Steps to creating a tseries variable within Hector.

tseries - the basic time series data type

Step One (X.hpp):

  • tseries<unitval> X

Step Two (X.cpp):

In X::init or X::conctructor:

Allow for interpolation  
`X.allowInterp(true); ` 

In X::setData:

if( varName == D_EMISSIONS_N2O ) { H_ASSERT( != Core::undefinedIndex(), "date required" ); N2O_emissions.set(, unitval::parse_unitval( data.value_str, data.units_str, U_TG_N2O ) );

In X::getData:

if( varName == D_ATMOSPHERIC_X ) { H_ASSERT( date != Core::undefinedIndex(), "Date required for atmospheric X" ); returnval = X.get( date );

If setting a new variable, see AddNewVariable

In X::run:

set the variable to a tseries in this order - (runToDate, unitval)
X.set( runToDate, unitval( previous_x + dx, U_GG_X ) );

in order to print to the log file:
H_LOG( logger, Logger::DEBUG ) << "Year " << runToDate << " X concentraion = " << X.get( runToDate ) << std::endl;

Step three

If another component calls this new tseries variable:
X = core->sendMessage( M_GETDATA, D_ATMOSPHERIC_X, message_data( runToDate ) ).value( U_X);