
  1. Download and install:
  2. In R or R studio:

Additional steps for UBUNTU from a terminal

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev libudunits2-dev libgdal-dev libgeos-dev libproj-dev libavfilter-dev  libmagick++-dev

Additional steps for MACOSX from a terminal

brew install pkg-config
brew install gdal
brew install geos
brew install imagemagick@6

Input Structure

The main input is the data argument in the map() function. This will be an R table which can be created within R or read in from a csv file as shown below. As shown later if a shape file (SpatialPolygonDataFrame) is provided as the data argument (see Section Built-in Maps) then the map() function will produce a map without any value data.

Custom Columns

Users can also assign other column names to x (the time dimension), class, subRegion, scenario and value if desired using the x, class, subRegion, scenario and value arguments as follows:

data = data.frame(my_column_1 = c("CA","FL","ID","CA","FL","ID","CA","FL","ID","CA","FL","ID"),
                  my_column_2 = c(5,10,15,34,22,77,15,110,115,134,122,177),
                  my_column_3 = c(2010,2010,2010,2020,2020,2020,2010,2010,2010,2020,2020,2020),
                  my_column_4 = c("class1","class1","class1","class1","class1","class1",
                  my_column_5 = c("my_scenario","my_scenario","my_scenario","my_scenario","my_scenario","my_scenario",
          subRegion = "my_column_1",
          value = "my_column_2",
          x = "my_column_3",
          class = "my_column_4",
          scenario = "my_column_5")

Cleaning Data

Users will need to check that the names of the regions in their data tables match those of the subRegion column of the built-in maps or a custom shapefile if they are using one. Sometimes user data may have a few names that have different spelling or accents and these will be flagged when rmap plots the maps. Users can then go back to their original data and fix those regions as shown in the example below.

library(rmap); library(dplyr)

# Create data table with a misspelled subRegion
data = data.frame(subRegion = c("Italy","Spain","Greice"),
                  value = c(10,15,34))

# Plot data
rmap::map(data,labels = T, title = "Misspelled subRegion 'Greice'")

# Will return: 'Warning: subRegions in data not present in shapefile are: Greice'
# As well as the built-in map used: 'Using map: mapCountries'

# Check the subRegions in the map used

# Fix the subRegion that was misspelled
data = data.frame(subRegion = c("Italy","Spain","Greece"),
                  value = c(10,15,34))

# Re-plot cleaned data
rmap::map(data,labels = T, title = "Correctly spelled subRegion 'Greece'")

Output Formats

The output of the map() function is a named list with all maps and animations created in the function. The elements of the list can be called individually and re-used as layers in new maps as decribed in the Layers section. Since the output maps are ggplot elements all the features of the map can easily be modified using the taditional ggplot2 theme options. Examples are provided in the Themes section.

my_map_list <- rmap::map(mapUS49) # my_map_list will contain a list of the maps produced. In this case a single map.
my_map <- my_map_list[[1]] # my_map will be the first map in the list of maps produced
my_map_names <- names(my_map_list) # Will give you a list of the maps produced.
rmap::map(mapUS49) # Will print out the maps to the console as well save the maps as well as the related data tables to a default directory.
rmap::map(mapUS49, show = F) # will return a map and save to disk without printing to console.
rmap::map(mapUS49, folder = "myOutputs") # Will save outputs to a directory called myOutputs
rmap::map(mapUS49, save = F) # Will simply print the maps to the console and not save the maps to file.

Built-in Maps

rmap comes with a set of preloaded maps. A full list of maps is available in the reference list of maps. The pre-loaded maps are all sf objects. Each map comes with a data column named subRegion. For each map the data contained in the shape and the map itself can be viewed as follows:


head(mapUS49) # To view data for chosen map
plot(mapUS49[,"subRegion"]) # plot regular sf object
# Plot Using rmap
rmap::map(mapGCAMLand) # Intersection of GCAM 32 regions and GCAM Basins
























Users can change the projection of maps using the crs argumet as follows:

# ESRI:54032  World Azimuthal Equidistant,
          crs="+proj=aeqd +lat_0=0 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m no_defs")

Map Find

Users can have rmap automatically search for an appropriate map using the map_find function as follows:

data = data.frame(subRegion = c("CA","FL","ID","MO","TX","WY"),
                  value = c(5,10,15,34,2,7))

map_chosen <- rmap::map_find(data)
map_chosen # Will give a dataframe for the chosen map

Format & Themes


The map() funciton in rmap works in layers. The central layer is created using the data provided which fills out values for the subRegion or lat and lon columns provided. In addition to the central layer, users can choose an underLayer and an overLayer to show different kinds of intersecting boundaries or surrounding regions. The colors, border size and text labels for each layer can be individually be modified or as a global option. Examples of using layers are provided below for a basic dataset.


