GCAM v7.1 Documentation: GCAM Development Examples

Documentation for GCAM
The Global Change Analysis Model

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GCAM Development Examples

GCAM Development Examples

FilterStep objects

A FilterStep is the object that GCAMFusion uses to search a single GCAM container’s data vector.  It can optionally specify a data name to match which is compared against the Data::mDataName.  If the data name in the FilterStep is empty it is assumed to match any data name.  

The other optional parameter is a Filter. Filter objects are valid for search targets that are containers for other objects. Such containers are indicated with the ARRAY or CONTAINER flag. If specified, a filter can be used to select any single element of the matched container.  If no filter is specified, it is assumed to be NoFilter, which selects the entire container.  Note that if a Filter other than NoFilter is set, and the matched object is not a container (i.e., has the SIMPLE flag, then the match will be rejected even if the data name matches.  

In addition if no data name and no filter is set then not only does this FilterStep match all data but it also enables special “descendant step” traversal behavior in GCAMFusion where the next FilterStep can be matched zero or more containers down.  This is analogous to the // operator in XPath queries. For example, if a ‘sector’ object has ‘subsector’ children, which in turn have ‘technology’ children of their own, then sector//share-weight will find data named ‘share-weight’ at both the subector and technology levels. It would also find a share-weight object contained in the sector itself if there were any, but in this example there are no such matches; share weights are only defined for subsectors and technologies.

Filter objects

A Filter object allows GCAMFusion to select a subset of a data object that is a container for other objects. The available Filters are:


A predicate is a way to test whether a year, or name, or index, etc matches a value the user was looking for. Currently predicates can only operate on string and int. If a predicate that is doing a string comparison is given an int to match (i.e. called from a YearFilter) it will always return false, and vice versa. The available predicates are:

StringEquals string Tests if the proposition exactly matches a string value.
StringRegexMatches string Tests if the proposition matches a regular expression in the egrep notation.
IntEquals int Tests if the proposition exactly matches an int value.
IntGreaterThan int Tests if the proposition is strictly greater than an int value.
IntGreaterThanEq int Tests if the proposition is greater or equal to an int value.
IntLessThan int Tests if the proposition is strictly less than an int value.
IntLessThanEq int Tests if the proposition is less or equal to an int value.

Constructing filters using a string notation

The parseFilterString utility allows users to construct filters using a convenient text notation, instead of constructing them manually. The rules for constructing the string are:

Writing New GCAM Components

When developing new C++ classes for GCAM, it is important to make them compatible with GCAM Fusion. The next few sections explain how GCAM Fusion is put together, why it was done that way, and what this means for developing new C++ classes.

Background and rationale

To accomplish our goals set out earlier for coming up with a high level API for implementing two-way feedbacks with GCAM we need to:

Our first challenge is that, while we currently have a mapping from XML name to data objects (such as XMLParse, toInputXML, or XMLDB output), it is mostly a manual process replicated in EACH of these cases where it is needed. It would be better if we associated that name just one time together with the declaration of the variable.

We can illustrate this with a pseudocode example. C++ only needs to know what type the data member is and what you will call it in your C++ code, and you specify these things in a member declaration:

class Sector {
    //! Sector name
    string, mName
    //! Sector price by period updated with solution prices.
    PeriodVector<double>, mPrice
    //! subsector objects
    vector<Subsector*>, mSubsectors

For our purposes we want to add an XML – or user readable name. We’d like to do something like this, but C++ doesn’t allow it:

// Not valid C++
class Sector {
    //! Sector name
    string, mName, "name"
    //! Sector price by period updated with solution prices.
    PeriodVector<double>, mPrice, "price"
    //! subsector objects
    vector<Subsector*>, mSubsectors, "subsector"

In addition to the names, we need to be able to loop over the data members so that we could search for some particular member variable.  We need to tie each of these variables together so we can know which variables to loop over:

class Sector {
    DEFINE_DATA(                   // Put all of the member variables in a structure we can iterate over.
        //! Sector name
        string, mName, "name"
        //! Sector price by period updated with solution prices.
        PeriodVector<double>, mPrice, "price"
        //! subsector objects
        vector<Subsector*>, mSubsectors, "subsector"

