This function takes in a trained emulator - a structure of class fldgen. This structure contains everything the emulator has learned about the model, and is used to generate new fields of residuals.

generate.TP.resids(emulator, ngen, method = 1)



A trained fldgen temperature precipitation joint emulator.


The number of new fields to generate


The algorithm used to generate new EOF coefficients, defaults to 1.


residgrids = A list of new residual fields, each entry in the list is a new realization, a matrix that is [Nyears x 2 * Ngrid]; the first 1:Ngrid cols are the temperature residuals and columns (Ngrid + 1):(2*Ngrid) are the precipitation residuals.


First, new residuals are generated. The distribution of residuals over time for each variable in each grid cell is N(0,1). These generated residuals are then mapped back to the native distribution for each variable's residuals in each grid cell.