# Create data table with a few US states
data = data.frame(subRegion = c("CA","FL","ID","MO","TX","WY"),
                  value = c(5,10,15,34,2,7))

rmap::map(data) # Will choose the contiguous US map and plot this data for you as the only layer


# Create data table with a few US states
data = data.frame(subRegion = c("CA","FL","ID","MO","TX","WY"),
                  value = c(5,10,15,34,2,7))
          underLayer=rmap::mapUS49) # Will add an underlayer of the US49 map zoomed in to your data set


# Create data table with a few US states
data = data.frame(subRegion = c("CA","FL","ID","MO","TX","WY"),
                  value = c(5,10,15,34,2,7))

          overLayer=rmap::mapGCAMBasinsUS49) # will add GCAM basins ontop of the previous map

Layer Colors

The line width, color and fill of each layer can be individually be modified or as a global option. Examples are provided below for a basic dataset.

# Create a basic map with no data and modify fill as well as line color and lwd.
# Create data table with a few US states
mapShape = rmap::mapUS49
# Modify the line color and lwd of the base layer
          fill = "black",
          color = "white",
          lwd = 1.5) # Will adjust the borders of the different layers to highlight them.

# Create a basic map with data and modify line colors and lwd.
# Create data table with a few US states
data = data.frame(subRegion = c("CA","FL","ID","MO","TX","WY"),
                  value = c(5,10,15,34,2,7))
# Modify the line color and lwd of the base layer
          color = "blue",
          lwd = 1.5) # Will adjust the borders of the different layers to highlight them.

# Modify under and overlayer fill, line color and lwd.
# Create data table with a few US states
data = data.frame(subRegion = c("CA","FL","ID","MO","TX","WY"),
                  value = c(5,10,15,34,2,7))

# Modify the fill and outline of the different layers
          underLayerFill = "black",
          underLayerColor = "green",
          underLayerLwd = 0.5,
          overLayerColor = "red",
          overLayerLwd = 2) # Will adjust the borders of the different layers to highlight them.


Labels can be added to the different layers of the maps as follows:


# Create data table with a few US states
data = data.frame(subRegion = c("CA","FL","ID","MO","TX","WY"),
                  value = c(5,10,15,34,2,7))

# Add Blue Labels
          labels = T,
          labelSize = 10,
          labelColor = "blue")

# Add labels with a transparent background box
          labels = T,
          labelSize = 10,
          labelColor = "black",
          labelFill = "white",
          labelAlpha = 0.8,
          labelBorderSize = 1)

# Repel the labels out with a leader line for crowded labels
          labels = T,
          labelSize = 6,
          labelColor = "black",
          labelFill = "white",
          labelAlpha = 0.8,
          labelBorderSize = 1,
          labelRepel = 1)

# Choose which layers to apply these label options to.
# Labels for data (labels=T), labels for underlayer (underLayerLabels=T), labels for overLayer (overLayerLabels=T)

# UnderLayer Labels Examples
          underLayer = rmap::mapUS49,
          underLayerLabels = T)

# OverLayer Examples
          underLayer = rmap::mapUS49,
          overLayer = rmap::mapGCAMBasinsUS49,
          overLayerColor = "red",
          overLayerLabels = T,
          labelSize = 3,
          labelColor = "red",
          labelFill = "white",
          labelAlpha = 0.8,
          labelBorderSize = 0.1,
          labelRepel = 0)

# All Labels (Not recommended as too confusing)
          underLayer = rmap::mapUS49,
          overLayer = rmap::mapGCAMBasinsUS49,
          labels = T,
          underLayerLabels = T,
          overLayerLabels = T,          
          labelSize = 2,
          labelColor = "black",
          labelFill = "white",
          labelAlpha = 0.8,
          labelBorderSize = 0.1,
          labelRepel = 1)


By default the maps are cropped to the extent of the subRegions provided in the data. If the argument crop is set to FALSE then the map will zoom to extents of the largest layer in the map as shown below. Maps can also be cropped to the underLayer or overLayer by setting the crop_to_underLayer and crop_to_overLayer arguments to TRUE.


