demeter.change package
demeter.change.expansion module
Land use expansion algorithm.
Copyright (c) 2017, Battelle Memorial Institute
Open source under license BSD 2-Clause - see LICENSE and DISCLAIMER
@author: Chris R. Vernon (; Yannick le Page (
- demeter.change.expansion.apply_expansion(log, c, allregnumber, allregmet, spat_ludataharm, spat_region, spat_met, kernel_vector, cons_data, order_rules, final_landclasses, constraint_rules, transition_rules, land_mismatch, spat_ludataharm_orig_steps, target_change, yr)
demeter.change.intensification module
Land use intensification algorithm.
Copyright (c) 2017, Battelle Memorial Institute
Open source under license BSD 2-Clause - see LICENSE and DISCLAIMER
@author: Chris R. Vernon (; Yannick le Page (
- demeter.change.intensification.apply_intensification(log, pass_number, c, spat_region, order_rules, allregnumber, allregmet, spat_ludata, spat_landmatrix, gcam_landmatrix, yr_idx, d_regid_nm, target_change, spat_ludataharm, spat_met, kernel_vector, cons_data, final_landclasses, spat_ludataharm_orig_steps, yr, land_mismatch, constraint_rules, transition_rules)
There are two ways to expand land covers: 1) on grid-cells where they do exist (intensification, at the expense of contracting land covers) 2) on grid-cells where they do not exist, although preferentially close to grid-cells where the landcover is found (expansion, or proximity expansion) There is a parameter (intensification_ratio) to control the desired ratio of intensification versus expansion. The downscaling first intensifies, until it reaches either that ratio, or the maximum intensification it can achieve. The rest is done by proximity expansion. Target_intensification represents how much we’d like to do by intensification given that ratio.
- Returns:
- demeter.change.intensification.diff_diagnostic(diag_outdir, d_regid_nm, gcam_landmatrix, spat_landmatrix, reg, yr, yr_idx)
Computes the difference between base land use layer and GCAM land use data. The start year represents the difference within observations and subsequent years represent land use change.
- Returns:
- demeter.change.intensification.reg_metric_iter(allregnumber, allregmet)
Create region, metric iterator.
- Returns:
List [[reg_idx, metric_idx], n]