Getting Started

This page walks you through the steps of installing GLORY and running an example.



  • Before proceeding, ensure that Python is installed (version 3.9 or above). We recommend using Anaconda to set up a virtual environment.

  • Additionally, you will need to install the linear programming solver glpk. The recommended method is to use conda to avoid unexpected issues (refer to the Pyomo documentation). Make sure to use the same Python environment for all packages.

    • Use Conda

    conda install -c conda-forge glpk
    • Use Homebrew

    brew install glpk
    # set C linker and include flags so that the pip wheel build can find the headers and library
    LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix glpk)/lib" CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix glpk)/include" pip install glpk

Install GLORY

Option 1:

Install GLORY from a command prompt or terminal:

pip install glory-reservoir

Option 2:

You can install the development version of GLORY from GitHub using pip in a command prompt or terminal:

pip install git+

This command will automatically install the dependencies. To avoid package version conflicts, consider using a virtual environment.

Try importing GLORY to confirm that installation was successful:

import glory


Example Data

Example data and configuration file can be downloaded from Zenodo through this link, or by using the GLORY function:

import glory

# The example data will be downloaded to the cloned package folder by default.

Or, if the user didn’t clone the GLORY package, then specify a desired download location.

import glory

# modify example_data_directory to your own desired location


With the example data downloaded, a simple configuration can be run:

import glory
import os

# modify the path if downloaded to a different directory
config_file = os.path.join(glory.DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_DIR, 'example_config.yml')


Check your example\outputs folder for the results!

Use GLORY Modules

Instead of running the entire model, one can choose to run certain modules.

To generate a capacity-yield curve and a supply curve with discrete points for a single basin, users can easily instantiate the glory.SupplyCurve() object by providing the configuration object. The glory.SupplyCurve() will then undertake the process of identifying reservoir storage capacity expansion pathways and calculating the optimized water yield at each storage capacity point. The example below uses California River basin (basin ID is 217) for time step 2020.

import glory

# indicate the path to the config file
config = glory.ConfigReader(config_file=config_file)

# demand_gcam and capacity_gcam is set to None because the model is not linked with GCAM in this example
sc = glory.SupplyCurve(config=config,

# Check the capacity-yield curve

# check the supply curve

One can effortlessly apply the glory.lp_model() function to execute a linear programming model that determines the optimized water yield for a given reservoir storage capacity. Below is an example with arbitrary numbers. Please note that volumetric units should be consistent across variables.

import numpy as np

lp = glory.lp_model(K=1, # set storage capacity as 1 km3
                    Smin=0, # minimum storage
                    Ig=5, # annual inflow in volume
                    Eg=1, # annual reservoir surface evaporation in volume
                    f={i+1: num for i, num in enumerate(np.random.dirichlet(np.ones(12), size=1)[0])}, # dictionary: monthly profile for demand
                    p={i+1: num for i, num in enumerate(np.random.dirichlet(np.ones(12), size=1)[0])}, # dictionary: monthly profile for inflow
                    z={i+1: num for i, num in enumerate(np.random.dirichlet(np.ones(12), size=1)[0])}, # dictionary: monthly profile for reservoir surface evaporation
                    m=0.1, # percentage of water reuse

# view the solution

This will return a pyomo object. To display the solution of the linear programming model for each variable, use lp.display().