# Create data table with a few US states
data = data.frame(subRegion = c("FL","ID","MO","TX","WY"),
                  value = c(10,15,34,2,7))

# Setting crop to F will zoom out to the extent of the largest layer (In this case the underLayer)
          underLayer = rmap::mapUS49,
          underLayerLabels = T,
          labels = T,
          crop = T,
          title = "crop = T")

          underLayer = rmap::mapUS49,
          underLayerLabels = T,
          labels = T,
          crop = F,
          title = "crop = F")

          underLayer = rmap::mapUS49,
          overLayer = rmap::mapGCAMBasinsUS52,
          crop_to_underLayer = T,
          title = "crop_to_underLayer = T")

          underLayer = rmap::mapUS49,
          overLayer = rmap::mapGCAMBasinsUS52,
          crop_to_overLayer = T,
          title = "crop_to_overLayer = T")


Users can use zoom to zoom out or into a cropped map as desired. Options are available to zoom along x only (zoomx), along y only (zoomy) or both (zoom).


# Create data table with a few US states
data = data.frame(subRegion = c("FL","ID","MO","TX","WY"),
                  value = c(10,15,34,2,7))

# Set different zoom levels
m0 = rmap::map(data,underLayer = rmap::mapUS49,zoom = 0)
m1 = rmap::map(data,underLayer = rmap::mapUS49,zoom = 7)
m2 = rmap::map(data,underLayer = rmap::mapUS49,zoom = -10)
m3 = rmap::map(data,underLayer = rmap::mapUS49,zoomx = 3)
m4 = rmap::map(data,underLayer = rmap::mapUS49,zoomy = 4)


While users can adjust all the elements of the map using ggplot themes as explained in the Themes section, we have provided a quick argument to simply add blue for oceans and a border to the map if the background argument is set to T. Additionally if the background argument is set to any color such as grey10 then the map with border will be produced with that color.


# Create data table with a few US states
data = data.frame(subRegion = c("CA","FL","ID","MO","TX","WY"),
                  value = c(5,10,15,34,2,7))

# Setting background will add blue for water and a border to the map.
          labels = T,
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountriesUS52,
          background = F,
          title = "background = F")

          labels = T,
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountriesUS52,
          background = T,
          title = "background = T")

          labels = T,
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountriesUS52,
          background = "grey10",
          title = "background = 'grey10")


The outputs of rmap::map() is a list with ggplot2 objects which can be modified using standard ggplot2 themes or by adjusting any individual component of ggplot2 elements. Some examples are shown below.

library(rmap); library(ggplot2)

# Create data table with a few US states
data = data.frame(subRegion = c("CA","FL","ID","MO","TX","WY"),
                  value = c(5,10,15,34,2,7))

# Setting m1 to the first element of the map outputs from rmap::map() with save = F to avoid printing
m1 <- rmap::map(data,
          labels = T,
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountriesUS52,
          background = T,
          show = F)

# Now Print with different ggplot elements
m1[[1]] + ggplot2::ggtitle("No Theme")

# Apply the ggplot theme_dark()
m1[[1]] + 
  ggplot2::theme_dark() +
  ggplot2::ggtitle("Theme Dark") +
  ggplot2::xlab("MY X Label") +
  ggplot2::ylab("MY Y Label")

# Apply custom ggplot theme to an element
m1[[1]] +
  ggplot2::ggtitle("Themes: x label and legend position") +
  ggplot2::xlab("x label") +
  ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom",
                 legend.text = element_text(size=20),
                 axis.title.x = element_text(size=20))

Show NA

Users have the option to showNA with a default (gray50) or custom colors.


