GCAM Lecture Series


This course provides an interdisciplinary introduction to integrated assessment modeling (IAM) of the human and Earth systems and its wide application in policy analysis. The lecture series will cover key issues surrounding the multi-system dynamics between the economy, energy, water, agriculture and land, and climate. Students will be exposed to the IAM modeling tools that support decision-making in the context of these coupled systems. Students will acquire the theoretical and practical foundations of IAM research, including its history, evolution, application, strengths and limitations, role in policymaking, and emerging directions. After an overview of IAM research, students will dive into individual topical areas using IA modeling and assessment as the analytical tool. Lectures will be complemented with applied modeling exercises - using the Global Change Analysis Model (GCAM) as an example - to get hands-on knowledge of practical solutions to nexus challenges and integrated policymaking.

Course Material

Topic Speaker Video Slides
Lecture 1: Foundations of IAM Dr. Jae Edmonds Link
Lecture 2: Energy System Dr. Gokul Iyer Link
Lecture 3: Agriculture & Land-Use System Dr. Xin Zhao Link
Lecture 4: Water Systems in Integrated Human-Earth System Models Dr. Neal Graham Link
Lecture 5: Food-Energy-Water Systems Dr. Zarrar Khan Link
Lecture 6: IAM in International Climate Policies Prof. Nate Hultman Link
Lecture 7 - Standardized Scenarios Dr. Brian O’Neill Link
Lecture 8 - Multi-model Comparisons Dr. Ryna Cui Link
Lecture 9 - IAM in National Strategy Dr. Haewon McJeon Link
Lecture 10 - Mititgation and other SDGs Dr. Christoph Bertram Link
Lecture 11 - IAM Uncertainty and Model Validation Dr. Steve Smith Link

GCAM Annual Meeting 2024


At the 2024 GCAM Annual Meeting, a series of training sessions were held over Zoom, most of which utilized MSD-LIVE to host hands-on Jupyter Notebook tutorials. The purpose of the training sessions was to provide introductions and tutorials at various levels for GCAM, gcamdata, and various tools and topics related to GCAM. Links to the Jupyter Notebooks on MSD-LIVE are provided below.

Course Material

Topic Description Links
GCAM Overview Overview of the GCAM model Slides
GCAM Tutorial Tutorial of how to run GCAM and overview of the Reference scenario Slides
GCIMS Tools Overview of GCIMS tools (including gcamdata, Osiris, Helios, Moirai, Xanthos, STITCHES, Tethys, Demeter, and gcamwrapper) Slides
GCAM IO Flows Tool Overview of the GCAM input-output flows visualization tool developed at RTI and EPA Slides
GCAM Scenarios Interactive tutorial for conducting scenario adjustments and user modifications in GCAM. Jupyter Notebook
Xanthos Interactive tutorial for Xanthos, a open-source global hydrologic model. Jupyter Notebook
Hector Interactive tutorial for Hector, a simple climate model Jupyter Notebook
Matilda Interactive tutorial for Matilda, a probabilistic framework for the Hector simple climate model Jupyter Notebook
Demeter Interactive tutorial for Demeter, a tool for land use and land cover change disaggregation Jupyter Notebook
GCAM output tools Interactive tutorial for several tools for interacting with GCAM outputs, including rgcam, rchart, and rmap Jupyter Notebook
STITCHES Interactive tutorial for STITCHES, a tool to amalgamate existing climate data to create monthly climate variable fields Jupyter Notebook

GCAM Annual Meeting 2023


At the 2023 GCAM Annual Meeting, a series of training sessions were held over Zoom. The purpose of the training sessions was to provide introductions and tutorials at various levels for GCAM, gcamdata, and various tools and topics related to GCAM. The presentations used in these training sessions are provided below.

Course Material

Topic Description Slides
GCAM 6.0 Overview Introductory guide to setting up and running GCAM 6.0 Link
GCAM Data System Introduction to gcamdata (GCAM’s data system), including R package management with renv Link
Scenario Adjustment Guide to designing and implementing scenarios in GCAM Link
Modifying and Creating Input XMLs Guide to modifying GCAM’s XML inputs, creating new XMLs, and using user modification functions in gcamdata Link
Querying GCAM Outputs Guide to querying GCAM outputs using Model Interface and rgcam Link
GCAM-USA Introduction to GCAM-USA, GCAM’s U.S. state-level submodule Link