GCAM v7.1 Documentation: Marketplace

Documentation for GCAM
The Global Change Analysis Model

View the Project on GitHub JGCRI/gcam-doc


Table of Contents

Inputs to the Module

Table 1: Inputs required by the marketplace module

Name Resolution Unit Source
Supply of all energy commodities Region and year EJ/yr Energy Supply Module
Demand for all energy commodities Region and year EJ/yr Energy Demand Module
Supply of all agriculture and land-based commodities Region and year Various (e.g., Mt/yr, billion m3/yr) Land Supply Module
Demand for all agriculture and land-based commodities Region and year Various (e.g., Mt/yr, billion m3/yr) Land Demand Module
Supply of all water types Basin and year km3 Water Supply Module
Demand for water withdrawals and consumption Basin and year km3 Water Demand Module


GCAM operates by determining a set of prices that ensure supply is equal to demand for all time steps. The marketplace collects the supplies and demands and uses solver algorithms to determine those prices.

Policy options

This section summarizes some of the marketplace policy options available in GCAM.

Carbon or GHG prices

GCAM users can directly specify the price of carbon or GHGs. Given a carbon price, the resulting emissions will vary depending on other scenario drivers, such as population, GDP, resources, and technology. See example.

Insights and intuition