
This section lists videos and presentations for selected releases of GCAM. These materials are usually presented at the GCAM annual meeting and curated here as a persistent reference.

GCAM 6.0

File Description Location
gcam6p0_walkthrough.pdf GCAM 6.0 walkthrough presentation (how to run GCAM) Link
GCAM 6.0 Install Windows
GCAM 6.0 Install MacOS

GCAM 5.4

File Description Location
gcam5p4_overview.pdf GCAM 5.4 overview presentation Link
gcam5p4_walkthrough.pdf GCAM 5.4 walkthrough presentation Link
GCAM 5.4 Overview
What’s new in GCAM 5.4?


File Description Location
gcamdata.pdf Introduction to gcamdata (GCAM’s data system), including R package management with renv Link
gcamdata renv
gcamdata User Functions

GCAM Software Used

Other resources

File Description Location
scenario_adjustment.pdf Guide to designing and implementing scenarios in GCAM Link
create_xmls_user_mod.pdf Guide to modifying GCAM’s XML inputs, creating new XMLs, and using user modification functions in gcamdata Link
GCAM-USA.pdf Introduction to GCAM-USA Link
querying_GCAM_outputs.pdf Guide to querying GCAM outputs using Model Interface and rgcam Link

Scenario Adjustments

This section details how to adjust scenarios in GCAM to explore different policy and technology pathways or objectives. The list will continue to be expanded on as we gather relevant examples and use-cases. For each scenario adjustment we provide:

  • Relevant example files
  • Goal of the adjustment
  • General approach
  • Relevant background information related to the adjustment
  • Step-by-step guide to implementing the adjustment in GCAM
  • Example outputs

Electricity Generation Mix

Files Used Description Link
indonesia_electricity_generation_constraints.xml Setting constraints: floors for wind and solar; ceiling for coal Link
indonesia_electricity_generation_techs.xml Applying constraints to electricity generation technologies Link


This example demonstrates how to set floors and ceilings for electricity generation by fuel in GCAM. We will set floors (minimum required generation amounts) for wind and solar and a ceiling (maximum generation amount) for coal from 2025 through 2040.


We can use a policy-portfolio-standard to set floors and ceilings for each fuel. This will decrease (increase) the cost of the electricity generation technologies until the floor (ceiling) is satisfied.

Background - Policy portfolio standards

A policy-portfolio-standard in GCAM is a policy that can be used to implement taxes, subsidies, floors, ceilings, and constraints. Taxes and subsidies can be specified when the exact amount to be added or subtracted to the price is known. However, a policy-portfolio-standard can also contain a constraint, which acts as either a floor or ceiling for the technology or technologies included. Exact constraints can also be implemented. See the GCAM Policy Examples documentation for more information on how to implement these options.

GCAM Implementation

  1. Create a folder in the input directory eg. ./gcam-core/input/addons.
  2. Download the example xml files electricity_generation_constraints.xml and electricity_generation_constraint_techs.xml to the folder.
  3. Within each policy-portfolio-standard tag in the first XML, adjust the following:

  • constraint for each year in which a floor is desired
  • Set min-price to a large negative value for years in which an exact constraint, rather than a floor, is desired

  1. Within each supplysector tag in the second XML, make sure that the corresponding input-subsidy is added within each relevant period for each stub-technology you wish to include in the constraint.

Example XML structures
Note: min-price should be set to a large negative number (e.g., -10000) for years in which an exact constraint is desired rather than a floor or ceiling. Otherwise, it can remain at the default (0).

  1. Save the XMLs and then point to them in your configuration file by adding the lines:

    <Value name = "scen">../input/addons//electricity_generation_constraints.xml</Value> <Value name = "scen">../input/addons//electricity_generation_constraint_techs.xml</Value>

Example Output

Building Envelope Efficiency

Files Used Description Link
buildings_shell_efficiency.xml Modifies shell conductance to represent enhanced building envelope efficiency improvement Link


This example demonstrates how to modify building envelope efficiencies in GCAM. We will increase efficiency over time, which could be used to represent increasing compliance with the envelope efficiency component of building energy codes.


We can use GCAM’s shell-conductance parameter to represent an increase in building envelope efficiency.

Background - Cooling Demand

Cooling demand in GCAM depends on the indoor-outdoor temperature difference (measured using cooling degree days or CDD), the building’s shell conductance, and the building’s external heat gains along with GDP and price factors. For more details and to view the equation used to calculate cooling demand, see the Building service demand section of the GCAM energy demand documentation. GCAM’s shell-conductance parameter is the inverse of building envelope efficiency. Its units are watts per square meter per degree Kelvin and it represents the amount of heat transferred through the building’s exterior when there is a difference between the indoor and outdoor temperature.

