This function produce different kinds of maps for the rmap package. Each figure is accompanied with a csv table.
data = NULL,
region = NULL,
fillColumn = NULL,
shape = NULL,
theme = NULL,
show = T,
subRegion = "subRegion",
value = "value",
x = NULL,
class = "class",
scenario = "scenario",
palette = "Set3",
legendType = "kmeans",
labels = F,
labelCol = NULL,
labelRepel = 0,
labelColor = "black",
labelSize = 2,
labelAlpha = 1,
labelFill = NA,
labelBorderSize = NA,
width = 9,
height = 7,
legendShow = T,
legendTitle = NULL,
legendBreaksn = 5,
legendBreaks = NULL,
pdfpng = "png",
underLayer = NULL,
color = "grey40",
lwd = 0.1,
underLayerLabelCol = NULL,
underLayerColor = "gray40",
underLayerFill = "gray90",
underLayerLwd = 0.1,
underLayerAlpha = 1,
underLayerLabels = F,
overLayerLabelCol = NULL,
overLayerLabels = F,
overLayer = NULL,
overLayerColor = "gray40",
overLayerFill = NA,
overLayerLwd = 0.2,
overLayerAlpha = 0,
zoom = 0,
zoomx = NULL,
zoomy = NULL,
asp = 1.2,
save = T,
fileName = "map",
folder = paste(getwd(), "/outputs", sep = ""),
row = NULL,
col = NULL,
title = NULL,
numeric2Cat_list = NULL,
catParam = NULL,
legendDigits = NULL,
legendDigitsOverride = NULL,
legendSingleColor = "white",
legendSingleValue = F,
colorNA = "gray50",
showNA = F,
ncol = 3,
size = 16,
alpha = 1,
background = F,
crop = T,
crop_to_underLayer = F,
crop_to_overLayer = F,
transparent = F,
crs = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
Default = NULL
Default = NULL. Set the boundary region for subRegion maps. Useful when multiple subRegions in different regions.
Default = NULL # Or give column with data
Default = NULL, Cusotm shape can be provided as a SpatialPolygonDataFrame with features corresponding to subRegion columns in the data provided.
Default = NULL
Default = T. Print maps in console as they are processed.
Default ="subRegion",
Default = "value",
Default = NULL
Default = "class"
Default = "scenario"
Default = "Set3"
Default = "continuous".
Default = FALSE
Default = NULL,
Default = 0,
Default = "black",
Default = 3
Default = 0.7,
Default = NA,
Default = NA
Default = 9
Default = 7
Default = F
Default = NULL
Default = "5"
Default = NULL
Default = "png"
Default = NULL
Default = "grey40". Color of polygon lines.
Default = 0.1. Line width of polygon boundaries.
Default = NULL
Default = "gray40"
Default = "gray40"
Default = 0.5
Default = 1
Default = F
Default = NULL
Default = F
Default = NULL
Default = "gray40"
Default = NA
Default = 0.5
Default = 0
Default =-1. Zoom into or out of map. Positive values zoom in and negative out.
Default = NULL. Zoom into or out of map along x. Positive values zoom in and negative out.
Default = NULL. Zoom into or out of map along y. Positive values zoom in and negative out.
Default = 1.2. Aspect ratio of lat and lon.
Default = T
Default = "map"
Default = paste(getwd(),"/outputs",sep Default = "")
Default = NULL
Default=F. Change to True to get default single value or provide a numeric value.
Default = "gray50"
Default = T
Default = 3. Number of columns to wrap maps
Default = 12. Text size of plots.
Default = 1. Transparency of fill colors.
Default = F. T adds background water color, border and default underlayer map. If background is set to a color (e.g. background = "grey10") then map will be produced with water of that color, a border and underlayer map.
Default = T. Crop to boundary data.
Default = F. Crop to the underLayer boundary provided.
Default = F. Crop to the overLayer boundary provided.
Default = F. To make map background transparent for maps without backgrounds.
Default = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs". A proj4 string from EPSG
Returns the formatted data used to produce chart