than the model start date and spinup is enabled (do_spinup = 1 in the INI file), then the core will re-do its spinup process with the current set of parameters.


Prior to a normal run beginning in 1745, Hector has an optional “spinup” mode where it runs the carbon cycle with no perturbations until it stabilizes. Essentially, the model removes human emissions and runs until there are no more changes in the carbon pools and the system has reached equilibrium.

Because changing Hector parameters can change the post-spinup equilibrium values of state variables, Hector will automatically run reset(core, date = 0) at the beginning of the next run call if it detects that any of its parameters have changed. This means that it is not currently possible to change Hector parameters (such as β\beta or preindustrial CO2) part-way through a run. However, it is still possible to change the values of specific drivers and state variables (such as the CO2 emissions) in the middle of a run.

So, as a result of the reset command, the core’s Current Date is now the model start date – 1745. We can now perform another run with the new CO2_2 fertilization value.

## Hector core: Unnamed Hector core
## Start date:  1745
## End date:    2300
## Current date:    2300
## Input file:  /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/hector/input/hector_ssp245.ini
results_40 <- fetchvars(core, 2000:2300)
##              scenario year          variable    value    units
## 1 Unnamed Hector core 2000 CO2_concentration 379.3143 ppmv CO2
## 2 Unnamed Hector core 2001 CO2_concentration 381.1770 ppmv CO2
## 3 Unnamed Hector core 2002 CO2_concentration 382.9758 ppmv CO2
## 4 Unnamed Hector core 2003 CO2_concentration 384.8905 ppmv CO2
## 5 Unnamed Hector core 2004 CO2_concentration 386.8731 ppmv CO2
## 6 Unnamed Hector core 2005 CO2_concentration 389.0895 ppmv CO2

Let’s see how changing the CO2_2 fertilization affects our results.

results[["beta"]] <- 0.36
results_40[["beta"]] <- 0.40
compare_results <- rbind(results, results_40)

ggplot(compare_results) +
  aes(x = year, y = value, color = factor(beta)) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~variable, scales = "free_y") +
  guides(color = guide_legend(title = expression(beta)))

As expected, increasing CO2_2 fertilization increases the strength of the terrestrial carbon sink and therefore reduces atmospheric CO2_2, radiative forcing, and global temperature. However, the effects only become pronounced in the latter half of the 21st century.

Sensitivity analysis

Hector runs quickly, making it easy to run many simulations under slightly different configurations. One application of this is to explore the sensitivity of Hector to variability in its parameters.

The basic procedure for this is the same as in the previous section. However, to save typing (and, in general, to be good programmers!), let’s create some functions.

#' Run Hector with a parameter set to a particular value, and return results
#' @param core Hector core to use for execution
#' @param parameter Hector parameter name, as a function call (e.g. `BETA()`)
#' @param value Parameter value
#' @return Results, as data.frame, with additional `parameter_value` column
run_with_param <- function(core, parameter, value) {
  setvar(core, NA, parameter, value, getunits(parameter))
  result <- fetchvars(core, 2000:2300)
  result[["parameter_value"]] <- value
  result[["parameter_units"]] <- getunits(parameter)

#' Run Hector with a range of parameter values
run_with_param_range <- function(core, parameter, values) {
  mapped <- Map(function(x) run_with_param(core, parameter, x), values)
  Reduce(rbind, mapped)

sensitivity_beta <- run_with_param_range(core, BETA(), seq(0, 1, length.out = 5))

ggplot(sensitivity_beta) +
  aes(x = year, y = value, color = parameter_value, group = parameter_value) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~variable, scales = "free_y") +
  guides(color = guide_colorbar(title = expression(beta))) +

As we can see, the ability of CO2_2 fertilization to offset carbon emissions saturates, at high values of β\beta, the same increase in β\beta translates into a smaller decrease in atmospheric CO2_2 and related climate effects.