Process multiple models to analyze historical weather variables and crop yields
- climate_hist_dir
Default = NULL. String for path to the processed historical climate data folder
- climate_impact_dir
Default = NULL. String for path to the processed future climate data folder using weighted_climate function
- climate_model
Default = NULL. String for climate model (e.g., 'CanESM5')
- climate_scenario
Default = NULL. String for climate scenario (e.g., 'ssp245')
- historical_periods
Default = NULL. Vector for years to subset from the historical climate data. If NULL, use the default climate data period
- co2_hist
Default = NULL. Data table for historical CO2 concentration in columns [year, co2_conc]. If NULL, use built-in CO2 emission data
- co2_proj
Default = NULL. Data table for projected CO2 concentration in columns [year, co2_conc]. If NULL, use built-in CO2 emission data
- output_dir
Default = file.path(getwd(), 'output'). String for output directory