Pre-processing, loading libraries

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#Basic format for figs (optional)
scheme_basic <- theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 15)) +
  theme(legend.title = element_text(size = 15)) +
  theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 18)) +
  theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 18, face = "bold")) +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 15, face = "bold", vjust = 1)) +
  theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 9, face = "bold", vjust = 1))+ 
  theme(strip.text = element_text(size = 7))+
  theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 18, face = "bold"))+
  theme(strip.text.y = element_text(size = 15, face = "bold"))+
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")+
  theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 12))+
  theme(legend.title = element_text(size = 12,color = "black",face="bold"))+
  theme(axis.text.x= element_text(hjust=1))+
  theme(legend.background = element_blank(), = element_rect(colour = "black"))

Example 1: Generate deciles using lognormal approach

We load a sample dataset with GINI coefficients and mean income (by country, year) and derive the income distribution (deciles) using the lognormal based approach.

1. Load a sample dataset

read.csv("Input_Data/Wider_aggregated_deciles.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
  select(country, year, gdp_ppp_pc_usd2011, gini) %>%
  distinct() %>%
  mutate(sce="Historical data") %>% 
  filter(year > 2013)->data_for_lognorm

knitr::kable(head(data_for_lognorm), format = "html")
country year gdp_ppp_pc_usd2011 gini sce
Argentina 2014 18.9490 0.396005 Historical data
Australia 2014 43.5615 0.342125 Historical data
Austria 2014 43.8475 0.298130 Historical data
Austria 2015 44.0700 0.297710 Historical data
Belgium 2014 41.3035 0.274710 Historical data
Belgium 2015 41.7700 0.271340 Historical data

2. Use the lognormal model on this dataset

start_time= Sys.time()


print(paste0("Processed in ",as.integer(end_time-start_time), " seconds"))
## [1] "Processed in 5 seconds"
knitr::kable(head(lognormal_model), format = "html")
country year category pred_shares model
Argentina 2014 d1 0.0217603 Log normal based downscaling (using country GINI)
Argentina 2014 d2 0.0349525 Log normal based downscaling (using country GINI)
Argentina 2014 d3 0.0450210 Log normal based downscaling (using country GINI)
Argentina 2014 d4 0.0598386 Log normal based downscaling (using country GINI)
Argentina 2014 d5 0.0678814 Log normal based downscaling (using country GINI)
Argentina 2014 d6 0.0830141 Log normal based downscaling (using country GINI)

Example 2: Generate lognormal density dist (For an abritary set of parameters)

Here, we generate lognormal density distribution from arbritary values of the GINI and mean income.

density_dist_1 <- compute_lognormal_dist(mean_income = 15,gini=0.6) %>% mutate(gini=as.character(0.6))
density_dist_2 <- compute_lognormal_dist(mean_income = 15,gini=0.3)%>% mutate(gini=as.character(0.3))
density_dist_3 <- compute_lognormal_dist(mean_income = 15,gini=0.2)%>% mutate(gini=as.character(0.2))

g <- ggplot(data=bind_rows(density_dist_3,density_dist_2,density_dist_1), aes(x=gdp_pcap,y=density,color=gini))+
     geom_line(size =2)+scale_color_aaas()+ xlab("Income in Thous USD")


Example 3. Use the PCA based model

Here , we demonstrate the usage of the PCA based model. We pass a dataset of required variables (Step 1 below) to thePC_modelfunction (Step 2 below). Note that the function parameters are stored in memory for pridr and will not change unless the user specifically resets parameters (using newer data for example).

1. Compile data (This is the dataset format that needs to be passed to the function)
sample_data <- read.csv("Input_Data/sample_data.csv")
knitr::kable(head(sample_data), format = "html")
X country year iso sce gini labsh lagged_ninth_decile lagged_palma_ratio
1 China 1977 chn Historical data 0.1857180 0.5921686 0.1469042 0.9035953
2 China 1978 chn Historical data 0.2115421 0.5921686 0.1469042 0.9035953
3 China 1976 chn Historical data 0.2254473 0.5921686 0.1469042 0.9035953
4 China 1982 chn Historical data 0.2309190 0.5921686 0.1469042 0.9035953
5 China 1980 chn Historical data 0.2333932 0.5921686 0.1469042 0.9035953
6 China 1992 chn Historical data 0.2353070 0.5752647 0.1480236 1.2233429

2. Run PC model on this dataset

start_time <- Sys.time()