# Create data table with a few US states
data = data.frame(subRegion = c("CA","FL","ID","MO","TX","WY"),
                  value = c(5,NA,15,34,2,7))

# Without NA
          labels = T,
          underLayer = rmap::mapUS49,
          title = "showNA is Default (F)")

# showNA = T
          labels = T,
          underLayer = rmap::mapUS49, 
          showNA = T,
          title = "showNA = T")

# showNA = T, colorNA = 'red'
          labels = T,
          underLayer = rmap::mapUS49, 
          showNA = T, colorNA = 'green',
          title = "showNA = T & colorNA = 'green'")
# Plot Polygon Data

For a given data table in the correct format (see Input Format) map() will search through the list of maps to see if it can find the “subRegions” provided in the data and then plot the data on the most appropriate map. Users can specify a specific map. Some examples are provided below:


# US Contiguous States 
data = data.frame(subRegion = c("CA","FL","ID","MO","TX","WY"),
                  value = c(5,10,15,34,2,7))

Polygon Data Select Map

Sometimes subRegions can be present on multiple maps. For example “Colombia”, China” and “India” are all members of rmap::mapGCAMReg32 as well as rmap::mapCountries. If a user knows which map they want to plot their data on they should specify the map in the shape argument.


data = data.frame(subRegion = c("China","India","Pakistan"),
                  x = c(2050,2050,2050),
                  value = c(5,12,30))

# Auto selection by rmap will choose rmap::mapCountries

# User can specify that they want to plot this data on rmap::mapGCAMReg32
          shape = rmap::mapGCAMReg32,
          crop = F # Because will crop to the shapes boundaries when shape is specified

Plot Gridded Data

For a given data table in the correct format (see Input Format) map() will search through the list of maps to see if it can find the “subRegions” provided in the data and then plot the data on the most appropriate map. Users can specify a specific map. Some examples are provided below:

library(rmap); library(dplyr)

# Using example grid data provided in rmap
# example_gridData_GWPv4To2015
# Original data from
# Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) - Columbia University. 2016.
# Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Count. NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC),
# Palisades, NY. DOI:

# Subset data
data = example_gridData_GWPv4To2015 %>% 
  filter(x == 2015);
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
##     lon   lat x     value
##   <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 -180. -16.2 2015  895. 
## 2 -180.  65.2 2015   58.6
## 3 -180.  65.8 2015   61.3
## 4 -180.  66.2 2015   70.1
## 5 -180.  66.8 2015   79.2
## 6 -180.  67.2 2015   77.6

# Plot part of data (first 10000 rows)
rmap::map(data %>% head(10000))

# Add an underlayer to gridded data
          overLayer = rmap::mapCountriesUS52,

Using Custom Shapes

Users can provide custom shapefiles for their own data if needed. The example below shows how to create a custom shapefile and then plot data on it.

Subset existing shape


shapeSubset <- rmap::mapStates # Read in World States shape file
shapeSubset <- shapeSubset[shapeSubset$region %in% c("Colombia"),] # Subset the shapefile to Colombia
rmap::map(shapeSubset) # View custom shape

head(shapeSubset) # review data
unique(shapeSubset$subRegion) # Get a list of the unique subRegions

# Plot data on subset
data = data.frame(subRegion = c("Cauca","Valle del Cauca","Antioquia","Córdoba","Bolívar","Atlántico"),
                  x = c(2050,2050,2050,2050,2050,2050),
                  value = c(5,10,15,34,2,7))

          shape = shapeSubset,
          underLayer = shapeSubset,
          crop=F) # Must rename the states column to 'subRegion'

Crop a shape to another shape

For example if someone wants to analyze counties in Texas.

library(rmap); library(raster); library(sf)

shapeSubRegions <- rmap::mapUS49County
shapeCropTo <- rmap::mapUS49
shapeCropTo <- shapeCropTo[shapeCropTo$subRegion %in% c("TX"),]
shapeCrop<- sf::st_transform(shapeCropTo,sf::st_crs(shapeSubRegions))
shapeCrop <-sf::st_as_sf(raster::crop(as(shapeSubRegions,"Spatial"),as(shapeCropTo,"Spatial")))

