
Before running gcambreakout you will need:

  • A running version of GCAM version 5.4
  • IEA_EnergyBalances_2019.csv file placed in the ./input/inst/extdata/energy
  • CEDS data placed in input/gcamdata/inst/extdata/emissions/CEDS
  • NOTE: The CEDS data and IEA_EnergyBalances_2019.csv is proprietary data and only accesible to internal JGCRI staff at


gcambreakout works by editing the raw input files that define the regional structure in the gcamdata system. gcamdata is a folder inside every version of GCAM that contains all the input data and R code that is required to create the XML files that go into GCAM. The following files are edited with new regions added to them:

  • ./input/gcamdata/inst/extdata/common/iso_GCAM_regID.csv
  • ./input/gcamdata/inst/extdata/common/GCAM_region_names.csv
  • ./input/gcamdata/inst/extdata/aglu/A_bio_frac_prod_R.csv
  • ./input/gcamdata/inst/extdata/aglu/A_soil_time_scale_R.csv
  • ./input/gcamdata/inst/extdata/emissions/A_regions.csv
  • ./input/gcamdata/inst/extdata/energy/A23.subsector_interp_R.csv
  • ./input/gcamdata/inst/extdata/energy/A_regions.csv
  • ./input/gcamdata/inst/extdata/energy/offshore_wind_potential_scaler.csv

Once these files have been changed the gcamdata system must be re-built and the driver function has to be re-run to re-generated all the XML files. gcambreakout has the following functions:

  • breakout_regions() : Used to breakout countries from the existing 32 regions in GCAM Core. Countries chosen must come from the same parent region.
  • breakout_city(): Used to breakout cities from any existing GCAM region, including new regions that are created using breakout_regions()
  • restore(): Used to restore the original files if desired (OPTIONAL)

Note: Broken out regions will not have electricity trade with other regions.

Breakout New Regions

The breakout_regions() function can be used to breakout new regions in GCAM. Users can breakout a single new region composed of one or more countries or several new regions each composed of one or more countries. The new region name can be any name the user wants however the countries that make up the new region must be one of the countries listed in: ./input/gcamdata/inst/extdata/common/iso_GCAM_regID.csv file. The following examples show how to breakout a single and multiple new regions composed of single and multiple countries.

library(gcambreakout); library(dplyr)

# Set the path to your ./input/gcamdata folder"
gcamdataFolderx <- "FULL_PATH_ADDRESS/gcam-core/input/gcamdata" # Example "C:/gcam-core/input/gcamdata" 

# Check the list of countries in ./input/gcamdata/inst/extdata/common/iso_GCAM_regID.csv
countries_allowed <- read.csv(paste0(gcamdataFolderx,"/inst/extdata/common/iso_GCAM_regID.csv"), comment.char = '#', header=T); countries_allowed$country_name
current_GCAM_regions <- read.csv(paste0(gcamdataFolderx,"/inst/extdata/common/GCAM_region_names.csv"), comment.char = '#', header=T); current_GCAM_regions

# Breakout a new region for Spain with a single country Spain
breakout_regions(gcamdataFolder = gcamdataFolderx,
         regionsNew = c("Spain"),
         countriesNew = c("Spain"))
# Users can confirm that a new region has been added by opening the .csv file: ./input/gcamdata/inst/extdata/common/GCAM_region_names.csv
# restore(gcamdataFolder = gcamdataFolderx)  # (OPTIONAL) Uncomment this line and restore the datasystem to original state

# Breakout a new custom region called "Peru_Chile" with both Peru and Chile
breakout_regions(gcamdataFolder = gcamdataFolderx,
         regionsNew = c("Peru_Chile"),
         countriesNew = c("Peru","Chile"))
# Users can confirm that a new region has been added by opening the .csv file: ./input/gcamdata/inst/extdata/common/GCAM_region_names.csv
# restore(gcamdataFolder = gcamdataFolderx)  # (OPTIONAL) Uncomment this line and restore the datasystem to original state

