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General information

When Hector is invoked from the command line, it takes a single parameter: the name of the primary input file to read. This file, typically stored in the input/ directory, contains configuration and parameter data controlling the model’s run, output, and behavior.

The primary input file is a text file with sections, properties, and values. For example, the beginning of the SSP245 file included in the repository looks like this:

; Config file for hector model: SSP245

Here, comments start with a semicolon (;); section names (core) are enclosed in square brackets; and a property (run_name) is assigned a value (ssp245). Properties are guaranteed to be unique within a particular section, and all sections match one-to-one with a model component.

Table of model parameters

Section Parameter Biome specific Time variant Required Default Units Description
core run_name n n y (unitless) Name of model run
core startDate n n y 1745 year Start date of model run
core endDate n n y 2300 year End date of model run
core trackingDate n n y 9999 year Year to start tracking carbon
core do_spinup n n y 1 (unitless) If 1, spin up model before running (default=1)
core max_spinup n n y 2000 (unitless) Maximum steps allowed for spinup (default=2000)
ocean enabled n n y 1 (unitless) Putting ‘enabled=0’ will disable any component
ocean spinup_chem n n y 0 (unitless) Run ocean surface chemistry during spinup phase?
ocean tt n n y 7.20E+07 m3 s-1 Ocean thermohaline circulation
ocean tu n n y 4.90E+07 m3 s-1 Ocean high latitude overturning
ocean twi n n y 1.25E+07 m3 s-1 Ocean warm-intermediate exchange
ocean tid n n y 2.00E+08 m3 s-1 Ocean intermediate-deep exchange
ocean preind_surface_c n n n 900 Pg C Initial surface ocean carbon
ocean preind_interdeep_c n n n 37100 Pg C Initial intermediate + deep ocean carbon
simpleNbox atmos_co2 n n y 588.071 Pg C Initial atmospheric CO2
simpleNbox C0 n n y 277.15 Pg C Initial atmospheric C pool
simpleNbox pf.veg_c y n n 55 Pg C Initial vegetation C pool
simpleNbox nonpf.veg_c y n n 495 Pg C Initial vegetation C pool
simpleNbox veg_c n n y 550 Pg C Initial vegetation C pool
simpleNbox pf.detritus_c y n n 5 Pg C Initial detritus C pool
simpleNbox nonpf.detritus_c y n n 50 Pg C Initial detritus C pool
simpleNbox detritus_c n n y 55 Pg C Initial detritus C pool
simpleNbox pf.soil_c y n n 308 Pg C Initial soil C pool
simpleNbox nonpf.soil_c y n n 609 Pg C Initial soil C pool
simpleNbox soil_c n n y 917 Pg C Initial soil C pool
simpleNbox pf.permafrost_c y n n 865 Pg C Initial permafrost C pool
simpleNbox nonpf.permafrost_c y n n 0 Pg C Initial permafrost C pool
simpleNbox permafrost_c n n y 865 Pg C Initial permafrost C pool
simpleNbox pf.npp_flux0 y n n 5.6 Pg C yr-1 Preindustrial net primary production
simpleNbox nonpf.npp_flux0 y n n 50.6 Pg C yr-1 Preindustrial net primary production
simpleNbox npp_flux0 n n y 56.2 Pg C yr-1 Preindustrial net primary production
simpleNbox pf.f_nppv n n y 0.35 (unitless) Fraction of NPP to vegetation
simpleNbox nonpf.f_nppv n n y 0.35 (unitless) Fraction of NPP to vegetation
simpleNbox f_nppv n n y 0.35 (unitless) Fraction of NPP to vegetation
simpleNbox pf.f_nppd n n y 0.35 (unitless) Fraction of NPP to vegetation
simpleNbox nonpf.f_nppd n n y 0.35 (unitless) Fraction of NPP to vegetation
simpleNbox f_nppd n n y 0.6 (unitless) Fraction of NPP to detritus (balance to soil)
simpleNbox pf.f_litterd n n n 0.35 (unitless) Fraction of NPP to vegetation
simpleNbox nonpf.f_litterd n n n 0.35 (unitless) Fraction of NPP to vegetation
simpleNbox f_litterd n n y 0.98 (unitless) Fraction of litter flux to detritus (balance to soil)
simpleNbox pf.beta n n n 0.36 (unitless) CO2 fertilization factor
simpleNbox nonpf.beta n n n 0.36 (unitless) CO2 fertilization factor
simpleNbox beta n n y 0.36 (unitless) CO2 fertilization factor
simpleNbox pf.q10_rh n n n 2 (unitless) Respiration temperature response (Q10)
simpleNbox nonpf.q10_rh n n n 2 (unitless) Respiration temperature response (Q10)
simpleNbox q10_rh n n y 2 (unitless) Respiration temperature response (Q10)
simpleNbox pf.warmingfactor y n n 2 (unitless) biome-specific warming factors
simpleNbox RF_albedo n n y “(csv)” W m-2 Albedo radiative forcing effect
simpleNbox permafrost_c y n y 0 Pg C Preindustrial permafrost carbon pool
simpleNbox fpf_static y n n 0.74 (unitless) Fraction of permafrost that is static (non-labile)
simpleNbox rh_ch4_frac y n n 0.023 (unitless) Fraction of thawed permafrost decomposed as CH4
simpleNbox pf_mu y n n 1.67 (unitless) Permafrost thaw parameter; see Woodard et al. 2021
simpleNbox pf_sigma y n n 0.986 (unitless) Permafrost thaw parameter; see Woodard et al. 2021
carbon-cycle-solver eps_abs n n y 1.00E-06 (unitless) Solver solution tolerance
carbon-cycle-solver eps_rel n n y 1.00E-06 (unitless) Solver solution tolerance
carbon-cycle-solver dt n n y 0.25 (unitless) Solver default time step
carbon-cycle-solver eps_spinup n n y 0.001 Pg C Model spinup tolerance (drift), Pg C
CH4 M0 n n y 731.41 ppb preindustrial methane IPCC AR6 Table 7.SM.1, the CH4 forcing equations is calibrated to a M0 of 731.41 ppb
CH4 Tsoil n n y 160 years CH4 loss to soil
CH4 Tstrat n n y 120 years CH4 loss to stratosphere
CH4 UC_CH4 n n y 2.78 Tg CH4 ppb-1 unit conversion between emissions and concentrations
