Standalone Executable
Output from the standalone executable is written out to
sub-directory of the hector’s root directory. The
Hector results are stored in outputstream_name.csv
; if
applicable, carbon tracking results are written to
(where the name refers to the hector run
The output stream csv contains results and output from the spin-up period for a handful of variables.
R Hector
The fetchvars function is
used to get results from a hector core with the identifier functions
listed as R_function
in the table below.
R function table
R_function | name | units |
RF_TOTAL() | RF_tot | W/m2 |
RF_CO2() | RF_CO2 | W/m2 |
RF_N2O() | RF_N2O | W/m2 |
RF_H2O_STRAT() | RF_H2O_strat | W/m2 |
RF_O3_TROP() | RF_O3_trop | W/m2 |
RF_BC() | RF_BC | W/m2 |
RF_OC() | RF_OC | W/m2 |
RF_NH3() | RF_NH3 | W/m2 |
RF_SO2() | RF_SO2 | W/m2 |
RF_ACI() | RF_aci | W/m2 |
RF_VOL() | RF_vol | W/m2 |
RF_CF4() | FadjCF4 | W/m2 |
RF_C2F6() | FadjC2F6 | W/m2 |
RF_HFC23() | FadjHFC23 | W/m2 |
RF_HFC32() | FadjHFC32 | W/m2 |
RF_HFC4310() | FadjHFC4310 | W/m2 |
RF_HFC125() | FadjHFC125 | W/m2 |
RF_HFC134A() | FadjHFC134a | W/m2 |
RF_HFC143A() | FadjHFC143a | W/m2 |
RF_HFC227EA() | FadjHFC227ea | W/m2 |
RF_HFC245FA() | FadjHFC245fa | W/m2 |
RF_SF6() | FadjSF6 | W/m2 |
RF_CFC11() | FadjCFC11 | W/m2 |
RF_CFC12() | FadjCFC12 | W/m2 |
RF_CFC113() | FadjCFC113 | W/m2 |
RF_CFC114() | FadjCFC114 | W/m2 |
RF_CFC115() | FadjCFC115 | W/m2 |
RF_CCL4() | FadjCCl4 | W/m2 |
RF_CH3CCL3() | FadjCH3CCl3 | W/m2 |
RF_HCFC22() | FadjHCFC22 | W/m2 |
RF_HCFC141B() | FadjHCFC141b | W/m2 |
RF_HCFC142B() | FadjHCFC142b | W/m2 |
RF_HALON1211() | Fadjhalon1211 | W/m2 |
RF_HALON1301() | Fadjhalon1301 | W/m2 |
RF_HALON2402() | Fadjhalon2402 | W/m2 |
RF_CH3CL() | FadjCH3Cl | W/m2 |
RF_CH3BR() | FadjCH3Br | W/m2 |
CONCENTRATIONS_CH4() | CH4_concentration | ppbv CH4 |
RF_CH4() | FCH4 | W/m2 |
CONCENTRATIONS_N2O() | N2O_concentration | ppbv N2O |
CONCENTRATIONS_O3() | O3_concentration | DU O3 |
OCEAN_C() | ocean_c | Pg C |
OCEAN_C_HL() | HL_ocean_c | Pg C |
OCEAN_C_LL() | LL_ocean_c | Pg C |
OCEAN_C_ML() | ML_ocean_c | Pg C |
OCEAN_C_IO() | IO_ocean_c | Pg C |
OCEAN_C_DO() | DO_ocean_c | Pg C |
PH_HL() | HL_pH | pH |
PH_LL() | LL_pH | pH |
PH() | pH | pH |
PCO2_HL() | HL_PCO2 | uatm |
PCO2_LL() | LL_PCO2 | uatm |
PCO2() | PCO2 | uatm |
DIC_HL() | HL_DIC | umol/kg |
DIC() | DIC | umol/kg |
DIC_LL() | LL_DIC | umol/kg |
SST_HL() | HL_sst | degC |
SST_LL() | LL_sst | degC |
CO3_LL() | LL_CO3 | umol/kg |
CO3_HL() | HL_CO3 | umol/kg |
CO3() | CO3 | umol/kg |
NBP() | NBP | Pg C/yr |
CONCENTRATIONS_CO2() | CO2_concentration | ppmv CO2 |
NPP() | NPP | Pg C/yr |
RH() | RH | Pg C/yr |
EARTH_C() | earth_c | Pg C |
GLOBAL_TAS() | global_tas | degC |
SST() | sst | degC |
OCEAN_TAS() | ocean_tas | degC |
LAND_TAS() | land_tas | degC |
FLUX_MIXED() | heatflux_mixed | W/m2 |
FLUX_INTERIOR() | heatflux_interior | W/m2 |
HEAT_FLUX() | heatflux | W/m2 |