Step1: read in GCAM output

This step reads in GCAM output of interest in alternative file types.

Use a local GCAM output database

prj <- ReadGCAM(filetype = 'db',
                        input_path = "C:/GODEEP/GCAM7/output",
                        db_name = "database_basexdbGCAM-USA_Ref",
                        scen_name = "GCAM-USA_Ref", # this needs to match the scenario name specified in the DB
                        prj_name = "mydata.dat") # you name it
#> Database scenarios:  GCAM-USA_Ref
#> New names:
#> Scenario GCAM-USA_Ref does not exist in this project.  Creating.
#> New names:
#> New names:
#>  `subsector` -> `subsector...5`
#>  `subsector` -> `subsector...6`

Use a local project data

prj <- ReadGCAM(filetype = 'prj',
                input_path = "C:/GODEEP/",
                prj_name = "package.dat")

Use the default data (GCAM-USA 7.1 reference) in the package

prj <- ReadGCAM(filetype = 'prj',
                input_path = system.file("extdata", package = "GCAMUSAJobs"),
                prj_name = "package.dat")

Step2: calculate detailed power generation outcomes

This step queries power generation from GCAM output, which provides generation for all capacity in operation, and calculates the implied power generation associated with installed capacity, newly added capacity, and retired capacity. The specific types of generation (“activities”) calculated are: Capacity in operation: running, installed; Capacity addition: additions, add_adj; Capacity retirements: retirements, natural_retire, early_retire, early_ret_adj, and ret_adj. The “_adj” activities indicate different methods of calculation (net vs. total, see Step 4). Please refer to documentation (insert a link) for details.

The power generation output is annual, broken down by state, fuel type, and technology. This step takes about 20 seconds to execute and generate output for a given scenario.

EJ_activity <- GCAM_EJ(prj)

Show a subset of the outcomes

head(EJ_activity %>% filter(region == "TX", Year == 2050), 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 10
#>    scenario     region subsector        technology   Year Units   value activity
#>    <chr>        <chr>  <chr>            <chr>       <dbl> <chr>   <dbl> <chr>   
#>  1 GCAM-USA_Ref TX     CSP_base_storage CSP_base_s…  2050 EJ    8.09e-3 running 
#>  2 GCAM-USA_Ref TX     CSP_int          CSP_int(dr…  2050 EJ    3.22e-2 running 
#>  3 GCAM-USA_Ref TX     CSP_int          CSP_int(re…  2050 EJ    3.22e-2 running 
#>  4 GCAM-USA_Ref TX     CSP_peak         CSP_peak(d…  2050 EJ    9.01e-4 running 
#>  5 GCAM-USA_Ref TX     CSP_peak         CSP_peak(r…  2050 EJ    9.01e-4 running 
#>  6 GCAM-USA_Ref TX     CSP_subpeak      CSP_subpea…  2050 EJ    6.96e-3 running 
#>  7 GCAM-USA_Ref TX     CSP_subpeak      CSP_subpea…  2050 EJ    6.96e-3 running 
#>  8 GCAM-USA_Ref TX     PV_base_storage  PV_base_st…  2050 EJ    1.86e-3 running 
#>  9 GCAM-USA_Ref TX     PV_int           PV_int       2050 EJ    4.18e-1 running 
#> 10 GCAM-USA_Ref TX     PV_peak          PV_peak      2050 EJ    1.16e-2 running 
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: capacity.factor <dbl>, fuel <chr>
head(EJ_activity %>% filter(region == "CA", Year == 2050), 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 10
#>    scenario     region subsector        technology   Year Units   value activity
#>    <chr>        <chr>  <chr>            <chr>       <dbl> <chr>   <dbl> <chr>   
#>  1 GCAM-USA_Ref CA     CSP_base_storage CSP_base_s…  2050 EJ    8.70e-3 running 
#>  2 GCAM-USA_Ref CA     CSP_int          CSP_int(dr…  2050 EJ    2.79e-2 running 
#>  3 GCAM-USA_Ref CA     CSP_int          CSP_int(re…  2050 EJ    2.79e-2 running 
#>  4 GCAM-USA_Ref CA     CSP_peak         CSP_peak(d…  2050 EJ    6.37e-4 running 
#>  5 GCAM-USA_Ref CA     CSP_peak         CSP_peak(r…  2050 EJ    6.37e-4 running 
#>  6 GCAM-USA_Ref CA     CSP_subpeak      CSP_subpea…  2050 EJ    4.83e-3 running 
#>  7 GCAM-USA_Ref CA     CSP_subpeak      CSP_subpea…  2050 EJ    4.83e-3 running 
#>  8 GCAM-USA_Ref CA     PV_base_storage  PV_base_st…  2050 EJ    1.79e-3 running 
#>  9 GCAM-USA_Ref CA     PV_int           PV_int       2050 EJ    1.57e-1 running 
#> 10 GCAM-USA_Ref CA     PV_peak          PV_peak      2050 EJ    3.57e-3 running 
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: capacity.factor <dbl>, fuel <chr>

