Provides functions to learn the spatial, temporal, and inter-variable correlation of the variability in an earth system model (ESM) and generate random two-variable fields (e.g. temperature and precipitation) with equivalent properties.
The data used in this example can be found in system.file('extdata', package='fldgen')
datadir <- system.file('extdata', package='fldgen')infileT <- file.path(datadir, 'tas_annual_esm_rcp_r2i1p1_2006-2100.nc')
infileP <- file.path(datadir, 'pr_annual_esm_rcp_r2i1p1_2006-2100.nc')
emulator <- trainTP(c(infileT, infileP),
tvarname = "tas", tlatvar='lat', tlonvar='lon',
tvarconvert_fcn = NULL,
pvarname = "pr", platvar='lat', plonvar='lon',
pvarconvert_fcn = log)residgrids <- generate.TP.resids(emulator, ngen = 3)fullgrids <- generate.TP.fullgrids(emulator, residgrids,
tgav = tgav,
tvarunconvert_fcn = NULL,
pvarunconvert_fcn = exp,
reconstruction_function = pscl_apply)
For more examples, see the tutorial vignette (vigentte('tutorial2', 'fldgen')