We also need to be able to know that “subsector” is actually a container of data itself and not just some simple data object.  Thus these containers are identified by name or year, such as /subsector[@name='coal'].  In fact it might be useful to note that the prices too can be filtered too even though it is not a container, such as /price[@year=2010]:

class Sector {
        //! Sector name
        DEFINE_VARIABLE( SIMPLE, string, mName, "name" ),
        //! Sector price by period updated with solution prices.
        DEFINE_VARIABLE( ARRAY, PeriodVector<double>, mPrice, "price" ),
        //! subsector objects
        DEFINE_VARIABLE( CONTAINER, vector<Subsector*>, mSubsectors, "subsector" )

Class inheritance presents an extra challenge. Each subclass is allowed to define its own list of data, which is cumulative with the data defined by its class ancestors.

class PassThroughSector: public Sector {
    // Because a PassThroughSector is also a sector, it has all of the members
	// of a sector, plus the ones we're about to define:
        //! The appropriate sector name for which's marginal revenue should be used
        //! when calculating fixed output.
        DEFINE_VARIABLE( SIMPLE, string, mMarginalRevenueSector, "marginal-revenue-sector" )

In order to treat these subclasses properly, GCAM Fusion will have to splice the lists of data from all the classes in the hierarchy together at run time.  Therefore, we need additional tags to provide the information it needs to do that.

class PassThroughSector: public Sector {
        //! The appropriate sector name for which's marginal revenue should be used
        //! when calculating fixed output.
        DEFINE_VARIABLE( SIMPLE, string, mMarginalRevenueSector, "marginal-revenue-sector" )


The structures in the previous section give us almost all of what we need, but they aren’t actually valid C++. To get compilable code out of this we define a series of macros and use some template meta programming to transform these data definitions into the valid, yet much more, C++ syntax during the compiler’s preprocessing step. The source code at the end of the previous section gets preprocessed into code that looks like this:

class Sector {
    typedef boost::fusion::vector<Data<string, SIMPLE>, Data<PeriodVector<double>, ARRAY>, Data<vector<Subsector*>, CONTAINER> > DataVectorType;
    DataVectorType generateDataVector() {
        return DataVectorType( Data<string, SIMPLE>( mName, "name" ), Data<PeriodVector<double>, ARRAY>( mPrice, "price" ), Data<vector<Subsector*>, CONTAINER>( mSubsectors, "subsector" ) );

    string mName;
    PeriodVector<double> mPrice;
    vector<Subsector*> mSubsectors;

To be clear, all of the code in this block is generated automatically from the input in the previous block; developers never have to handle it directly; they’ll be using the constructs from the last section.

You will notice that we use such classes as Data<string, SIMPLE> and Data<Subsector*, CONTAINER>.  These are just helper structs to let us tie together user facing names as well as potentially other meta data with a reference to the actual data being contained (such as string or Subsector*). Here is how they are defined:

 * \brief Basic structure for holding data members for GCAM classes.
 * \details The idea behind this structure is that every data member
 *          has two important properties: the data itself and a name
 *          used to refer to it (e.g., in XML inputs).  In addition
 *          there may be some additional compile time meta data that
 *          would be useful to generate code or search by in GCAM
 *          Fusion such as the data type or some combination from the
 *          enumeration DataFlags.
 *          This structure makes all of those available for inspection
 *          by other objects and functions.
template<typename T, int DataFlagsDefinition>
struct Data {
    Data( T& aData, const char* aDataName ):mData( aData ), mDataName( aDataName ) {}
    Data( T& aData, const std::string& aDataName ):mData( aData ), mDataName( aDataName.c_str() ) {}
    /*! \note The Data struct does not manage any of it's member variables and
     *        instead simply holds reference to some original source.
    virtual ~Data() { }
     * \brief The human readable name for this data. 
    const char* mDataName;

     * \brief A reference to the actual data stored.
    T& mData;
     * \brief Type for this data item
    typedef T value_type;
     * \brief A constexpr (compile time) function that checks if a given aDataFlag
     *        matches any of the flags set set in DataFlagsDefinition.
     * \param aDataFlag A Flag that may be some combination of the flags declared
     *                  in the enumeration DataFlags.
     * \return True if aTypeFlag was set in the data definition flags used to
     *         define this data structure.
    static constexpr bool hasDataFlag( const int aDataFlag ) {
        return ( ( aDataFlag & ~DataFlagsDefinition ) == 0 );
     * \pre All Data definitions must at the very least be tagged as SIMPLE,
     *      ARRAY, or CONTAINER.
    static_assert( hasDataFlag( SIMPLE ) || hasDataFlag( ARRAY ) || hasDataFlag( CONTAINER ),
                   "Invalid Data definition: failed to declare the kind of data." );

Then the type DataVectorType is a special kind of vector, one that can hold data of varying types, which can be looped over to process data in bulk. These special types of vectors are provided by the Boost Fusion library, which is where GCAM Fusion gets its name. Besides providing providing storage for mixed-type data, these “fusion” vectors allow us to perform algorithms at both compile time and run time.

