GCAM v7.1 Documentation: Price Outputs

Documentation for GCAM
The Global Change Analysis Model

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Price Outputs

Description of Outputs

Name Resolution Unit Query XML Tag
Price1 Market2 and Year Various3 price
Food demand prices Region, Type and Year 2005$/Mcal/day price-paid

Outputs are specified in the startVisitMarket method of xml_db_outputter.cpp.

1: There is a long list of standard queries that report price results. The price query above will report prices for all markets, while other queries filter those results. For example, the "ag commodity prices" query reports prices for agriculture and forestry commodities only.
2: Prices are reported by market. The market name contains both region and commodity information. For example, globalcrude oil is the price of the globally traded crude oil market and USACorn is the price of Corn in the USA. Some markets will have both a global and a regional price.
3: Units vary by market. In general, energy-related prices are reported in $1975/GJ, agricultural prices are in $1975/kg, forestry prices are in $1975/m3, and carbon prices are in $1990/tC.