Recent updates
GCAM v5.4: 
Several changes have been made to GCAM since the last release version (v5.3). The key updates are:
- Updated technology costs for electricity and transportation technologies
- Emissions: using CEDS as data source, updated to 2015, new MAC curves
- Trade: improved trade for fossil fuels, forestry, and agriculture
- Included water markets in GCAM-USA
- Energy for water
- New food demand representation
- Solver improvements and library changes
- gcamdata updated to use drake and work with dplyr 1.0.0
- Removed unused code
- Minor updates and bugfixes
- Optional features (not turned on by default):
- Direct Air Capture
- Ability to specify exogenous floorspace pathways
- Ability to scale CH4 and N2O emissions to EPA inventories