Stephanie Pennington. Author, maintainer.
Ciara Donegan. Author.
Chris Vernon. Author.
Stephanie Waldhoff. Author.
Abigail Snyder. Author.
Jason Evanoff. Author.
Corinne Hartin. Author.
Pennington S, Donegan C, Vernon C, Waldhoff S, Snyder A, Evanoff J, Hartin C (2024). hectorui: A web-based interactive scenario builder and visualization application for the Hector climate model. R package version 2.0.
@Manual{, title = {hectorui: A web-based interactive scenario builder and visualization application for the Hector climate model}, author = {Stephanie Pennington and Ciara Donegan and Chris Vernon and Stephanie Waldhoff and Abigail Snyder and Jason Evanoff and Corinne Hartin}, year = {2024}, note = {R package version 2.0}, }