Note that an instance of the DataVectorType is only created if the generateDatatVector() method is called (which should typically only be called through GCAM Fusion via ExpandDataVector) thus there is no runtime overhead penalty imposed on GCAM except when calling GCAMFusion to search for data.  In addition this implies that all of the changes required to allow for GCAM Fusion need only to be made in the header files by declaring variables as described above.

What to know when writing or updating a GCAM class

As mentioned earlier GCAM Fusion changes the way we declare member variables for GCAM classes.  Some of these changes are simply to associate meta information that the GCAM Fusion tools can utilize to search and traverse the GCAM objects.  Other changes are actually just to ensure we have a uniform approach so that we may generate as much boiler plate code as possible without the need to special case.  Note while it is possible to not follow or utilize and of the GCAM Fusion tools and coding standards and still create valid and usable GCAM objects it is highly discouraged. Although GCAM Fusion was originally developed to facilitate model coupling and feedbacks, we can (and, in development versions of the model, do) take advantage of GCAM Fusion to provide software infrastructure such as automatically generating all XML parsing code, or make several copies of a running GCAM memory space to allow for parallel computation.

Make all DATA definitions protected:

All member variable definitions should be protected instead of private.  It may be the case that PassThroughSector should not have access to change the mPrice of the Sector base class.   Unfortunately if we want to generically join the Sector and PassThroughSector data vectors for introspection via GCAM Fusion the PassThroughSector needs access to the entire Sector data vector.

Using the DEFINE_DATA macros:

We provide a utility header #include "util/base/include/data_definition_util.h" that defines the all of the tools for defining data members.  Generally these will be instantiated by using the following Macros:


These calls are used to wrap all of the class data member definitions.  A user must use the DEFINE_DATA_WITH_PARENT for any class that is derived from a base class.  Even if that base class is abstract with no data members.  The very first argument to the DEFINE_DATA_WITH_PARENT is the name of the direct parent of this subclass for instance:

class Technology: public ITechnology {
    // Define data such that introspection utilities can process the data from this
    // subclass together with the data members of the parent classes.

class TranTechnology : public Technology {

A user then would use DEFINE_DATA in the base class even if it is not going to define and data members.  The first argument to DEFINE_DATA must be a list of the name of the class then all possible subclasses of the class.  Note that classes that do not have any classes derive from them will still use this method and the subclass list will only contain itself.

// Need to forward declare the subclasses as well.
class Technology;
class DefaultTechnology;
class IntermittentTechnology;
class WindTechnology;
class SolarTechnology;
class NukeFuelTechnology;
class TranTechnology;
class AgProductionTechnology;
class PassThroughTechnology;
class UnmanagedLandTechnology;
class EmptyTechnology;

class ITechnology: public IParsedComponent, private boost::noncopyable {
        /* Declare all subclasses of ITechnology to allow automatic traversal of the
         * hierarchy under introspection.
        DEFINE_SUBCLASS_FAMILY( ITechnology, Technology, DefaultTechnology, IntermittentTechnology,
                                WindTechnology, SolarTechnology, NukeFuelTechnology, TranTechnology,
                                AgProductionTechnology, PassThroughTechnology, UnmanagedLandTechnology,
                                EmptyTechnology )

Within the DEFINE_DATA* sections after the declarations related to the subclass tree navigation are the actual data member definitions.  They are listed one after the other separated by commas.  Each definition will use one of the following Macros depending on the nature of that data definition:

class Sector {
        /* Declare all subclasses of Sector to allow automatic traversal of the
         * hierarchy under introspection.
        DEFINE_SUBCLASS_FAMILY( Sector, SupplySector, AgSupplySector, ExportSector,
                                PassThroughSector ),

