Produce YLLs attributable to O3 (M6M) exposure. YLL-to-Mortalities ratios are based on TM5-FASST calculations. Premature mortalities are based on the IER functions from Jerret et al (2009), consistent with the GBD 2016 study.
final_db_year = 2100,
mort_param = "mort_o3_gbd2016_med",
ssp = "SSP2",
saveOutput = T,
map = F,
anim = T
Path to the GCAM database
Path to the query file
Name of the GCAM database
Name of the rgcam project. This can be an existing project, or, if not, this will be the name
Name of the GCAM scenario to be processed
Name of the GCAM query file. The file by default includes the queries required to run rfasst
Final year in the GCAM database (this allows to process databases with user-defined "stop periods")
Select the health function (GBD 2016 or Jerret et al 2009) and the Low/Med/High RR. By default = mort_o3_gbd2016_med
Set the ssp narrative associated to the GCAM scenario. c("SSP1","SSP2","SSP3","SSP4","SSP5"). By default is SSP2
Writes the emission files.By default=T
Produce the maps. By default=F
If set to T, produces multi-year animations. By default=T
YLLs attributable to O3 exposure for each TM5-FASST regions for all years (# YLLs). The list of countries that form each region and the full name of the region can be found in Table S2.2 in the TM5-FASST documentation paper: Van Dingenen, R., Dentener, F., Crippa, M., Leitao, J., Marmer, E., Rao, S., Solazzo, E. and Valentini, L., 2018. TM5-FASST: a global atmospheric source-receptor model for rapid impact analysis of emission changes on air quality and short-lived climate pollutants. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(21), pp.16173-16211.