Step3: calculate detailed capacity outcomes

This step derives the underlying facility capacity by different activities based on power generation outcome in Step 2. Capacity outcome of this step is at annual level by state, fuel type, and technology.

GW_activity <- GCAM_GW(EJ_activity)

Show a subset of the outcomes

head(GW_activity %>% filter(region == "TX", Year == 2050), 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 10
#>    scenario     region subsector        technology   Year Units   value activity
#>    <chr>        <chr>  <chr>            <chr>       <dbl> <chr>   <dbl> <chr>   
#>  1 GCAM-USA_Ref TX     CSP_base_storage CSP_base_s…  2050 GW     0.493  running 
#>  2 GCAM-USA_Ref TX     CSP_int          CSP_int(dr…  2050 GW     3.19   running 
#>  3 GCAM-USA_Ref TX     CSP_int          CSP_int(re…  2050 GW     3.19   running 
#>  4 GCAM-USA_Ref TX     CSP_peak         CSP_peak(d…  2050 GW     0.0893 running 
#>  5 GCAM-USA_Ref TX     CSP_peak         CSP_peak(r…  2050 GW     0.0893 running 
#>  6 GCAM-USA_Ref TX     CSP_subpeak      CSP_subpea…  2050 GW     0.689  running 
#>  7 GCAM-USA_Ref TX     CSP_subpeak      CSP_subpea…  2050 GW     0.689  running 
#>  8 GCAM-USA_Ref TX     PV_base_storage  PV_base_st…  2050 GW     0.219  running 
#>  9 GCAM-USA_Ref TX     PV_int           PV_int       2050 GW    49.1    running 
#> 10 GCAM-USA_Ref TX     PV_peak          PV_peak      2050 GW     1.36   running 
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: capacity.factor <dbl>, fuel <chr>
head(GW_activity %>% filter(region == "CA", Year == 2050), 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 10
#>    scenario     region subsector        technology   Year Units   value activity
#>    <chr>        <chr>  <chr>            <chr>       <dbl> <chr>   <dbl> <chr>   
#>  1 GCAM-USA_Ref CA     CSP_base_storage CSP_base_s…  2050 GW     0.476  running 
#>  2 GCAM-USA_Ref CA     CSP_int          CSP_int(dr…  2050 GW     2.33   running 
#>  3 GCAM-USA_Ref CA     CSP_int          CSP_int(re…  2050 GW     2.33   running 
#>  4 GCAM-USA_Ref CA     CSP_peak         CSP_peak(d…  2050 GW     0.0531 running 
#>  5 GCAM-USA_Ref CA     CSP_peak         CSP_peak(r…  2050 GW     0.0531 running 
#>  6 GCAM-USA_Ref CA     CSP_subpeak      CSP_subpea…  2050 GW     0.403  running 
#>  7 GCAM-USA_Ref CA     CSP_subpeak      CSP_subpea…  2050 GW     0.403  running 
#>  8 GCAM-USA_Ref CA     PV_base_storage  PV_base_st…  2050 GW     0.196  running 
#>  9 GCAM-USA_Ref CA     PV_int           PV_int       2050 GW    17.1    running 
#> 10 GCAM-USA_Ref CA     PV_peak          PV_peak      2050 GW     0.390  running 
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: capacity.factor <dbl>, fuel <chr>

Step4: calculate detailed job outcomes

This step calculates jobs based on the capacity activity outcome from Step 3, providing annual jobs by job type, state, fuel type, and load segment (base, intermittent, sub-peak, peak). The function accepts up to two arguments: the first is the capacity outcome from Step 3, and the second is an optional method indicator.

