Process standard NetCDF files from ISIMIP to country level climate based on crop harvested area from MIRCA2000
- pr_ncdf
Default = NULL. List of paths for precipitation NetCDF files from ISIMIP
- tas_ncdf
Default = NULL. List of paths for temperature NetCDF files from ISIMIP
- timestep
Default = 'monthly'. String for input climate data time step (e.g., 'monthly', 'daily')
- climate_model
Default = NULL. String for climate model (e.g., 'CanESM5')
- climate_scenario
Default = NULL. String for climate scenario (e.g., 'ssp245')
- time_periods
Default = NULL. Vector for years to subset from the climate data. If NULL, use the default climate data period
- output_dir
Default = file.path(getwd(), 'output'). String for output directory
- name_append
Default = NULL. String for name append to the output folder