# Breakout two new regions: One for Peru and One for Chile with each having its own single country within it.
breakout_regions(gcamdataFolder = gcamdataFolderx,
         regionsNew = c("Peru","Chile"),
         countriesNew = c("Peru","Chile"))
# Users can confirm that a new region has been added by opening the .csv file: ./input/gcamdata/inst/extdata/common/GCAM_region_names.csv
# restore(gcamdataFolder = gcamdataFolderx)  # (OPTIONAL) Uncomment this line and restore the datasystem to original state

# Breakout two new regions: One for a combined "Peru_Chile" with Peru and Chile, and one for "Spain_France" with Spain and France

# NOTE: In this case the countriesNew must be a list!!

breakout_regions(gcamdataFolder = gcamdataFolderx,
         regionsNew = c("Peru_Chile",
         countriesNew = list(c("Peru","Chile"),
# Users can confirm that a new region has been added by opening the .csv file: ./input/gcamdata/inst/extdata/common/GCAM_region_names.csv
# restore(gcamdataFolder = gcamdataFolderx)  # (OPTIONAL) Uncomment this line and restore the datasystem to original state

Breakout New Subregions

To breakout subregions (e.g.provinces, states, cities) users need to provide the following:

  • region: The parent region from which the subregions are being broken out
  • pop_projection: An R data table or a path to a .csv file which has columns region, year, population. The population should be in millions.
  • pcgdp_projection: An R data table or a path to a .csv file which has columns region, year, pcgdp. The pcgdp should be in thous 2005 USD per capita

The region column in the tables above should include each new subregion as well as a region named “Rest of PARENT_REGION_NAME”. Example tables are provided as gcambreakout::template_pcgdp_projection and gcambreakout::template_pop_projection for breaking out Bangkok from the larger Thailand region.

# This will only work if after Thailand has been broken out as a separate region
breakout_subregion(gcamdataFolder = gcamdataFolderx,
                   region = "Thailand",
                   pop_projection = gcambreakout::template_pop_projection),
                   pcgdp_projection = gcambreakout::template_pcgdp_projection)