CH4 CH4N n n y 341 best fit
OH TOH0 n n y 6.6 years initial OH lifetime
OH CNOX n n y 0.0042 coefficient for NOX
OH CCO n n y -1.05E-04 coefficient for CO
OH CNMVOC n n y -3.15E-04 coefficient for NMVOC (non methane VOC)
OH CCH4 n n y -0.32 coefficient for CH4
ozone PO3 n n y 30 preindustrial O3 concentration
N2O N0 n n y 273.87 ppb preindustrial nitrous oxide from IPCC AR6 table 7.SM.1
N2O UC_N2O n n y 4.8 TgN ppbv-1 unit conversion between emissions and concentrations
N2O TN2O0 n n y 132 years initial lifetime of N2O
forcing baseyear n n y 1750 when to start reporting; by definition, all F=0 in this year
forcing delta_co2 n n y 0.05 (unitless) forcing tropospheric adjustments for CO2 ( of IPCC AR6)
forcing delta_ch4 n n y -0.14 (unitless) forcing tropospheric adjustments for CH4 ( of IPCC AR6)
forcing delta_n2o n n y 0.07 (unitless) forcing tropospheric adjustments for N2O ( of IPCC AR6)
forcing rho_bc n n y 0.0508 W yr m-2 C Tg-1 IPCC AR6 radiative efficiency BC (7.SM.1.3 of IPCC AR6)
forcing rho_oc n n y -0.00621 W yr m-2 C Tg-1 IPCC AR6 radiative efficiency OC (7.SM.1.3.1 of IPCC AR6)
forcing rho_so2 n n y -7.24E-06 W yr m-2 S Gg-1 IPCC AR6 radiative efficiency SO2 (7.SM.1.3.1 of IPCC AR6)
forcing rho_nh3 n n y -0.00208 W yr m-2 NH3 Tg-1 IPCC AR6 radiative efficiency NH3 (7.SM.1.3.1 of IPCC AR6)
forcing RF_misc n n n “(csv)” Miscellaneous radiative forcings default set to 0
forcing RF_misc n n y 0 Miscellaneous radiative forcings default set to 0, or read in from a input table, may be used to read in additional forcings not modeled by Hector (i.e. solar, bc on snow , contrails from)
temperature S n n y 3 degC equilibrium climate sensitivity for 2xCO2
temperature diff n n y 2.3 cm2 s-1 ocean heat diffusivity
temperature alpha n n y 1 (unitless) scaling factor for aerosol forcing
temperature volscl n n y 1 (unitless) scaling factor for volcanic forcing
temperature qco2 n n y 3.75 CO2 RF (7.3.2 of IPCC AR6)
CF4_halocarbon tau n n y 50000 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
CF4_halocarbon rho_CF4 n n y 9.90E-05 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
CF4_halocarbon delta_CF4 n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
CF4_halocarbon H0 n n y 35 pptv preindustrial concentration
CF4_halocarbon molarMass n n y 88.0043 g molar mass
C2F6_halocarbon tau n n y 10000 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
C2F6_halocarbon rho_C2F6 n n y 2.61E-04 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
C2F6_halocarbon delta_C2F6 n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
C2F6_halocarbon molarMass n n y 138.01 g molar mass
HFC23_halocarbon tau n n y 228 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
HFC23_halocarbon rho_HFC23 n n y 1.91E-04 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
HFC23_halocarbon delta_HFC23 n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
HFC23_halocarbon molarMass n n y 70 g molar mass
HFC32_halocarbon tau n n y 5.4 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
HFC32_halocarbon rho_HFC32 n n y 1.11E-04 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
HFC32_halocarbon delta_HFC32 n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
HFC32_halocarbon molarMass n n y 52 g molar mass
HFC4310_halocarbon tau n n y 17 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
HFC4310_halocarbon rho_HFC4310 n n y 3.57E-04 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
HFC4310_halocarbon delta_HFC4310 n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
HFC4310_halocarbon molarMass n n y 252 g molar mass
HFC125_halocarbon tau n n y 30 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
HFC125_halocarbon rho_HFC125 n n y 2.34E-04 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
HFC125_halocarbon delta_HFC125 n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
HFC125_halocarbon molarMass n n y 120.02 g molar mass
HFC134a_halocarbon tau n n y 14 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
HFC134a_halocarbon rho_HFC134a n n y 1.67E-04 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
HFC134a_halocarbon delta_HFC134a n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
HFC134a_halocarbon molarMass n n y 102.02 g molar mass
HFC143a_halocarbon tau n n y 51 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
HFC143a_halocarbon rho_HFC143a n n y 1.68E-04 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
HFC143a_halocarbon delta_HFC143a n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
HFC143a_halocarbon molarMass n n y 84.04 g molar mass
HFC227ea_halocarbon tau n n y 36 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
HFC227ea_halocarbon rho_HFC227ea n n y 2.73E-04 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
HFC227ea_halocarbon delta_HFC227ea n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
HFC227ea_halocarbon molarMass n n y 170.03 g molar mass
HFC245fa_halocarbon tau n n y 7.9 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
HFC245fa_halocarbon rho_HFC245fa n n y 2.45E-04 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
HFC245fa_halocarbon delta_HFC245fa n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
HFC245fa_halocarbon molarMass n n y 134 g molar mass
SF6_halocarbon tau n n y 3200 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
