This function produce different kinds of maps for the metis package. Each figure is accompanied with a csv table. dataPolygon = NULL, fillColumn = NULL, dataGrid = NULL, dataRaster = NULL, shpFolder = NULL, shpFile = NULL, fillPalette = "Spectral", borderColor = "gray20", lwd = 0.1, lty = 1, bgColor = "white", frameShow = F, labels = F, labelsSize = 1, labelsColor = "black", labelsAutoPlace = F, figWidth = 9, figHeight = 7, legendWidth = -1, legendShow = F, legendOutside = F, legendTextSize = 0.6, legendTitleSize = 1, legendOutsidePosition = NULL, legendPosition = NULL, legendDigits = NULL, legendTitle = "Legend", legendStyle = "pretty", legendFixedBreaks = 5, legendBreaks = NULL, pdfpng = "png", underLayer = NULL, overLayer = NULL, printFig = T, fileName = "map", dirOutputs = NULL, folderName = NULL, facetFreeScale = F, facetRows = NA, facetCols = 4, facetBGColor = NA, facetLabelColor = "black", facetLabelSize = 1, facetLabelBorderLwd = NA_real_, alpha = 1, fillcolorNA = "gray", fillshowNA = NA, fillcolorNULL = "gray", facetsOn = F, panelLabel = NULL, multiFacetRows = NULL, multiFacetCols = NULL, mapTitleOn = F, mapTitle = NULL, mapTitleSize = 0.5, numeric2Cat_list = NULL, catParam = NULL, innerMargins = c(0, 0, 0, 0), outerMargins = c(0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01), legendSingleColorOn = T, legendSingleValue = NULL, legendSingleColor = "white", legendDigitsOverride = NULL, compassScale = F, scalePos = c("right", "bottom"), compassPos = c("left", "bottom") )
dataPolygon | Default = NULL, |
fillColumn | Default = NULL, # Or give column data with |
dataGrid | Default = NULL, |
dataRaster | Default = NULL, |
shpFolder | Default = paste(getwd(),"/dataFiles/gis/admin_gadm36_1",sep Default = ""), |
shpFile | Default = paste("gadm36_1",sep Default = ""), |
fillPalette | Default = "Spectral", |
borderColor | Default = "gray20", |
lwd | Default = 0.1, |
lty | Default = 1, |
bgColor | Default = "white", |
frameShow | Default = F, |
labels | Default = F, |
labelsSize | Default = 1.2, |
labelsColor | Default = "black", |
labelsAutoPlace | Default = F, |
figWidth | Default = 9, |
figHeight | Default = 7, |
legendWidth | Default = -1, |
legendShow | Default = F, |
legendOutside | Default = T, |
legendTextSize | Default = 0.8, |
legendTitleSize | Default = 1, |
legendOutsidePosition | Default = NULL, # "right","left","top","bottom", "center" |
legendPosition | Default = NULL, # c("RIGHT','top') - RIGHT LEFT TOP BOTTOM |
legendDigits | Default = NULL, |
legendTitle | Default = "Legend", |
legendStyle | Default = "pretty", |
legendFixedBreaks | Default = "5", |
legendBreaks | Default = NULL, |
pdfpng | Default = "png", |
underLayer | Default = NULL, |
overLayer | Default = NULL, |
printFig | Default = T, |
fileName | Default = "map", |
dirOutputs | Default = paste(getwd(),"/outputs",sep Default = ""), |
folderName | Default = NULL, |
facetFreeScale | Default = F, |
facetRows | Default = NA, |
facetCols | Default = 3, |
facetBGColor | Default = NA |
facetLabelColor | Default = "black", |
facetLabelSize | Default = 1.5, |
facetLabelBorderLwd | Default=NA_real_, |
alpha | Default = 1 |
fillcolorNA | Default =NULL |
fillshowNA | Default =NA |
fillcolorNULL | Default =NULL |
facetsOn | Default =F, |
panelLabel | Default = NULL, |
multiFacetRows | Default=NULL, |
multiFacetCols | Default=NULL, |
mapTitleOn | Default=T |
mapTitle | Default=NULL |
mapTitleSize | Default=1 |
numeric2Cat_list | Default=NULL, |
catParam | Default=NULL |
innerMargins | Default =c(0,0,0,0), # bottom, left, top, right |
outerMargins | Default =c(0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01) # bottom, left, top, right |
legendSingleColorOn | Default=F |
legendSingleValue | Default=NULL |
legendSingleColor | Default="white" |
legendDigitsOverride | Default=NULL |
compassScale | Default=F |
scalePos | Default = c("RIGHT","BOTTOM") |
compassPos | Default = c("LEFT","BOTTOM") |
Returns the formatted data used to produce chart