This function connects to a gcamdatabase and uses a query file to out results into a table ready for plotting.

  gcamdatabase = NULL,
  queryFile = NULL,
  dataProjFile = paste(getwd(), "/outputs/dataProj.proj", sep = ""),
  scenOrigNames = "All",
  scenNewNames = NULL,
  reReadData = T,
  dirOutputs = paste(getwd(), "/outputs", sep = ""),
  regionsSelect = NULL,
  paramsSelect = "All",
  folderName = NULL,
  nameAppend = "",
  saveData = T



Default = NULL. Full path to GCAM database folder.


Defualt = NULL. When NULL metis loads pre-saved xml file metis::xmlMetisQueries


Default = NULL. Optional. A default 'dataProj.proj' is produced if no .Proj file is specified.


Default = "All". Original Scenarios names in GCAM database in a string vector. For example c('scenario1','scenario2).


New Names which may be shorter and more useful for figures etc. Default will use Original Names. For example c('scenario1','scenario2)


If TRUE will read the GCAM data base and create a queryData.proj file in the same folder as the GCAM database. If FALSE will load a '.proj' file if a file with full path is provided otherwise it will search for a dataProj.proj file in the existing folder which may have been created from an old run.


Full path to directory for outputs


The regions to analyze in a vector. Example c('Colombia','Argentina'). Full list:

USA, Africa_Eastern, Africa_Northern, Africa_Southern, Africa_Western, Australia_NZ, Brazil, Canada Central America and Caribbean, Central Asia, China, EU-12, EU-15, Europe_Eastern, Europe_Non_EU, European Free Trade Association, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Middle East, Pakistan, Russia, South Africa, South America_Northern, South America_Southern, South Asia, South Korea, Southeast Asia,


Default = "All".

Choose "All" or paramSet from "energy", "electricity", "transport", "water" , "socioecon" ,"ag" , "livestock" ,"land" ,"emissions".

Or pick an individual param from the list:

# energy "energyPrimaryByFuelEJ","energyPrimaryRefLiqProdEJ", "energyFinalConsumBySecEJ","energyFinalByFuelBySectorEJ","energyFinalSubsecByFuelTranspEJ", "energyFinalSubsecByFuelBuildEJ", "energyFinalSubsecByFuelIndusEJ","energyFinalSubsecBySectorBuildEJ", "energyPrimaryByFuelMTOE","energyPrimaryRefLiqProdMTOE", "energyFinalConsumBySecMTOE","energyFinalbyFuelMTOE","energyFinalSubsecByFuelTranspMTOE", "energyFinalSubsecByFuelBuildMTOE", "energyFinalSubsecByFuelIndusMTOE","energyFinalSubsecBySectorBuildMTOE", "energyPrimaryByFuelTWh","energyPrimaryRefLiqProdTWh", "energyFinalConsumBySecTWh","energyFinalbyFuelTWh","energyFinalSubsecByFuelTranspTWh", "energyFinalSubsecByFuelBuildTWh", "energyFinalSubsecByFuelIndusTWh","energyFinalSubsecBySectorBuildTWh",

# electricity "elecByTechTWh","elecCapByFuel","elecFinalBySecTWh","elecFinalByFuelTWh", "elecNewCapCost","elecNewCapGW","elecAnnualRetPrematureCost","elecAnnualRetPrematureGW","elecCumCapCost","elecCumCapGW","elecCumRetPrematureCost","elecCumRetPrematureGW",

# transport "transportPassengerVMTByMode", "transportFreightVMTByMode", "transportPassengerVMTByFuel", "transportFreightVMTByFuel",

# water "watConsumBySec", "watWithdrawBySec", "watWithdrawByCrop", "watBioPhysCons", "watIrrWithdrawBasin","watIrrConsBasin",

# socioecon "gdpPerCapita", "gdp", "gdpGrowthRate", "pop",

# ag "agProdbyIrrRfd", "agProdBiomass", "agProdForest","agProdByCrop",

# livestock "livestock_MeatDairybyTechMixed","livestock_MeatDairybyTechPastoral","livestock_MeatDairybyTechImports", "livestock_MeatDairybySubsector",

# land "landIrrRfd", "landIrrCrop","landRfdCrop", "landAlloc","landAllocByCrop",

# emissions "emissLUC", "emissNonCO2BySectorGWPAR5","emissNonCO2BySectorGTPAR5","emissNonCO2BySectorOrigUnits", "emissNonCO2ByResProdGWPAR5", "emissBySectorGWPAR5FFI","emissMethaneBySourceGWPAR5", "emissByGasGWPAR5FFI", "emissByGasGWPAR5LUC", "emissBySectorGWPAR5LUC", "emissNonCO2ByResProdGTPAR5", "emissBySectorGTPAR5FFI","emissMethaneBySourceGTPAR5", "emissByGasGTPAR5FFI", "emissByGasGTPAR5LUC","emissBySectorGTPAR5LUC", "emissCO2BySectorNoBio"


Default = NULL


Default="". Name to append to saved files.


Default = "T". Set to F if do not want to save any data to file.


A list with the scenarios in the gcam database, queries in the queryxml file and a tibble with gcam data formatted for metis charts aggregated to different categories. These include data, dataAggParam, dataAggClass1, dataAggClass2.