GCAM Implementation

  1. Create a folder in the input directory: ./gcam-core/input/addons.
  2. Download the example xml file buildings_shell_efficiency.xml to the folder.
  3. Within each gcam-consumer tag in the XML, specify the desired shell-conductance values for each year.

Example XML structure

  1. Save the xml and then point to it in your configuration file by adding the line:

    <Value name = "scen">../input/addons/buildings_shell_efficiency.xml</Value>

Example Output

Modifying technology costs - EVs

Files Used Description Link
transportation_UCD_CORE.csv XML containing reference transportation technology costs Link
adjust_ev_tech_cost.xml XML for modifying 4-wheel passenger BEV costs Link


This example demonstrates how to modify non-energy costs of transportation technologies in GCAM. We will decrease these costs for 4-wheel passenger BEVs from 2020 to 2050 to represent policies that lower EV costs.


We can use GCAM’s input-cost parameter, which represents the non-energy costs of a given technology.

GCAM Implementation

  1. Create a folder in the input directory: ./gcam-core/input/addons.
  2. Download the example xml file adjust_ev_cost.xml to the folder.
  3. In each appropriate stub-technology tag (within each tranSubsector tag) in the XML, set the desired input-cost for each year. Add other supplysector tags to include technologies outside of 4-wheel LDVs.

Example XML structure

  1. Save the xml and then point to it in your configuration file by adding the line:

<Value name = "scen">../input/addons/adjust_ev_tech_cost.xml</Value>

Transport Mode Shift - Share weights

Files Used Description Link
adjust_shareweight_rail.xml XML for setting passenger rail share weight dynamics Link


This example demonstrates how to adjust share-weights in GCAM. We will increase the share-weight of passenger rail transport over time to represent policies that increase rail infrastructure.


Since infrastructure development is a non-cost impact on rail transport, we can use share weights to represent this impact. Share weights are calibration parameters and not directly related to any “real-world” value, so it is usually necessary to test a range of share weight modifications to obtain the desired effect. The Model Interface query transport subsector share-weights can be used to check the reference share weights for transportation modes.

Background - Share weights

Share weights are assigned to different subsectors and technology choices in GCAM to represent non-cost factors of consumer choice. They are used primarily to calibrate market shares to historical data but can also be modified to reflect factors such as infrastructure development or shifting societal preferences. For more information on share weights and how they are used in GCAM’s economic choice functions, see the GCAM economic choice documentation. Share weights should not be used to represent cost-related policies. Additionally, shareweight interpolation rules (fixed, linear, or s-curve) can be used to automatically interpolate shareweights between given years.

GCAM Implementation

  1. Create a folder in the input directory: ./gcam-core/input/addons.
  2. Download the example xml file adjust_shareweight_rail.xml to the folder.
  3. Adjust share weights and interpolation rules (linear, fixed, or s-curve) to the “Passenger Rail” tranSubsector tag in the XML. Add/ remove subsectors as desired.

Example xml structure

Note: The first interpolation rule must include delete=“1” in order to override all of the previous (default) interpolation rules.

  1. Save the xml and then point to it in your configuration file by adding the lines:

    <Value name = "scen">../input/addons/adjust_shareweight_rail.xml</Value>

Extracting GCAM data


gcamextractor is an R package which allows users to extract selected parameters from a GCAM database into standardized tables with consistent column names for easier downstream plotting and analysis. gcamextractor also converts the extracted data into more commonly used units. Detailed documentation for gcamextractor can be found in the user guide. A simple example is provided below on how to extract data from GCAM using gcamextractor in R. Users can select individual parameters listed here or simply select summary for a selection of commonly used diagnostic parameters.

# In R
# devtools::install_github("JGCRI/gcamextractor")
gcamextractor::params # Check all available params

data <- gcamextractor::readgcam(gcamdatabase = "FULL/PATH/TO/GCAM_DATABASE",
                                paramsSelect = c("pop","elecByTechTWh","watWithdrawBySec"),
                                regionsSelect = c("Argentina","Colombia"))

dataGCAM$data # View all data
dataGCAM$dataAggClass1 # Aggregated to class 1 vars (Example file linked above)
dataGCAM$dataAggClass2 # Aggregated to class 2 vars
dataGCAM$dataAggParam # Aggregated to params

Files Used Description Link
gcamDataTable_aggClass1.csv One of the outputs from the gcamextractor examples shown here. Link

Plotting Data


rchart is an R package which allows users to plot gcamextractor outputs into charts with standardized JGCRI colors. Detailed documentation for rchart can be found in the user guide. Some examples are provided below using example data uploaded to the gcam_training repository. Users can extract the data from their own databases using the gcamextractor example shown above. Combining gcamextractor and rchart you can plot very detailed data in just one line of code.

