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hector 3.2.0

DOI * Correct aerosol forcing coefficients based on Zelinka et al. (2023) * Enable permafrost module and recalibrate model’s default parameterization

hector 3.1.1

Return global mean surface temperature as a Hector output.

hector 3.0.1


Minor documentation change to the citation file.

hector 3.0.0


  • Updated parameterization, incorporating latest consensus science and for best model performance relative to historical observations
  • New radiative forcing calculations for consistency with AR6
  • Better and more complete software tests; many bug fixes
  • Updated from RCPs to SSPs as the default included scenarios
  • New net biome production (land-atmosphere carbon exchange) constraint
  • New online documentation
  • Experimental implementation of permafrost implementation: models permafrost thaw as well as CO2 and CH4 release; optional and currently off by default. See Woodard et al. 2021
  • New carbon tracking: lets users trace the origin and fate of CO2-C within Hector’s carbon cycle; optional and currently off by default see carbon tracking example additional details can be found in
  • All changes will be documented in Dorheim et al. in prep
  • Variable name changes see v3 variable changes for more details

hector 2.5.0


  • Register Ftalbedo as input
  • Add other non CO2 GHG constraints
  • Version of Hector that participated in RCMIP I and RCMIP II

hector 2.3.0


  • Constrain atmospheric CO2 concentration to be equal to the preindustrial concentration during the model spinup. The result of this is that the concentration at the beginning of the simulation will be equal to the value specified in the PREINDUSTRIAL_CO2 parameter, which was not the case previously.

hector 2.2.2


  • Fix bug that was causing requests for H2O forcing in the R interface to return N2O forcing instead (the model internals were unaffected).
  • Fix bug that was causing API requests for halocarbon forcing to return absolute forcing values, rather than values relative to the base year (which is what is done for all other forcings).
  • Add missing RF_VOL (volcanic forcing) dependency to forcing component. In practice the missing dependency had no effect because the forcing component already had a dependency on the SO2 component, which also provides the volcanic forcing, but in the event that we ever split them up, this will ensure that the dependency graph is still valid. (All 2.2.2 changes merged in PR #303)

hector 2.2.1

  • Report global averages for land temperature, ocean air temperature, and ocean surface temperature.
  • Fix bug that prevented CH4 emissions from being read.

hector 2.2.0


  • Add a new parameter: VOLCANIC_SCALE. This parameter adjusts the strength of the response to volcanic forcing. (PR #291)
  • Add getname() function to return the name of a Hector core.

hector 2.1.0

  • Add reset() function to the API. Calling this function resets a Hector core to an earlier time, rerunning the spinup if appropriate. (PR #243)

hector 2.0.0


  • Incorporated 1-D diffusive ocean heat model as new temperature component (DOECLIM) (PR #206)
  • Bugfix: double counting halocarbon radiative forcing (PR #201)
  • Bugfix: re-enabled CO2 concentration constraint (PR #163)
  • Various changes to internals to support calling Hector from external code like pyhector
  • Component loggers are now optional (PR #218)
  • Renamed anthro emissions to ffi emissions (fossil fuel industrial) (PR #116)

hector 1.1.2

  • Add libhector target OS X and Windows project files (it was already available in the Linux build). This library is used when you want to link Hector to an outside program.

hector 1.1.1

  • Fix OS X build
  • Update sample output files
  • Add GPL license

hector 1.1

  • API for linking with external models.
  • Backend R scripts faster and cleaner.
  • Minor bug fixes and documentation updates.

hector 1.0