We need the tibble to convert and a header tag which can be looked up in the header file to convert the tibble. This method is meant to be included in a pipeline between calls of create_xml and run_xml_conversion. Please see the wiki for more details https://github.com/JGCRI/gcamdata/wiki/XML-Conversion

add_xml_data(dot, data, header, column_order_lookup = header)



The current state of the pipeline started from create_xml


The tibble of data to add to the conversion


The header tag to can be looked up in the header file to convert data


A tag that can be used to look up LEVEL2_DATA_NAMES to reorder the columns of data before XML conversion to ensure they correspond with the ModelInterface header. Note by default the header is used and if given NULL no column reordering will be done.


A "data structure" to hold the various parts needed to run the model interface CSV to XML conversion.


PP March 2017