# Example format of gcambreakout::template_pop_projection
# Population should be in "millions"
#>               region year population
#> 1            Bangkok 1971   3.345901
#> 2            Bangkok 1972   3.414184
#> 3            Bangkok 1973   3.483862
#> 4            Bangkok 1974   3.554961
#> 5            Bangkok 1975   3.627511
#> 6            Bangkok 1976   3.701542
#> 7            Bangkok 1977   3.777084
#> 8            Bangkok 1978   3.854167
#> 9            Bangkok 1979   3.932823
#> 10           Bangkok 1980   4.013085
#> 11           Bangkok 1981   4.094985
#> 12           Bangkok 1982   4.178556
#> 13           Bangkok 1983   4.263832
#> 14           Bangkok 1984   4.350849
#> 15           Bangkok 1985   4.439642
#> 16           Bangkok 1986   4.530247
#> 17           Bangkok 1987   4.622701
#> 18           Bangkok 1988   4.717042
#> 19           Bangkok 1989   4.813308
#> 20           Bangkok 1990   4.911539
#> 21           Bangkok 1991   5.011775
#> 22           Bangkok 1992   5.114056
#> 23           Bangkok 1993   5.218424
#> 24           Bangkok 1994   5.324923
#> 25           Bangkok 1995   5.433595
#> 26           Bangkok 1996   5.544484
#> 27           Bangkok 1997   5.657637
#> 28           Bangkok 1998   5.773099
#> 29           Bangkok 1999   5.890917
#> 30           Bangkok 2000   6.011140
#> 31           Bangkok 2001   6.133816
#> 32           Bangkok 2002   6.258996
#> 33           Bangkok 2003   6.386731
#> 34           Bangkok 2004   6.517072
#> 35           Bangkok 2005   6.650074
#> 36           Bangkok 2006   6.785790
#> 37           Bangkok 2007   6.924275
#> 38           Bangkok 2008   7.065587
#> 39           Bangkok 2009   7.209783
#> 40           Bangkok 2010   7.356921
#> 41           Bangkok 2011   7.507062
#> 42           Bangkok 2012   7.660268
#> 43           Bangkok 2013   7.816600
#> 44           Bangkok 2014   7.976122
#> 45           Bangkok 2015   8.138900
#> 46           Bangkok 2020   8.305000
#> 47           Bangkok 2025   9.058789
#> 48           Bangkok 2030   9.779270
#> 49           Bangkok 2035  10.404681
#> 50           Bangkok 2040  10.958289
#> 51           Bangkok 2045  11.385714
#> 52           Bangkok 2050  11.745760
#> 53           Bangkok 2055  11.999071
#> 54           Bangkok 2060  12.208129
#> 55           Bangkok 2065  12.307004
#> 56           Bangkok 2070  12.355202
#> 57           Bangkok 2075  12.310853
#> 58           Bangkok 2080  12.231142
#> 59           Bangkok 2085  12.083059
#> 60           Bangkok 2090  11.911445
#> 61           Bangkok 2095  11.691495
#> 62           Bangkok 2100  11.457612
#> 63  Rest of Thailand 1971  26.002037
#> 64  Rest of Thailand 1972  26.532691
#> 65  Rest of Thailand 1973  27.074174
#> 66  Rest of Thailand 1974  27.626708
#> 67  Rest of Thailand 1975  28.190519
#> 68  Rest of Thailand 1976  28.765836
#> 69  Rest of Thailand 1977  29.352893
#> 70  Rest of Thailand 1978  29.951932
#> 71  Rest of Thailand 1979  30.563196
#> 72  Rest of Thailand 1980  31.186935
#> 73  Rest of Thailand 1981  31.823403
#> 74  Rest of Thailand 1982  32.472860
#> 75  Rest of Thailand 1983  33.135571
#> 76  Rest of Thailand 1984  33.811808
#> 77  Rest of Thailand 1985  34.501844
#> 78  Rest of Thailand 1986  35.205964
#> 79  Rest of Thailand 1987  35.924453
#> 80  Rest of Thailand 1988  36.657605
#> 81  Rest of Thailand 1989  37.405719
#> 82  Rest of Thailand 1990  38.169101
#> 83  Rest of Thailand 1991  38.948062
#> 84  Rest of Thailand 1992  39.742921
#> 85  Rest of Thailand 1993  40.554001
#> 86  Rest of Thailand 1994  41.381634
#> 87  Rest of Thailand 1995  42.226157
#> 88  Rest of Thailand 1996  43.087915
#> 89  Rest of Thailand 1997  43.967260
#> 90  Rest of Thailand 1998  44.864551
#> 91  Rest of Thailand 1999  45.780154
#> 92  Rest of Thailand 2000  46.714443
#> 93  Rest of Thailand 2001  47.667799
#> 94  Rest of Thailand 2002  48.640611
#> 95  Rest of Thailand 2003  49.633277
#> 96  Rest of Thailand 2004  50.646201
#> 97  Rest of Thailand 2005  51.679797
#> 98  Rest of Thailand 2006  52.734487
#> 99  Rest of Thailand 2007  53.810701
#> 100 Rest of Thailand 2008  54.908878
#> 101 Rest of Thailand 2009  56.029468
#> 102 Rest of Thailand 2010  57.172926
#> 103 Rest of Thailand 2011  58.339720
#> 104 Rest of Thailand 2012  59.530327
#> 105 Rest of Thailand 2013  60.745232
#> 106 Rest of Thailand 2014  61.984930
#> 107 Rest of Thailand 2015  63.249929
#> 108 Rest of Thailand 2020  64.540744
#> 109 Rest of Thailand 2025  65.081912
#> 110 Rest of Thailand 2030  65.238450
#> 111 Rest of Thailand 2035  64.979528
#> 112 Rest of Thailand 2040  64.260994
#> 113 Rest of Thailand 2045  63.182155
#> 114 Rest of Thailand 2050  61.805912
#> 115 Rest of Thailand 2055  60.290566
#> 116 Rest of Thailand 2060  58.654786
#> 117 Rest of Thailand 2065  56.885557
#> 118 Rest of Thailand 2070  54.992523
#> 119 Rest of Thailand 2075  53.039047
#> 120 Rest of Thailand 2080  51.039906
#> 121 Rest of Thailand 2085  49.050840
#> 122 Rest of Thailand 2090  47.060557
#> 123 Rest of Thailand 2095  45.119707
#> 124 Rest of Thailand 2100  43.204887