When the Total method is used (default), capacity additions and pre-mature retirements within a region can occur simultaneously for a technology, and jobs are calculated for all capacity activities. Under the Net method, it assumes that capacity addition and pre-mature retirement don’t happen in the same period for a technology within the same period, and jobs are calculated based on net capacity changes.

Default: use the Total method

JOB_activity <- GCAM_JOB(GW_activity)

Specify to use the Total method

JOB_activity2 <- GCAM_JOB(GW_activity, "Total")

Specify to use the Net method

JOB_activity3 <- GCAM_JOB(GW_activity, "Net")

Compare outcomes with Total and Net methods

JOB_activity3 %>% 
  dplyr::rename(Net = value) %>% 
  dplyr::left_join(JOB_activity %>% dplyr::rename(Total = value),
                   by = c("scenario", "region", "Year", "fuel", "subsector", "job", "Units")) %>% 
  dplyr::filter(region %in% c("CA", "TX"), Year == 2025, subsector == "gas_peak_CC") %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(region) %>% 
#> # A tibble: 12 × 9
#>    scenario     region  Year fuel  subsector   Units job               Net Total
#>    <chr>        <chr>  <dbl> <chr> <chr>       <chr> <chr>           <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 GCAM-USA_Ref CA      2025 gas   gas_peak_CC ppl   OM_fixed           72    72
#>  2 GCAM-USA_Ref CA      2025 gas   gas_peak_CC ppl   OM_var              1     1
#>  3 GCAM-USA_Ref CA      2025 gas   gas_peak_CC ppl   OM_total           73    73
#>  4 GCAM-USA_Ref CA      2025 gas   gas_peak_CC ppl   Construction-o…     0     1
#>  5 GCAM-USA_Ref CA      2025 gas   gas_peak_CC ppl   Construction-r…     0     1
#>  6 GCAM-USA_Ref CA      2025 gas   gas_peak_CC ppl   Decommission      102   103
#>  7 GCAM-USA_Ref TX      2025 gas   gas_peak_CC ppl   OM_fixed          177   177
#>  8 GCAM-USA_Ref TX      2025 gas   gas_peak_CC ppl   OM_var              1     1
#>  9 GCAM-USA_Ref TX      2025 gas   gas_peak_CC ppl   OM_total          178   178
#> 10 GCAM-USA_Ref TX      2025 gas   gas_peak_CC ppl   Construction-o…     0     3
#> 11 GCAM-USA_Ref TX      2025 gas   gas_peak_CC ppl   Construction-r…     0     2
#> 12 GCAM-USA_Ref TX      2025 gas   gas_peak_CC ppl   Decommission      217   221

Step5: plot employment factor

This step plots the employment factor from the JEDI ( model. Please refer to the documentation (insert a link) for details. Each point represents the employment factor of a state.

Running the function with no argument plots employment factors of all states.

Specifying a state of interest plots the employment factor of the chosen state.


Step6: plot capacity activities

This step plots the annual average capacity by fuel and activity that is assumed to exist throughout each GCAM model timestep (by default GCAM uses 5 year steps). Red + Green is the total capacity in operation in a year, where red bars denote the capacity in operation that is newly installed in a given year, and green denotes the capacity in operation was built in the past; Blue bars denote the capacity change due to retirement.

National level



PLOT_GW(GW_activity, "CO")

Step7: plot job by fuel and types

This step plots the power sector average annual direct job by fuel and job type that are assumed to exist throughout each GCAM model timestep (by default GCAM uses 5 year steps).

National level



PLOT_JOB(JOB_activity, "CO")

Step8: plot job by job types

This step plots the power sector average annual direct jobs by job type that are assumed to exist throughout each GCAM model timestep (by default GCAM uses 5 year step).

National level



PLOT_JOB_TYPE(JOB_activity, "CO")

Step9: job by state of a given year

This step maps out the state-level power sector direct job in a given year.

MAP_JOB(JOB_activity, 2020)

MAP_JOB(JOB_activity, 2050)

MAP_JOB(JOB_activity, 2100)