This function takes in a trained emulator - a structure of class fldgen. This structure contains everything the emulator has learned about the model, and is used to generate new fields of residuals. Also taking in a list of generated residual fields and a global average yield, a global gridded mean field is constructed accoring to the input reconstruction_function. The mean field and residual fields are added to return a list of different realizations of full fields.

  tvarunconvert_fcn = NULL,
  pvarunconvert_fcn = exp,
  reconstruction_function = pscl_apply



A trained fldgen temperature precipitation joint emulator.


A list of new residual fields, each entry in the list is a new realization, a matrix that is [Nyears x 2 * Ngrid]; the first 1:Ngrid cols are the temperature residuals and columns (Ngrid + 1):(2*Ngrid) are the precipitation residuals.


A vector (or N x 1 matrix) of global mean temperatures, used to calculate the mean warming response field.


The function to undo any transformation done to the input training data in trainTP to correct the support. This should be the inverse function of the tvarconvert_fcn argument to trainTP. This is stored in a trainTP emulator under emulator$griddattaT$tvarconvert_fcn. Defaults to NULL as temperature typically doesn't need to be transformed to correct the support. WARNING: currently rely on the user to define the correct inverse function here, though we do some checks and throw warnings if it looks like there may be an issue.


The function to undo any transformation done to the input training data in trainTP to correct the support. This should be the inverse function of the pvarconvert_fcn argument to trainTP. This is stored in a trainTP emulator under emulator$griddattaP$pvarconvert_fcn. Defaults to exp() as precipitation is usually log-transformed in ordere to correct the support. WARNING: currently rely on the user to define the correct inverse function here, though we do some checks and throw warnings if it looks like there may be an issue.


A function for constructing a mean field from trained pattern scaling result + a vector of global annual mean temperatures.


A list of: 1) fullgrids = A list of new full fields, each entry in the list is a new realization, a matrix that is [Nyears x 2 * Ngrid]; the first 1:Ngrid cols are the temperature field and columns (Ngrid + 1):(2*Ngrid) are the precipitation field. 2) meanfieldT = the reconstructed, pattern scaled temperature mean field. 3) meanfieldP = the reconstructed, pattern scaled precipitation mean field.