        //! Sector name
        DEFINE_VARIABLE( SIMPLE, "name", mName, std::string ),

        //! subsector objects
        DEFINE_VARIABLE( CONTAINER, "subsector", mSubsectors, std::vector<Subsector*> ),
        //! Sector price by period updated with solution prices.
        DEFINE_VARIABLE( ARRAY, "price", mPrice, objects::PeriodVector<double> ),

        //! The discrete choice model used to calculate sector shares.
        DEFINE_VARIABLE( CONTAINER, "discrete-choice-function", mDiscreteChoiceModel, IDiscreteChoice* )


This is used to define a member variable that is just a piece of data such as ints, double, string, Value, etc.  More directly, you would want to use this definition tag if the member variable does not contain more data (i.e. /price/logit-exponent isn’t valid) or can’t be filtered (i.e. /name[@year=2020] isn’t valid).


This is used to define a member variable that is an array of simple data such as PeriodVector<Value> or vector<int>, etc.  More directly, you want to use this definition tag if the member variable does not contain more data (i.e. /price/logit-exponent isn’t valid) but can be filtered (i.e. /price[@year=2020] is valid).


This is used to define a member variable that is a container of more data such as Region, Sector, etc (i.e. /discrete-choice-function/logit-exponent is valid).  Note that the variable definition may be a vector, such as with subsector or just a single object such as with discrete-choice-function.  We just use the CONTAINER tag to handle both cases.  The reason is for container they may be filtered by NamedFilter or YearFilter.  If the data being held is vector<Subsector*> for instance this allows us to search only the one that matches the name: /subsector[@name='coal']/share-weight.  If the data isn’t a vector and just a single object it may still make sense to filter by name, such an example would be the climate model /climate-model[@name='hector'].


The data flags can be combined with the vertical bar operator | if associating more tags may be useful.  Note Data must be tagged with one of SIMPLEARRAY, or CONTAINER.  Currently there is only one other flag defined to combine with those other flags: STATE.  In fact it only makes sense to use STATE with SIMPLE or ARRAY.  You should add this flag to any Data definition who’s data will get set during a call to World::calc, as described in Centrally Managed State Variables.


The NOT_PARSABLE flag was added when we switched to automatic generation of the XML parsing. It is used to indicate which Data should not be able to be set via XML parse, such as variables which are model output only. Note, it may also be set in some cases when special parsing behaviors are required as well.

Add your new class to gcam_data_containers.h

Since the GCAMFusion object determines which GCAM objects it will access at runtime it potentially needs to be able to traverse all GCAM objects. Thus we maintain a header file that includes all GCAM objects that DEFINE_DATA that GCAM Fusion may need to access in util/base/include/gcam_data_containers.h. Thus if you add a new class you must also include the header file to your new class in gcam_data_containers.h as well.

Some side effects from the way we have done the data definitions

No more use of smart pointers as data members

These were dropped because it made detecting what the actual data was much more difficult (i.e. the type I need to know is IDiscreteChoice* not std::auto_ptr<IDiscreteChoice*>).  I could try harder if we want to put these back in, it will result in a lot more template specialization and work arounds.  Also note std::auto_ptr is deprecated in favor of std::unique_ptr.

Centrally Managed State Variables

A new feature that is enabled by GCAM Fusion, although otherwise unrelated, is tagging and collecting “state” variables into a central location where they can be managed for the purposes of partial derivative calculations.  By “state” variables we refer to any variable whose value gets set during a call to World::calc.  Such an example would be mPrice of the Sector class as the price of intermediate sectors are dynamically calculated as the share weighted cost of it’s competing inputs.

State variables are of interest since during partial derivative calculations we start from some “base” state, change just one price, re-run the model by calling World::calc with the new price, and record the change in all of the supplies/demands. Then we need to revert back to the base state before we can proceed with the next partial derivative. This state includes more than just the input prices; it also includes all of the intermediate calculations such as demands and market shares.

A naive approach would be to just call World::calc using the original prices from the “base” state.  However such a strategy would essentially double the number of computation required to calculate partial derivatives.  Instead GCAM has code to track and manage state to be able to quickly reset the “base” state when calculating partial derivatives.  However prior to GCAM Fusion this code was strewn throughout the code in many places:

With the changes to central manage state that come along with GCAM Fusion we simplify this to:

The new approach is simpler, and it’s easier to guarantee we didn’t miss something by using DEBUG_STATE.  In addition when running with GCAM Parallel enabled we can allocate a “scratch” space for every thread allowing for each of the ~470 partial derivative calculations to be calculated completely independently and in parallel from each other.  This gives us far greater parallelism than we had previously.

