Map country level yield impacts to GCAM region-GLU level Calculate agricultural productivity change by region GLU Output agprodchange XML
- data
Default = NULL. Output data frame from function yield_shock_projection, or similar format of data
- gcamdata_dir
Default = NULL. String for directory to the gcamdata folder within the specific GCAM version. The gcamdata need to be run with drake to have the CSV outputs beforehand.
- climate_model
Default = 'gcm'. String for climate model name (e.g., 'CanESM5')
- climate_scenario
Default = 'rcp'. String for climate scenario name (e.g., 'ssp245')
- member
Default = 'member'. String for the ensemble member name
- bias_adj
Default = 'ba'. String for the dataset used for climate data bias adjustment
- gcam_version
Default = 'gcam7'. String for the GCAM version. Only support gcam6 and gcam7
- gcam_timestep
Default = 5. Integer for the time step of GCAM (Select either 1 or 5 years for GCAM use)
- cfe
Default = 'no-cfe'. String for whether the yield impact formula implimented CO2 fertilization effect.
- base_year
Default = 2015. Integer for the base year (for GCAM)
- diagnostics
Default = TRUE. Logical for performing diagnostic plot
- output_dir
Default = file.path(getwd(), 'output'). String for output directory