# Plot data on subset
data = data.frame(subRegion = c("Wise_TX","Scurry_TX","Kendall_TX","Frio_TX","Hunt_TX","Austin_TX"),
                  value = c(5,10,15,34,2,7))
          shape = shapeCrop,
          underLayer = shapeCrop,

Save Custom Shapefile

A cropped or custom shapefile which may be much smaller in size can be saved offline as an ESRI Shapefile for later use in rmap or other software if desired as follows:


                driver="ESRI Shapefile", overwrite_layer=TRUE)

Read data from a Shapefile

User can read data from their own offline ESRI Shapefile. Usually the shapefile is contained in a single folder (e.g. custom_shape_folder) with the following subfiles, where custom_shape will be a different name. These kinds of files can be created in R, ArcGIS, QGIS and other softwares (see Section Save Custom Shapefile).

  • custom_shape.dbf
  • custom_shape.prj
  • custom_shape.shp
  • custom_shape.shx

After reading in the shapefile (e.g. as my_custom_map), users will need to insure that it contains a subRegion column corresponding to the features in the shape.

library(rmap); library(rgdal); library(sp)

# Assuming custom_shape files are in folder custom_shape_folder
my_custom_map = sf::st_read("path/to/custom_shape_file.shp")
plot(my_custom_map) # Quick view of shape
# Rename subRegion column
my_custom_map <- my_custom_map %>% dplyr::mutate(subRegion="CHOOSE_APPROPRIATE _COLUMN");

# Now a data frame with data corresponding to the custom shape regions can be created and plotted
# Generate some random data for each subRegion
data <- data.frame(subRegion=unique(my_custom_map$subRegion),
                   value = 100*runif(length(unique(my_custom_map$subRegion))));
# And then it can be plotted using rmap and any of the built-in maps as underLayers.
          underLayerLabels = T)


Multi-Year & Animations

Polygon Data Multi-Year


data = data.frame(subRegion = c("Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece",
                                "Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece",
                                "Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece",
                                "Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece"),
                  year = c(rep(2025,5),
                  value = c(32, 38, 54, 63, 24,
                            37, 53, 23, 12, 45,
                            23, 99, 102, 85, 75,
                            12, 76, 150, 64, 90))

rmap::map(data = data,
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
          background = T)

# NOTE: Animation files are only saved to file and not as a direct output of the rmap::map() function.

Gridded Data Multi-Year

data = example_gridData_GWPv4To2015;
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
##     lon   lat x     value
##   <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 -180. -16.2 2000   786.
## 2 -180.  65.2 2000   120.
## 3 -180.  65.8 2000   126.
## 4 -180.  66.2 2000   144.
## 5 -180.  66.8 2000   163.
## 6 -180.  67.2 2000   159.
rmap::map(data = data,
          overLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
          background = T, width = 15, height =15)

# NOTE: Animation files are only saved to file and not as a direct output of the rmap::map() function.

Multi-Year Diff plots

When multiple years are present in the data, assigning an xRef and xDiff will result in rmap::map() to calculate the absolute and percentage difference between the chosen xref year and xDiff years and store them in corresponding folders.

Polygon Data Multi-Year Diff


data = data.frame(subRegion = c("Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece",
                                "Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece",
                                "Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece"),
                  year = c(rep(2010,5),rep(2020,5),rep(2030,5)),
                  value = c(32, 38, 54, 63, 24,
                            37, 53, 23, 12, 45,
                            40, 45, 12, 50, 63))

mapx <- rmap::map(data = data,
          background = T, 
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
          xRef = 2010, 
          xDiff = c(2020,2030))


Gridded Data Multi-Year Diff


data = example_gridData_GWPv4To2015
mapx <- rmap::map(data = data,
          background = T, 
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
          xRef = 2000, 
          xDiff = c(2010,2015), diffOnly = T, width = 15, height =15)



Polygon Data Multi-Class


data = data.frame(subRegion = c("Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece",
                                "Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece",
                                "Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece",
                                "Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece"),
                  class = c(rep("municipal",5),
                  value = c(32, 38, 54, 63, 24,
                            37, 53, 23, 12, 45,
                            23, 99, 102, 85, 75,
                            12, 76, 150, 64, 90))
rmap::map(data = data,
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
          background = T )

Gridded Data Multi-Class


# Change the years in the gridded data to classes
data = example_gridData_GWPv4To2015 %>%
  dplyr::rename(class=x) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(class = dplyr::case_when(
    class == "2000" ~ "municipal",
    class == "2005" ~ "agriculture",
    class == "2010" ~ "water",
    class == "2015" ~ "other",
    TRUE ~ class

rmap::map(data = data,
          overLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
          background = T,
          ncol = 2, width = 15, height =15)


With multiple scenarios present an additional folder and maps for combined scenarios are produced.

