GCAM v5.2 Documentation: Global Change Assessment Model (GCAM)

Documentation for GCAM
The Global Change Analysis Model

View the Project on GitHub JGCRI/gcam-doc

Global Change Assessment Model (GCAM)

The Global Change Assessment Model (GCAM) is a global model that represents the behavior of, and interactions between five systems: the energy system, water, agriculture and land use, the economy, and the climate. It is used in a wide range of different applications from the exploration of fundamental questions about the complex dynamics between human and Earth systems to the those associated with response strategies to address important environmental questions. GCAM is a community model stewarded by The Joint Global Change Research Institute (JGCRI). This wiki page provides the documentation for GCAM.

An overview of GCAM is available at GCAM Model Overview. The five main systems in GCAM (energy, water, land, economics, and the climate), along with other key considerations in the construction annd use of the model are covered in the following pages.

Special versions or representations of GCAM, including the representation of the Shared Socioeconoomic Pathways (SSPs) in GCAM and the GCAM-USA model are covered in the following pages.

Material on how to get started and use GCAM can be found on the following pages.

GCAM is under continuing development. Informatiion on how this version of GCAM differs from previous versions, along documentation for previous versions can be found on the following pages.