
The GLORY (GLObal Reservoir Yield) model is an open-source Python package designed to optimize water yield for a given reservoir storage capacity while also estimating the economic value of water supply for global river basins. GLORY was built at the Joint Global Change Research Institute at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

The key functions of GLORY are as follows:

  1. Utilize a linear programming (LP)-based algorithm to maximizes annual water yield by considering a monthly reservoir water balance that accounts for inflow, surface water evaporation, reservoir release, environmental flow, return flow, and spills.

  2. Calculate the cost of constructing reservoirs and the prices of water at different reservoir expansion stages across global basins.

The GLORY model streamlines workflows by integrating information on climate, hydrology, water demand, reservoir exploitable potential, and physiography to estimate the water availability and prices of water supply from reservoirs. GLORY identifies the sub-annual regulation capability and associated investment of reservoirs and establishes boundary conditions for basin-level analysis on reservoir management.

Getting Started

New to GLORY? Get familiar with how to install and run GLORY.

New to GLORY

User Guide

The user guide provides in-depth information on the key concepts of GLORY.

GLORY Details


The reference describes the functions and parameters of the GLORY modules.

Module References

Contributing to GLORY

The contributing pages guides you through the process of improving GLORY.

I Want To Contribute

Date: Jul 08, 2024 | Version: 0.1.0

Useful links: Github Repository | Issues & Ideas