Polygon Data Multi-Scenario


data = data.frame(subRegion = c("Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece",
                                "Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece",
                                "Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece"),
                  scenario = c("scen1","scen1","scen1","scen1","scen1",
                  year = rep(2010,15),
                  value = c(32, 38, 54, 63, 24,
                            37, 53, 23, 12, 45,
                            40, 44, 12, 30, 99))

mapx <- rmap::map(data = data, 
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
          background = T)


Customize Order of Scenarios


data = data.frame(subRegion = c("Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece",
                                "Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece",
                                "Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece"),
                  scenario = c("scen1","scen1","scen1","scen1","scen1",
                  year = rep(2010,15),
                  value = c(32, 38, 54, 63, 24,
                            37, 53, 23, 12, 45,
                            40, 44, 12, 30, 99))

# Reorder your scenarios
data = data %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(scenario = factor(scenario, levels = c("scen1","scen3","scen2")))

mapx <- rmap::map(data = data, 
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
          background = T)


Gridded Data Multi-Scenario


# Change the years in the example gridded data to scenarios
data = example_gridData_GWPv4To2015 %>%
  dplyr::filter(x %in% c("2000","2005","2010")) %>%
  dplyr::rename(scenario=x) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(scenario = dplyr::case_when(
    scenario == "2000" ~ "scenario1",
    scenario == "2005" ~ "scenario2",
    scenario == "2010" ~ "scenario3",
    TRUE ~ scenario))
mapx <- rmap::map(data = data, 
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
          background = T,
          ncol = 1, width = 15, height =15)


Multi-Scenario Diff Plots

With multiple scenarios present if scenRef and scenDiff are chosen rmap::map() will produce corresponding absolute and difference maps as shown below.

Polygon Data Multi-Scenario Diff


data = data.frame(subRegion = c("Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece",
                                "Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece",
                                "Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece"),
                  scenario = c("scen1","scen1","scen1","scen1","scen1",
                  value = c(32, 38, 54, 63, 24,
                            37, 53, 23, 12, 45,
                            40, 44, 12, 30, 99))
mapx <- rmap::map(data = data, 
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
          scenRef = "scen1",
          scenDiff = c("scen2","scen3"), # Can omit this to get difference against all scenarios
          background = T)


Gridded Data Multi-Scenario Diff

library(rmap); library(dplyr)

# Change the years in the example gridded data to scenarios
data = example_gridData_GWPv4To2015 %>%
  dplyr::filter(x %in% c("2000","2005","2010")) %>%
  dplyr::rename(scenario=x) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(scenario = dplyr::case_when(
    scenario == "2000" ~ "scenario1",
    scenario == "2005" ~ "scenario2",
    scenario == "2010" ~ "scenario3",
    TRUE ~ scenario))
mapx <- rmap::map(data = data, 
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
          scenRef = "scenario1",
          scenDiff = c("scenario2","scenario3"),
          background = T,
          ncol=1, width = 15, height =15)


Multi-Facet Maps

If the data set has additional rows and columns by which the user wants to plot their maps they can set these in the row and col arguments.

Polygon Data Multi-Facet


data = data.frame(subRegion = c("Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece",
                                "Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece",
                                "Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece",
                                "Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece"),
                  rcp = c(rep("RCP1",5),
                  gcm = c(rep("GCM1",5),
                  value = c(32, 38, 54, 63, 24,
                            37, 53, 23, 12, 45,
                            23, 99, 102, 85, 75,
                            12, 76, 150, 64, 90))
rmap::map(data = data,
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
          row = "rcp",
          col = "gcm",
          background = T )