SF6_halocarbon rho_SF6 n n y 5.67E-04 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
SF6_halocarbon delta_SF6 n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
SF6_halocarbon molarMass n n y 146.06 g molar mass
CFC11_halocarbon tau n n y 52 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
CFC11_halocarbon rho_CFC11 n n y 2.59E-04 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
CFC11_halocarbon delta_CFC11 n n y 0.13 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
CFC11_halocarbon molarMass n n y 137.35 g molar mass
CFC12_halocarbon tau n n y 102 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
CFC12_halocarbon rho_CFC12 n n y 3.20E-03 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
CFC12_halocarbon delta_CFC12 n n y 0.13 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
CFC12_halocarbon molarMass n n y 120.9 g molar mass
CFC113_halocarbon tau n n y 93 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
CFC113_halocarbon rho_CFC113 n n y 3.01E-04 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
CFC113_halocarbon delta_CFC113 n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
CFC113_halocarbon molarMass n n y 187.35 g molar mass
CFC114_halocarbon tau n n y 189 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
CFC114_halocarbon rho_CFC114 n n y 3.14E-04 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
CFC114_halocarbon delta_CFC114 n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
CFC114_halocarbon molarMass n n y 170.9 g molar mass
CFC115_halocarbon tau n n y 540 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
CFC115_halocarbon rho_CFC115 n n y 2.46E-04 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
CFC115_halocarbon delta_CFC115 n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
CFC115_halocarbon molarMass n n y 154.45 g molar mass
CCl4_halocarbon tau n n y 32 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
CCl4_halocarbon rho_CCl4 n n y 1.66E-04 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
CCl4_halocarbon delta_CCl4 n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
CCl4_halocarbon molarMass n n y 153.8 g molar mass
CH3CC13_halocarbon tau n n y 5 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
CH3CC13_halocarbon rho_CH3CCl3 n n y 6.50E-05 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
CH3CC13_halocarbon delta_CH3CCl3 n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
CH3CC13_halocarbon molarMass n n y 133.35 g molar mass
halon1211_halocarbon tau n n y 16 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
halon1211_halocarbon rho_halon1211 n n y 3.00E-04 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
halon1211_halocarbon delta_halon1211 n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
halon1211_halocarbon molarMass n n y 165.35 g molar mass
halon1301_halocarbon tau n n y 72 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
halon1301_halocarbon rho_halon1301 n n y 2.99E-04 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
halon1301_halocarbon delta_halon1301 n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
halon1301_halocarbon molarMass n n y 148.9 g molar mass
halon2402_halocarbon tau n n y 28 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
halon2402_halocarbon rho_halon2402 n n y 3.12E-04 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
halon2402_halocarbon delta_halon2402 n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
halon2402_halocarbon molarMass n n y 259.8 g molar mass
HCF22_halocarbon tau n n y 11.9 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
HCF22_halocarbon rho_HCFC22 n n y 2.14E-04 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
HCF22_halocarbon delta_HCFC22 n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
HCF22_halocarbon molarMass n n y 86.45 g molar mass
HCFC141b_halocarbon tau n n y 9.4 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
HCFC141b_halocarbon rho_HCFC141b n n y 1.61E-04 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
HCFC141b_halocarbon delta_HCFC141b n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
HCFC141b_halocarbon molarMass n n y 116.9 g molar mass
HCFC142b_halocarbon tau n n y 18 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
HCFC142b_halocarbon rho_HCFC142b n n y 1.93E-04 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
HCFC142b_halocarbon delta_HCFC142b n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
HCFC142b_halocarbon molarMass n n y 100.45 g molar mass
CH3Cl_halocarbon tau n n y 0.9 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
CH3Cl_halocarbon rho_CH3Cl n n y 5.00E-06 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
CH3Cl_halocarbon delta_CH3Cl n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
CH3Cl_halocarbon H0 n n y 504 pptv preindustrial concentration, from Saito et al 2007 GRL
CH3Cl_halocarbon molarMass n n y 50.45 g molar mass
CH3Br_halocarbon tau n n y 0.8 years lifetime in years (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
CH3Br_halocarbon rho_CH3Br n n y 4.00E-06 W m-2 ppt-1 radiative efficiencies (Table 7.SM.7 IPPC AR6)
CH3Br_halocarbon delta_CH3Br n n y 0 (unitless) tropospheric adjustments scalar ( IPCC AR6)
CH3Br_halocarbon H0 n n y 5.8 pptv preindustrial concentration, from Saltzman et al 2004 JGR
CH3Br_halocarbon molarMass n n y 50.45 g molar mass