# devtools::install_github("JGCRI/rchart") # If needed
url <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JGCRI/gcam_training/main/examples/gcamDataTable_aggClass1.csv"
data <- read.csv(url) # Read Data
charts <- rchart::chart(data, save=F, scenRef = "GCAM_SSP2") # Plot data
names(charts) # See list of charts

Below you can see the outputs for all the different charts produced.




















From Stash(Bitbucket) to Github

This section discussed how to push a development branch of GCAM from stash onto github.

From Stash to Github

  1. Create a new repository in github: https://github.com/new
  2. Give it a relevant name such as gcam_v5p4_projectx
  3. Copy the clone address of the new repo e.g. https://github.com/USERNAME/gcam_v5p4_projectx.git
  4. Push your local stash branch changes up to this branch:

git push https://github.com/USERNAME/gcam_v5p4_projectx.git local_branch_name:new_branch_name

  1. Continue to work stash branch as usual and also push up latest changes to github as above.

git status
git add files_changed 
git commit -m "commit message"
git push https://github.com/USERNAME/gcam_v5p4_projectx.git local_branch_name:new_branch_name

Send to Zenodo

Large files from HPC to Zenodo

This section discusses how to send large files (upto 50GB) directly to zenodo from an HPC. For example a compiled zipped version of GCAM. Using a traditional method of uploading directly from the broswer often doesn’t work and keeps crashing during the upload. Using the method below you can submit the upload as a job.

HPC to Zenodo

  1. Prepare your zipped file and save it on the HPC: <path/to/my_zipped_file.zip>
  2. Sign-in to your Zenodo account
  3. DEPOSITION_ID is the first thing you need:
    1. Create a new upload, ask Zenodo to create a DOI, and save the draft.
    2. Look at the url in your browser while on your draft deposition
    3. Save the numeric part of the URL
    4. For example in https://zenodo.org/uploads/10014561 the deposition_id is 10014561
  4. PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN is what you need next:
    1. Click on your name in the top right
    2. Click on Applications
    3. Click on new token and give it a name e.g. my_name_zenodo_pat
    4. Copy and Save the PAT in a safe place. You can only view it once during creation.
    5. It will be something like: 9cg22jj3nHSzdglTIOat6ABlyeYvnw07g1kv8tgFx7E2nbiTimf8Wur1kfFI
  5. BUCKET_URL: Next you need to get the bucket ID for your deposition using the zenodo API
    1. On your HPC console (PuTTY) Use the following commands:
    cd <path/to/my_files
    curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN>" "https://www.zenodo.org/api/deposit/depositions/<DEPOSITION_ID>" > find_bucket.json
    # Example: curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer 9cg22jj3nHSzdglTIOat6ABlyeYvnw07g1kv8tgFx7E2nbiTimf8Wur1kfFI" "https://www.zenodo.org/api/deposit/depositions/10014561" > find_bucket.json
    1. This will save the output to find_bucket.json. Open the file with an editor and search for “bucket”.
    2. Save the BUCKET_URL (e.g. https://zenodo.org/api/files/71e6b638-80a3-4f35-9c54-447490b4cb72)
  6. SEND TO ZENODO: Now you are ready to send your file up to Zenodo:
    1. On your HPC console (PuTTY) Use the following commands:
    cd <path/to/my_files>
    curl -v -# -X PUT -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -H "Authorization: Bearer <PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN>" -T <path/to/my_zipped_file.zip> <BUCKET_URL>/<NAME_OF_ZIP_FILE>"
    # Example: curl -v -# -X PUT -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -H "Authorization: Bearer 5cg33jj3nHSadglTIOst7ABlyeYvnw07g1kv8tgFx7E2nbiTimf8Wur1kfFI" -T /rcfs/projects/gcims/projects/seasia/gcamv6p0_seasia.zip "https://zenodo.org/api/files/71e6b638-80a3-4f35-9c54-332490b4cb71/gcamv6p0_seasia.zip"
  7. BASH Script: You can also do this by submitting a job as follows:
    1. Create send_to_zenodo.sh script (Replace PROJECT_ACCOUNT_NAME, <path/to/my_zipped_file.zip> ,<BUCKET_URL>, <NAME_OF_ZIP_FILE>)
    #SBATCH --partition=slurm,short,shared
    #SBATCH --nodes=1
    #SBATCH --time=300
    #SBATCH --job-name=lhs
    # README -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # This script will send a zipped file up to Zenodo
    # sbatch send_to_zenodo.sh
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    echo "sending to Zenodo"
    curl -v -# -X PUT -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -H "Authorization: Bearer <PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN>" -T <path/to/my_zipped_file.zip> <BUCKET_URL>/<NAME_OF_ZIP_FILE>"
    echo 'completed'
    1. Then submit the job: sbatch send_to_zenodo.sh
    2. Check your job status: squeue -u <USERNAME>
    3. Check your SLURM file to see if the file was succesfully submitted.