To make this work, developers must tag the Data definitions in classes they are writing with the STATE flag to indicate which member variables are part of the model state.  The type of these variables could in principle be any simple type or array of simple type; however, for simplicity and to provide an object that gives us an opportunity for indirection to swap out the actual location of the underlying data from a central location we have limited state variables to use the Value class:

DEFINE_VARIABLE( SIMPLE | STATE, "price", mPrice, Value )


DEFINE_VARIABLE( ARRAY | STATE, "emissions", mEmissions, objects::PeriodVector<Value> )

By adding the STATE tag it allows us to search, using GCAM Fusion, for all of the objects with that tag.  A new class ManageStateVariables is responsible doing the search as well as all of the other state maintenance as discussed below.  Note that state data is collected each period so as to keep the number of values to store and copy remains reasonable.  To do this we:

Once we know how many state data there are in a period we can allocate space to store the centrally managed data in a two dimensional array.  The first dimension is an entry for each state variable.  The second dimension is for the states, where the first is the “base” state and the rest are “scratch”. Without parallel enabled there is just 1 scratch state. However, when parallel calculations are enabled there is one scratch space for each thread.  

Since we need to be able to quickly copy over scratch state we need to store the data contiguously.  Thus in order to keep several copies of state and quickly replace it is important we keep that total number of state variables to a reasonable amount.  Currently we observe 300,000 to 700,000 double values depending on the model period which is ~ 2 - 5 MB worth of memory per scratch space.

After the central state memory is allocated we loop over each state Value and set a flag to indicate that it is active state and assign it an offset into the centrally managed state.  We also set static variable Value::sCentralValue to point to the centrally managed “base” state.  Thus the Value class will lookup the actual data using:

 * \brief An accessor method to get at the actual data held in this class.
 * \details This method will appropriately get the value locally or the centrally
 *          managed state if the mIsStateCopy flag is set.
 * \return A reference the the appropriate value represented by this class.
inline double& Value::getInternal() {
    return mIsStateCopy ?
        : mValue;

When it comes time to calculate partial derivatives Value::sCentralValue is reset to the “scratch” space (thus the reason to make it static so it may be quickly switched in all Values).  Before each partial is calculated the “scratch” array is copied over with the “base” array using the highly optimized function memcpy:

 * \brief Copies the "base" state over the "scratch" space.
 * \details This method is typically called before starting a partial derivative
 *          calculation which will make changes in the "scratch" space.  Note when
 *          GCAM_PARALLEL_ENABLED the appropriate "scratch" space to reset is identified
 *          as the one assigned to the calling thread via the thread local Value::sCentralValue.
void ManageStateVariables::copyState() {
    memcpy( mStateData[1], mStateData[0], (sizeof( double)) * mNumCollected );
    memcpy( Value::sCentralValue.local(), mStateData[0], (sizeof( double)) * mNumCollected );

Note that with GCAM parallel Value::sCentralValue is a thread local variable thus each variable can be independently set by each thread that is accessing that code.  What this means in practical terms is for instance that the electricity technology Gas CC could have calculated different costs at the same exact time depending on which computation thread is asking.

Once we are done solving the period the ManageStateVariables will loop back over each state Value and reset the mIsStateCopy flag and copy back the “base” state value for long term storage.  Also releasing the memory for the centrally managed state’s arrays.

Ensuring that no state variable is missed

We can check to make sure that not Data definitions were missed being tagged as “state” by enabling the preprocessor flag DEBUG_STATE which will enable checks to flag Values that are changed during a call to World::calc as well as other checks to ensure Values get collected / reset properly.


Generally developers will not need to call this method directly. Instead, it is used indirectly through searches via GCAM Fusion.  It is a utility for ensuring that we get the complete data vector from a data container taking into account the data vectors inherited from any base classes.  Expanding the full data vector is more tricky than it would first appear since we need to be able to determine which SubClass we are dealing with at runtime as we only ever store instances with the Base class pointer (this is typically accomplished with virtual methods). However the return type of each SubClass would be different for each SubClass. Thus we need to use a double dispatch based approach with a visitor that will collect the full data vector. In order for this visitor to be generic it needs to be templated however mixing virtual methods with templated argument is not allowed by the compiler due to possibly infinite method combinations.