Table of biome-specific inputs

It is possible to run Hector with multiple distinct biomes. The following parameters are specific to a particular biome.

Section Parameter Biome specific Time variant Required Default Units Description
simpleNbox pf.veg_c y n n 55 Pg C Initial vegetation C pool
simpleNbox nonpf.veg_c y n n 495 Pg C Initial vegetation C pool
simpleNbox pf.detritus_c y n n 5 Pg C Initial detritus C pool
simpleNbox nonpf.detritus_c y n n 50 Pg C Initial detritus C pool
simpleNbox pf.soil_c y n n 308 Pg C Initial soil C pool
simpleNbox nonpf.soil_c y n n 609 Pg C Initial soil C pool
simpleNbox pf.permafrost_c y n n 865 Pg C Initial permafrost C pool
simpleNbox nonpf.permafrost_c y n n 0 Pg C Initial permafrost C pool
simpleNbox pf.npp_flux0 y n n 5.6 Pg C yr-1 Preindustrial net primary production
simpleNbox nonpf.npp_flux0 y n n 50.6 Pg C yr-1 Preindustrial net primary production
simpleNbox pf.warmingfactor y n n 2 (unitless) biome-specific warming factors
simpleNbox permafrost_c y n y 0 Pg C Preindustrial permafrost carbon pool
simpleNbox fpf_static y n n 0.74 (unitless) Fraction of permafrost that is static (non-labile)
simpleNbox rh_ch4_frac y n n 0.023 (unitless) Fraction of thawed permafrost decomposed as CH4
simpleNbox pf_mu y n n 1.67 (unitless) Permafrost thaw parameter; see Woodard et al. 2021
simpleNbox pf_sigma y n n 0.986 (unitless) Permafrost thaw parameter; see Woodard et al. 2021

Table of variable inputs (with a time index)

There are two Hector-specific wrinkles to the INI property-value assignment scheme. First, some properties have a time index that’s required when assigning:


More commonly, such time series are assigned by reading data in from a comma-separated value text file:


In this case, the input/emissions/ssp245_emissions.csv file is parsed and the data in column lucEmissions are assigned to the model variable, with a required Date column providing the time index. Note that a “(csv)” entry in the default column indicates that the values are passed in via a path to a csv file.