Gridded Data Multi-Facet


# Create data with new columns RCPs and GCMs
data = example_gridData_GWPv4To2015 %>%
  dplyr::filter(x %in% c(2000,2005,2010,2015)) %>%
  dplyr::rename(rcp = x) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(gcm = dplyr::case_when(rcp == 2000 ~ "GCM1",
                                       rcp == 2005 ~ "GCM1",
                                       rcp == 2010 ~ "GCM2",
                                       rcp == 2015 ~ "GCM2",
                                       TRUE ~ "GCM"),
                rcp = dplyr::case_when(rcp == 2000 ~ "RCP1",
                                       rcp == 2005 ~ "RCP2",
                                       rcp == 2010 ~ "RCP1",
                                       rcp == 2015 ~ "RCP2",
                                       TRUE ~ rcp)) 
rmap::map(data = data,
          overLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
          row= "rcp",
          col = "gcm",
          background = T,
          width=15, height =15)

Scale Range


# For Scenario Diff plots
data = data.frame(subRegion = c("Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece",
                                "Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece"),
                  scenario = c("scen1","scen1","scen1","scen1","scen1",
                  value = c(32, 38, 54, 63, 24,
                            37, 53, 23, 12, 45))
rmap::map(data = data, 
          background = T, 
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
          scenRef = "scen1",
          scaleRange = c(30,40), 
          scaleRangeDiffAbs = c(-100,100), 
          scaleRangeDiffPrcnt = c(-60,60))

# For Year Diff plots
data = data.frame(subRegion = c("Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece",
                                "Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece"),
                  x = c(rep(2010,5),
                  value = c(32, 38, 54, 63, 24,
                            37, 53, 23, 12, 45))
rmap::map(data = data, 
          background = T, 
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
          xRef = 2010,
          forceFacets = T,
          scaleRange = c(20,30), 
          scaleRangexDiffAbs = c(-70,70), 
          scaleRangexDiffPrcnt = c(-150,150))

# If multiple parameters in data users can set up scaleRange for each param as:
# scaleRange_i = data.frame(param = c("param1","param2"),
#                                   min = c(0,0),
#                                   max = c(15000,2000))
# scaleRangexDiffAbs_i = data.frame(param = c("param1","param2"),
#                                   min = c(0,0),
#                                   max = c(15000,2000))

Color Palettes

Can use any R color palette or choose from a list of colors from the jgcricolors package.


data = data.frame(subRegion = c("Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece",
                                "Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece"),
                  scenario = c("scen1","scen1","scen1","scen1","scen1",
                  year = rep(2010,10),
                  value = c(32, 38, 54, 63, 24,
                            37, 53, 23, 12, 45))
rmap::map(data = data,
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
          background = T,
          scenRef = "scen1",
          palette = "pal_wet",
          paletteDiff = "pal_div_BrGn")

Legend Customization

There are several options to customize your legend as shown below:

Legend Type

  • There are four types of legend options (legendType): “kmeans”, “continuous”, “pretty”, and “fixed”.
  • The default is “kmeans”. Users can set legendType = "all" or any combination of legendType = c("kmeans","pretty")
  • Fixed legend breaks can be set using legendFixedBreaks to set custom and uneven breaks as shown in the example.
  • If legendFixedBreaks does not capture the full range of data, the maximum and minimum values will be appended to the breaks provided.

Legend Fixed Breaks


data = data.frame(subRegion = c("Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece"),
                  value = c(32, 38, 54, 63, 24))

rmap::map(data = data, 
    background = T,
    underLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
    legendFixedBreaks=c(30,32,1000))  # Will append 24 to these breaks because they are part of the data.

Legend Type Kmeans


data = data.frame(subRegion = c("Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece"),
                  value = c(32, 38, 54, 63, 24))

rmap::map(data = data, 
    background = T,
    underLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
    legendType = "kmeans")

Legend Type Pretty


data = data.frame(subRegion = c("Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece"),
                  value = c(32, 38, 54, 63, 24))

rmap::map(data = data, 
    background = T,
    underLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
    legendType = "pretty")

Legend Type Continuous


data = data.frame(subRegion = c("Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece"),
                  value = c(32, 38, 54, 63, 24))

rmap::map(data = data, 
    background = T,
    underLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
    legendType = "continuous")

