Project yields for future climate scenarios using regression analysis Using average growing season temperature and precipitation, max and min months
- use_default_coeff
Default = FALSE. binary for using default regression coefficients. Set to TRUE will use the default coefficients instead of calculating coefficients from the historical climate data.
- climate_model
Default = NULL. string for climate model (e.g., 'CanESM5')
- climate_scenario
Default = NULL. string for climate scenario (e.g., 'ssp245')
- base_year
Default = NULL. integer for the base year (for GCAM)
- start_year
Default = NULL. integer for the start year of the data
- end_year
Default = NULL. integer for the end year of the data
- smooth_window
Default = 20. integer for smoothing window in years
- diagnostics
Default = TRUE. Logical for performing diagnostic plot
- output_dir
Default = file.path(getwd(), 'output'). String for output directory