This function connects and reads a gcamdatabase or a query data proj file and calculates electricity and hydropower investments.

  gcamdatabase = NULL,
  queryFile = NULL,
  reReadData = T,
  dataProjFile = paste(getwd(), "/outputs/dataProj.proj", sep = ""),
  gcamdataFile = NULL,
  scenOrigNames = "All",
  scenNewNames = NULL,
  regionsSelect = NULL,
  dirOutputs = paste(getwd(), "/outputs", sep = ""),
  folderName = NULL,
  nameAppend = "",
  saveData = T



Default = NULL. Full path to GCAM database folder.


Defualt = NULL. When NULL plutus loads pre-saved xml file plutus::xmlElecQueries


Default = TRUE. If TRUE will read the GCAM data base and create a queryData.proj file under the output directory. If FALSE will load a '.proj' file if a file with full path is provided otherwise it will search for a dataProj.proj file in the existing folder which may have been created from an old run.


Default = paste(getwd(), "/outputs/dataProj.proj", sep = ""). Optional. A default 'dataProj.proj' is produced if no .Proj file is specified.


Default = NULL. Optional. For example, gcamdataFile = "~/gcam-core-gcam-v5.3/input/gcamdata". Use full path to GCAM 'gcamdata' folder that contains costs and capacity data. Data files including:

(1) A23.globaltech_retirement.csv; (2) L223.StubTechCapFactor_elec.csv; (3) L223.GlobalTechCapFac_elec.csv; (4) L2233.GlobalIntTechCapital_elec.csv; (5) L2233.GlobalIntTechCapital_elec_cool.csv; (6) L2233.GlobalTechCapital_elec_cool.csv; (7) L2233.GlobalTechCapital_elecPassthru.csv


Default = "All". Original Scenarios names in GCAM database in a string vector. For example c('scenario1','scenario2).


Default = NULL. New Names which may be shorter and more useful for figures etc. Default will use Original Names. For example c('scenario1','scenario2)


Default = NULL. The regions to analyze in a vector. Example c('Colombia','Argentina'). Full list:

USA, Africa_Eastern, Africa_Northern, Africa_Southern, Africa_Western, Australia_NZ, Brazil, Canada Central America and Caribbean, Central Asia, China, EU-12, EU-15, Europe_Eastern, Europe_Non_EU, European Free Trade Association, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Middle East, Pakistan, Russia, South Africa, South America_Northern, South America_Southern, South Asia, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay


Default = paste(getwd(), "/outputs", sep = ""). Full path to directory for outputs


Default = NULL


Default = "". Name to append to saved files.


Default = TRUE. Set to F if do not want to save any data to file.


Returns (1) annual and cumulative costs and power generation of premature retired electricity infrustructure (including hydropower); (2) annual and cumulative costs and power generation of new capacity from new electricity infrustructures (including hydropower).