PC_model_results <- PC_model(sample_data %>% filter(iso=="usa"))
## [1] "Computed all coeffcients in each time step. Now generating deciles"
print(paste0("Completed in ", as.integer(Sys.time()-start_time), " seconds."))
## [1] "Completed in 7 seconds."
knitr::kable(head(PC_model_results), format = "html")
country year Category pred_shares Component1 Component2
United States of America 2012 d1 0.0178931 2.523811 -0.9284825
United States of America 2014 d1 0.0179736 2.554260 -0.9932798
United States of America 2015 d1 0.0179853 2.480462 -0.9124102
United States of America 2011 d1 0.0180795 2.543543 -1.0198806
United States of America 2009 d1 0.0185508 2.308630 -0.9222637
United States of America 2006 d1 0.0190730 2.124993 -0.9025370

3. Plot results

g <- ggplot(data=PC_model_results %>% filter(year %in% c(2010:2015)) ,aes(x=factor(Category,levels =c('d1','d2','d3','d4',
  'd5','d6','d7','d8',                                                                                'd9','d10')),y=pred_shares,color=year,group=year))+
     ggtitle("Income distributions in the US in multiple years  ")

g+scheme_basic+theme(legend.position = "right")

Example 4. Generate GINI coefficients for a given set of deciles

pridrallows users to recalculate summary metrics such as the GINI coefficient from deciles.

gini_data <-compute_gini_deciles(PC_model_results %>% mutate(category=Category), inc_col = "pred_shares",grouping_variables = c("country","year")) %>% rename(gini=output_name)
knitr::kable(head(gini_data), format = "html")
country year Category pred_shares Component1 Component2 category share_of_richer_pop score gini
United States of America 2012 d1 0.0178931 2.523811 -0.9284825 d1 0.9 0.0339969 0.4660090
United States of America 2014 d1 0.0179736 2.554260 -0.9932798 d1 0.9 0.0341499 0.4666982
United States of America 2015 d1 0.0179853 2.480462 -0.9124102 d1 0.9 0.0341721 0.4646415
United States of America 2011 d1 0.0180795 2.543543 -1.0198806 d1 0.9 0.0343511 0.4662052
United States of America 2009 d1 0.0185508 2.308630 -0.9222637 d1 0.9 0.0352466 0.4588485
United States of America 2006 d1 0.0190730 2.124993 -0.9025370 d1 0.9 0.0362387 0.4528108

Example 5. Aggregate deciles to a region (Here we aggregate country level distributions to a global distribution)

Users can also aggregate the income distribution to a regional or global scale based on arbritary mapping of ISOs to regions. Here, we aggregate all income distributions at the country level to a global income distribution in 2015.

1. Compile data

read.csv("Input_Data/Wider_aggregated_deciles.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
  select(country, year, gdp_ppp_pc_usd2011, population,,Category) %>% filter(year%in% c(2015)) %>% mutate(GCAM_region_ID="Global")->ISO_data
knitr::kable(head(ISO_data), format = "html")
country year gdp_ppp_pc_usd2011 population Category GCAM_region_ID
Austria 2015 44.0700 17357324 0.0299000 d1 Global
Belgium 2015 41.7700 22575871 0.0343000 d1 Global
Bolivia 2015 6.4880 21594437 0.0111000 d1 Global
Brazil 2015 14.7535 410433868 0.0125000 d1 Global
Chile 2015 22.3865 35732037 0.0182667 d1 Global
Colombia 2015 13.0185 95749365 0.0119000 d1 Global

2. Aggregate the distribution

                                     grouping_variables = c("GCAM_region_ID","year")

knitr::kable(head(agg_data), format = "html")
GCAM_region_ID year category shares gdp_pcap tot_gdp tot_pop share_of_richer_pop score output_name
Global 2015 d1 0.0178482 14.68421 176725558262 12035076741 0.9 0.0339115 0.432179
Global 2015 d2 0.0305933 14.68421 176725558262 12035076741 0.8 0.0520086 0.432179
Global 2015 d3 0.0410385 14.68421 176725558262 12035076741 0.7 0.0615578 0.432179
Global 2015 d4 0.0516415 14.68421 176725558262 12035076741 0.6 0.0671339 0.432179
Global 2015 d5 0.0635952 14.68421 176725558262 12035076741 0.5 0.0699547 0.432179
Global 2015 d6 0.0778195 14.68421 176725558262 12035076741 0.4 0.0700376 0.432179

3. Plot the distributions

g <- ggplot(data=ISO_data,aes(x=factor(Category,levels =c('d1','d2','d3','d4',
  'd5','d6','d7','d8',                                                                                'd9','d10')),,group=country)+
     geom_line(data=ISO_data,aes(x=factor(Category,levels =c('d1','d2','d3','d4',
  'd5','d6','d7','d8',                                                                                'd9','d10')),,group=country),color="grey")+
     geom_line(data=agg_data, aes(x=factor(category,levels =c('d1','d2','d3','d4',
  'd5','d6','d7','d8',                                                                                'd9','d10')),y=shares),color="black",group=agg_data$GCAM_region_ID,size=2.5)+
  ggtitle("Grey lines are country level distributions, black line is \naggregated global distribution in 2015")
