GCAM v7.1 Documentation: Using Git with GCAM

Documentation for GCAM
The Global Change Analysis Model

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Using Git with GCAM

Using Git with GCAM

Getting started with Git

GCAM uses the Git version control system to manage the source code and data associated with the model. Therefore, if you’re not already familiar with Git, the first step in getting started with developing for GCAM will be to learn to use it. Here are some resources for getting started with Git:

Git can be used entirely through text commands, but there are also graphical clients available, which provide a point and click interface, along with some visualization capabilities to help you understand how various branches relate to each other.

GCAM repositories

The dev team maintains two GCAM repositories, one internal and one public. The internal one is hosted on PNNL’s Bitbucket Server (accessible only from the PNNL intranet) and is only usable by PNNL staff. The second is hosted on GitHub and is open to anyone.

Both of these repositories serve as a place to distribute the released versions of GCAM and as a place to collect new development that is being considered for inclusion in a future release. The public repository will generally lag a bit behind the internal repository because the public repository contains only those releases which have been tested and approved for distribution, while the internal repository also has candidate releases and experimental features that have not been as thoroughly tested.

PNNL staff should use the internal server. Your project lead will be able to get you write access to the repository, and after that you can push your branch (q.v. creating branches) to the server and open a pull request (q.v. opening pull requests).

Outside users should use the GitHub repository. You will have read access to this repository, but you won’t be able to write to it. Instead, if you want to do development, use the fork button on GitHub to create your own copy of the repository. You will be able to create branches in your copy, and you will be able to open pull requests from your copy back to the main repository.

GCAM Git workflow

GCAM development uses the GitHub Flow workflow. This lightweight process allows us to keep feature developments synchronized, even when multiple development teams are working without active coordination. At the same time, the process is simple enough that it doesn’t add an inordinate amount of development to implement.

Creating branches

When you start to add a new feature, the first step is to create a new branch for your development. Generally, you should branch from the most recent release version of GCAM. This will usually be the most recent commit on the master branch. We have a lot of branches open on the GCAM repository at any given time, so it’s important to keep the branches organized. We use a hierarchical naming scheme with names in the following form:


The first part is a user identifier, so everyone knows whom to talk to if they have questions about the branch. For branches on Bitbucket, use your initials for this part. For branches on GitHub, use your GitHub username. The branch type is a descriptor indicating what the purpose of the branch is. The most common types are feature, for new features, and bugfix for fixing bugs. Other types include paper (changes to support a paper you’re writing), project (changes supporting a long-running project), or experimental (speculative development that may or may not eventually be adopted). The final component is a descriptive name that gives an idea of what kind of work you’re doing on the branch. You’ll have to type this fairly frequently, so don’t make it too long.

Opening pull requests

Once you’ve made some progress on your development, you will want to open a pull request. Notionally, a pull request is a proposal to merge changes from your branch into another branch (usually the master branch). However, opening a pull request also provides other developers with an opportunity to review your code and give feedback, so you don’t have to wait until your code is ready to go before you open one. Open a pull request as soon you have some progress to share. On GitHub, pull requests can be marked as drafts, indicating that they are not yet ready to merge. Bitbucket doesn’t have an equivalent feature, so if a pull request is not ready to merge, it’s a good idea to add the tag WIP (“work in progress”) to the description when you create it. Otherwise the process is similar between the two platforms.

Once you have opened the pull request, you will probably get some feedback from other developers. Push additional commits to your branch addressing the feedback or continuing the development, and they will automatically be added to the pull request. Eventually, when your development is complete, you should mark your pull request as ready to merge. Before the branch can be merged, you will have to write a change proposal (q.v. GCAM Review Process).

Other tips