# Example format of gcambreakout::template_pcgdp_projection
# pcgdp should be in "thous 2005 USD/per capita"
#>              region year      pcgdp
#> 1           Bangkok 1971   3.736694
#> 2           Bangkok 1975   4.151882
#> 3           Bangkok 1980   4.613202
#> 4           Bangkok 1985   5.125780
#> 5           Bangkok 1990   5.695311
#> 6           Bangkok 1995   6.328124
#> 7           Bangkok 2000   7.031248
#> 8           Bangkok 2005   9.016968
#> 9           Bangkok 2010  10.742040
#> 10          Bangkok 2015  12.819406
#> 11          Bangkok 2020  16.030139
#> 12          Bangkok 2025  19.912423
#> 13          Bangkok 2030  24.240425
#> 14          Bangkok 2035  28.890297
#> 15          Bangkok 2040  33.983472
#> 16          Bangkok 2045  39.525512
#> 17          Bangkok 2050  45.482692
#> 18          Bangkok 2055  51.866997
#> 19          Bangkok 2060  58.635618
#> 20          Bangkok 2065  65.770917
#> 21          Bangkok 2070  73.237524
#> 22          Bangkok 2075  81.109397
#> 23          Bangkok 2080  89.302655
#> 24          Bangkok 2085  97.658508
#> 25          Bangkok 2090 106.212522
#> 26          Bangkok 2095 114.925911
#> 27          Bangkok 2100 123.863319
#> 28 Rest of Thailand 1971   2.531686
#> 29 Rest of Thailand 1975   2.812985
#> 30 Rest of Thailand 1980   3.125539
#> 31 Rest of Thailand 1985   3.472821
#> 32 Rest of Thailand 1990   3.858690
#> 33 Rest of Thailand 1995   4.287433
#> 34 Rest of Thailand 2000   4.763815
#> 35 Rest of Thailand 2005   6.109181
#> 36 Rest of Thailand 2010   7.277952
#> 37 Rest of Thailand 2015   8.685410
#> 38 Rest of Thailand 2020  10.860747
#> 39 Rest of Thailand 2025  13.431267
#> 40 Rest of Thailand 2030  16.276403
#> 41 Rest of Thailand 2035  19.314217
#> 42 Rest of Thailand 2040  22.618158
#> 43 Rest of Thailand 2045  26.197458
#> 44 Rest of Thailand 2050  30.018022
#> 45 Rest of Thailand 2055  34.098539
#> 46 Rest of Thailand 2060  38.395688
#> 47 Rest of Thailand 2065  42.913706
#> 48 Rest of Thailand 2070  47.611283
#> 49 Rest of Thailand 2075  52.556358
#> 50 Rest of Thailand 2080  57.673216
#> 51 Rest of Thailand 2085  62.882664
#> 52 Rest of Thailand 2090  68.185135
#> 53 Rest of Thailand 2095  73.581423
#> 54 Rest of Thailand 2100  79.088764

Restore Original Files

Users can also restore back to the original files by running the following code. This will replace the newly created files with the versions appended with ’_Original’ and delete the appended files. The gcamdata system will have to be rebuilt using ‘install & restart’ from R Studio once again followed by driver().

restore(gcamdataFolder = "PATH_TO_GCAM_FOLDER/input/gcamdata")