A generic templated factory that which utilizes the SubClassFamilyVector to provide two methods:

This class allows us to replace all of the various Factory singleton classes that used to exist in GCAM and is a critical part of the generic XML Parse code generation.

C++11/14 Features:

Some code written in GCAM Fusion take advantage of some new language features. While not always necessary they proved useful. Note this isn’t the full breadth of the new C++11/14 features, just the ones you may find in GCAM Fusion. In addition there are some classes, such as regular expressions, which are also part of the new standard however I will not talk about them since it doesn’t change any language expressions that may be confusing to C++ coders.


You may see variables declared as the auto type. It is however not a type; instead, it allows the developer to elide the variable type and allow the compiler to set the appropriate type at compile time. If the compiler can’t figure it out unambiguously then it will raise an error. This is particularly useful when dealing with templated typedefs and nested or derived types, where the type definitions can get quite complex. For example, it is easier to write and understand:

template<typename SomeKindOfArrayOfContainerType>
void someFunc(ContainerData<SomeKindOfArrayOfContainerType> aData ) {
    // descriptive comment to tell use what is being decalared.
    auto copyOfData = aData.mData.begin()->clone();

Than to write:

template<typename SomeKindOfArrayOfContainerType>
void someFunc(ContainerData<SomeKindOfArrayOfContainerType> aData ) {
    typename boost::remove_ptr<ContainerData::value_type::value_type>::type copyOfData = aData.mData.begin()->clone();


The decltype declaration allows you to copy the type of some other variable. This is useful for deriving other types. For example, this declaration gives the const iterator associated with a container. It isn’t necessary to specify, or even know, the exact type of the container:

typename decltype( mSomeContainer )::const_iterator

Using decltype in the return

For the same reason it is useful to take advantage of decltype you may want to take advantage in declaring a function return type based off of the argument passed in. To do this you need to use some slightly alternative syntax:

template<typename SomeVectorDef>
functionName( SomeVectorDef aVector ) -> decltype( aVector )::const_iterator {
    return aVector.begin();


Closures allow you to construct anonymous functions that capture variables from their immediate environment. They are especially useful in conjunction with algorithm templates from the std::algorithm library, such as find_if.

    int nsub = successors_subgraph.count();
    typename groupset_t::iterator it_sg_ex_srcs =
      find_if(subgroups.begin(), subgroups.end(),
              [nsub] (const groupid_t &g) -> bool {return g.nodes().count() == nsub && g.type == linear;}); 

Likewise, when dealing with structures of unknown and differing types, as might happen when writing a template class or function, we need to use templated functors to deal with each different type:

struct Helper {
    std::string mName;
    Helper(std::string aName):mName(aName) { }
    template<typename SomeClassType>
    bool operator()( SomeClassType aClass ) {
        return aClass->getName() == mName;
boost::fusion::vector<Sector, Subsector, ITechnology> vec(aSector, aSubsector, aTech);
Helper func(aName);
bool isNameCoal = boost::fusion::any(vec, func);

With closures this can be written more simply:

boost::fusion::vector<Sector, Subsector, ITechnology> vec(aSector, aSubsector, aTech);
bool isNameCoal = boost::fusion::any(vec,
    [aName]( auto aClass ) -> bool {
        return aClass->getName() == aName;

The values in the [ ] names the variables from the local scope to be made available in the closure.  Including an & in front of the variable indicates to pass by reference.  Simply providing the & indicates make available all local variables by reference.

Foreach in C++

C++ introduced its version of foreach, which reduces the verbosity of looping over arrays of data. So instead of:

vector<ITechnology*> techs;
for( vector<ITechnology*>::const_iterator it = techs.begin(); it != techs.end(); ++it ) {
    cout << (*it)->getCost() << endl;


vector<ITechnology*> techs;
for( sizt_t index = 0; index < tech.size(); ++index ) {
    cout << techs[index]->getCost() << endl;

We can write:

vector<ITechnology*> techs;
for( const ITechnology* tech : techs ) {
    cout << tech->getCost() << endl;

Note that although this kind of loop is often called a “foreach” loop, in C++ it is invoked with the for keyword.