Section Input variable Biome specific Time variant Required Default Units Description
simpleNbox ffi_emissions n y y “(csv)” Pg C yr-1 Anthropogenic contributions: emissions
simpleNbox daccs_uptake n y y “(csv)” Pg C yr-1 Anthropogenic contributions: direct air carbon capture and storage
simpleNbox luc_emissions n y y “(csv)” Pg C yr-1 Anthropogenic contributions: land use change
simpleNbox luc_uptake n y y “(csv)” Pg C yr-2 Anthropogenic contributions: land use change
simpleNbox CO2_constrain n y n “(csv)” ppmv Atmospheric CO2 constraint
simpleNbox NBP_constrain n y n “(csv)” Pg C yr-1 Net biome production (land-atmosphere C flux) constaint
so2 SO2_emissions n y y “(csv)” emissions time series
so2 SV n y y “(csv)” volcanic radiative forcing time series
CH4 CH4_emissions n y y “(csv)” emissions time series
CH5 CH4_constrain n y n “(csv)” CH4 concentration constraint
OH NOX_emissions n y y “(csv)” emissions time series
OH CO_emissions n y y “(csv)” emissions time series
OH NMVOC_emissions n y y “(csv)” emissions time series
ozone NOX_emissions n y y “(csv)” emissions time series
ozone CO_emissions n y y “(csv)” emissions time series
ozone NMVOC_emissions n y y “(csv)” emissions time series
N2O N2O_natural_emissions n y y 9.5 default natural emissions based on a best fit to IPCC AR6 N2O RF
N2O N2O_emissions n y y “(csv)” emissions time series
N2O N2O_constrain n y n “(csv)” N2O concentration constraint
forcing RF_tot_constrain n y n “(csv)” If supplied, the model will use these data, ignoring what it calculates
temperature tas_constrain n y n “(csv)” Optional global temperature constraint; If supplied, the model will use these data, ignoring what it calculates
bc BC_emissions n y y “(csv)”
oc OC_emissions n y y “(csv)”
nh3 NH3_emissions n y y “(csv)”
CF4_halocarbon CF4_emissions n y y “(csv)”
C2F6_halocarbon C2F6_emissions n y y “(csv)”
HFC23_halocarbon HFC23_emissions n y y “(csv)”
HFC32_halocarbon HFC32_emissions n y y “(csv)”
HFC4310_halocarbon HFC4310_emissions n y y “(csv)”
HFC125_halocarbon HFC125_emissions n y y “(csv)”
HFC134a_halocarbon HFC134a_emissions n y y “(csv)”
HFC143a_halocarbon HFC143a_emissions n y y “(csv)”
HFC227ea_halocarbon HFC227ea_emissions n y y “(csv)”
HFC245fa_halocarbon HFC245fa_emissions n y y “(csv)”
SF6_halocarbon SF6_emissions n y y “(csv)”
CFC11_halocarbon CFC11_emissions n y y “(csv)”
CFC12_halocarbon CFC12_emissions n y y “(csv)”
CFC113_halocarbon CFC113_emissions n y y “(csv)”
CFC114_halocarbon CFC114_emissions n y y “(csv)”
CFC115_halocarbon CCl4_emissions n y y “(csv)”
CCl4_halocarbon CFC115_emissions n y y “(csv)”
CH3CC13_halocarbon CH3CCl3_emissions n y y “(csv)”
halon1211_halocarbon halon1211_emissions n y y “(csv)”
halon1301_halocarbon halon1301_emissions n y y “(csv)”
halon2402_halocarbon halon2402_emissions n y y “(csv)”
HCF22_halocarbon HCFC22_emissions n y y “(csv)”
HCFC141b_halocarbon HCFC141b_emissions n y y “(csv)”
HCFC142b_halocarbon HCFC142b_emissions n y y “(csv)”
CH3Cl_halocarbon CH3Cl_emissions n y y “(csv)”
CH3Br_halocarbon CH3Br_emissions n y y “(csv)”