Legend Breaks Number

  • Number of legend breaks can be set using the legendBreaksn variable.
  • “Pretty” legends will choose the number of breaks closest to the value of legendBreaksn while ensuring “pretty” number distributions.
  • “Kmeans” will ignore the value chosen for legendBreaksnsince it calculates the best breaks it self to highlight the distribution of the data.
  • The legendBreaksn will apply in the same way to Diff Plots.

data = data.frame(subRegion = c("Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece"),
                  value = c(32, 38, 54, 63, 24))

rmap::map(data = data, 
          background = T,
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
          legendType = "pretty",

rmap::map(data = data, 
          background = T,
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
          legendType = "pretty",

Legend Single Value

Users can add a single value to the legend ranges. Sometimes it is important to see the 0 or minimum value in a rnage of data and this allows users to do that. Users can simply set legendSingleValue=T to use the minimum value (or 0 if present) of their dataset as the minimum value or set the value to a particular number. Users cna also set the color of the single value they choose as shown in the examples below.


data = data.frame(subRegion = c("Austria","Spain", "Italy", "Germany","Greece"),
                  value = c(-5,0, 54, 63, 24))

# Without single value turned on
rmap::map(data = data, 
          background = T,
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountries)

# With legendSingelValue = T (will choose the minimum value or if 0 (if present) and set it to single)
rmap::map(data = data, 
          background = T,
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
          legendSingleValue = T)

# With legendSingelValue = 38 and set to "green"
rmap::map(data = data, 
          background = T,
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
          legendSingleValue = 54,
          legendSingleColor = "green")


The numeric2cat parameter in the map function allows users to assign their own categorical legend labels for chosen ranges of numeric values.


# Create a list of ranges and categorical color scales for each parameter
numeric2Cat_param <- list("param1",
numeric2Cat_breaks <- list(c(-Inf, 0.1,1.1,2.1,3.1,4.1,5.1,10.1,Inf),
                           c(-Inf, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4,Inf))
numeric2Cat_labels <- list(c("0","1","2","3","4","5","10",">10"),
numeric2Cat_palette <- list(c("0"="green","1"="#fee5d9","2"="#fcbba1",
                            c("pal_scarcityCat")) # Can be a custom scale or an R brewer palette or an rmap palette
numeric2Cat_legendTextSize <- list(c(0.7),
numeric2Cat_list <-list(numeric2Cat_param = numeric2Cat_param,
                        numeric2Cat_breaks = numeric2Cat_breaks,
                        numeric2Cat_labels = numeric2Cat_labels,
                        numeric2Cat_palette = numeric2Cat_palette,
                        numeric2Cat_legendTextSize = numeric2Cat_legendTextSize); numeric2Cat_list

data = data.frame(subRegion = c("CA","AZ","TX","NH","ID","OH",
                  x = c(2050,2050,2050,2050,2050,2050,
                  value = c(0,1,3,20,2,1,
                  param = c(rep("param1",6),rep("param2",6)))

rmap::map(data = data,
          background = T,
          underLayer = rmap::mapCountries,
          numeric2Cat_list = numeric2Cat_list)

GCAM Results & Examples

GCAM Basins

GCAM Basins can come sometimes come abbreviated. To covnert these into the names associated with the rmap::mapGCAMBasin basin names the following mapping is provided:

rmap::mapping_gcambasins # View the mapping

# Convert
data <- data %>%

GCAM Param Example

In this example data was extracted from a GCAM output database and aggregated by paramater and class into rmap::exampleMapDataParam and rmap::exampleMapDataClass. Users can process their own GCAM data outputs into similar tables using the gcamextractor R package available at

Note: The example data comes with only a few parameters: “elecByTechTWh”,“pop”,“watWithdrawBySec”,“watSupRunoffBasin”,“landAlloc” and “agProdByCrop”


dfClass <- rmap::exampleMapDataClass %>%
  dplyr::filter(region %in% c("India","China","Pakistan"),
                param %in% c("watWithdrawBySec"),
                x %in% c(2010),
                scenario %in% c("GCAM_SSP3")); dfClass

# Plot data aggregated by Class1
rmap::map(data = dfClass, 
          background = T, 
          underLayer = rmap::mapGCAMReg32,